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    A very good morning out there to all from beautiful, sunny Europe and welcome to all our new friends,

    Thanks ever, ever, ever so much for all your input, we really couldn't do this without each other, I am ever so grateful for having met you all and that is truly from the bottom of my heart.

    Start of AF day 13 for me today, I have decided that I will not go to my social outing today as it would be too dangerous. and we have to do what is best for ourselves at this point in time, so once again no temptation for me today.

    I have to run as the kids are all fighting and squabbling over goodness knows what already, then there will be the laundry, cleaning, etc. hopefully I can come back and check in later on.

    Mixed my powder with juice today and it was sooooo much better than with the mineral water, thanks ever so much for everybodys suggestions and help.

    Now the kids are all looking over my shoulder to see what I'm up to....... typical, got to go.

    Have a great day and good luck to all. For those of us who weren't feeling too well yesterday I hope that today you are feeling a bit better and wishing us all the best of luck in achieving our goals today.

    Love you all,

    Bluesky XXX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    checking in

    May 1-4 AF
    May 5-8 OFf
    May 9-Present AF

    Hi all

    I agree with Bluesky. The support we get here is very helpful. And bluesky, if you need to stay away from those dangerous events for now, so be it. Health is more important.

    I feel pretty good now but sleep is still erratic. I want to spend my time doing things that are positive and which I enjoy instead of sitting at home with a bottle of wine.

    Has anyone checked out the 30 days thread? It's really cool, looks like a lot of people have done 30 days.

    Still up for hitting 30 days. I think a month is a good stretch to get this out of your system and think about what you really want in life and move away from bad habits.



      Hi all,
      A nice morning here and hangover free. I think I'm going to try and switch my schedule around a bit today. I usually try and get everything done early so I have the eve to relax,and you know what that means.Congrats if you made it through Friday and if you didn't try try again. More later. Bird



        Hi Bluesky & Nancy: You both sound so grateful & hopeful. I am too. I just put my 4th zero in DrinkTracker for yesterday. I feel so great, even though I don't sleep too well (I never have actually...that's one of the many reasons I used to give myself permission to drink).

        I find that when the alcoholic, hangover, guilt fog lifts, my emotions seem very sharp. My husband (a really great guy) seems incredibly annoying. I've been dealing w/the important issues & letting the little ones go. That seems the right thing to do.

        Anyhow, I got through a Friday AF. Usually when I don't have much planned, I stash a bottle & swig from it all night. I didn't do that yesterday & I was fine.

        Good luck everyone out there.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

          Hi Bird: I do chores early too, so that I can be "free" later. Free for what? Drinking.
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

            Hi ALL Just a quick check-in as loads to do with the kids. WOW is all I can say so far - what positive feedback today, we have all done so well. I relate to all of you 100% it's amazing it's like we are one big genetic family! Bird, congrats. glad to see that you are feeling better (we can't feel great all the time, can we?). Nancy and Retteacher, congrats. also, have you not tried the Calme Forte Sleeping Aid that comes with the programme, it's herbal, so not strong and it's meant to work. You can't possibly be functioning properly without your sleep. I'm finding that exercise helps a lot, even a brisk walk, any time the temptation strikes just try get out, even if it's just to take a few deep breaths, once that initial pang has gone you are all the way! (until the next one that is!).

            My family are keeping me going (and my other family also of course), they are starting to get their old "wife" "Mum" back - I was lost for a long time. They are so happy, so grateful, it's heartbreaking to see - Long may this continue.

            Nancy, yes the other 30 day thread is great - but I personally could never say "30 days" it just makes me panic, that's why I haven't set myself any goals, just one day at a time. Once again Nancy I love the way you count your days, I don't think it's correct to put the counter all the way back to 0.

            Thanks for all the feed back on the weight issues, yes I will just have to be patient, I'm feeling positive again as I have started to go down again on the scales - yahoooooo.

            Good Luck and maybe talk later. KEEP BUSY!

            BS XX
            It is easier to stay out than get out.

            Mark Twain


              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

              Hi all -- I've planned some closet cleaning and some grocery shopping. Generally taking it easy on myself as the healing process does it's work. Tired early last night and slept well.

              reteach WTG! I'm just a day behind you, still not quite mentally 'sharp' but no hangovers, yay! and I am planning a day. There is something so satisfying about filling in that daily tracker with 0!

              Have a great Day

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                Good morning all,

                I'm in a good mood this morning. That's a rarity, especially this early. I had a really successful week (5 days AF). Didn't think that was possible! Went to dinner last night with friends and had three glasses of wine. The fourth was beckoning me, but I said NO! So I woke up this morning with no residual guilt. Instead, I felt so glad that I was able to end my week by being in control. MYO is such a great program--especially this website. I am so glad to be able to connect with all of you and share my feelings and concerns about alcohol in an honest manner. I'm feeling optimistic today.

                Bluesky--Congrats on 13 days AF, and I can totally relate to a funfilled day of kiddie activities. We're off to soccer in just a bit.

                Nancy--Congrats on 9 days AF! Like Bluesky, I'm also afraid of 30 days AF. It seems too daunting right now. Five days AF last week felt like success. Baby steps. But you go for it. We'll all be here cheering you on!

                Bird--Congrats on your hangover-free morning. I know what you mean about changing your routine around. It definitely helps to have a plan!

                Reteacher--Congrats on 4 days AF. I use the drinktracker too. I need the visual aid. It's been a big help. And I have sleep issues as well and justified a lot of my drinking for that reason. For the past few months I've been using Lunesta which is a big help, but am considering something more natural. First, I have to get several weeks of more AF days than not.

                Padme--I agree with adding zeroes to the drinktracker. It gives me a little rush. I'm going to tackle some housecleaning today too.

                I'm going to take your advice, Bluesky, and keep busy tonight. I'm going to cook something new, do some housework, and finally read a book I picked up last week. Good luck everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!



                  NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                  Hi everyone, just a quickie as busy weekend. Day 20 for me today and feel great. Sleeping good and sticking to cd programme - its definitely helping me to relax which is something at the moment. Be strong everyone, its worth it. Great to hear from Amanda! Best wishes and have a great Saturday, Janice
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                    I haven't lost any weight yet!


                      NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                      Hi everyone,

                      I'm feeling pretty good today, although sleep is still a bit of a problem (think I'll try some of that Rooibos tea) I've started my diet today and so far so good. I've been substituting the sugar I usually get from alcohol with chocolate and cakes, which I don't usually eat, I've always had more of a savory tooth, so I'm not keen on the extra weight but rather that than the old madness!

                      Feeling a little bit naughty today but in a good way. My boyfriend wanted to go the pub to watch the FA cup final with the lads so I cajoled him into taking me to see some riding schools this morning. It's something I've always wanted to do and now we live in the countryside I thought I'd treat myself. It's also a way of motivating myself to get control of the drinking, wouldn't want to "drink and ride". So he got to watch the match and I got some lovely riding boots and a crop. Maybe I like football after all!!

                      Have a good day everyone, well done to all of you with your af days and good luck to any of you with social events.

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                        NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                        I've eaten so much ice cream and garbage all day I feel sick. Also very irritable and tired. Worked like crazy around the house today and didn't drink at least but still sicky oh,oh. Bird


                          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                          Hi all. Day eleven AF for me (and my hubby)! What a fun day we had, started out on the chat line w/three fun gals and my hubby traded quips with one gal as they are from neighoring countries. LOL

                          Then we went shopping. OH BOY, shopping. Joe had just bought a new motorcyle (which he is learning to drive1) What a ride home!!! Anyway, I bought a new leather jacket for me....matching fringes to the bike ;O) And we both got matching helmets, and odds and ends....oh boy expensive. But hey, considering we spent over $20/day on booze and we aren't....we deserve it and CAN Afford it!

                          We are going to a dance tonite, a byob, so pop and flavored water for us! Our first outing with people who don't know we quit drinking.

                          See u later. Oh, and I bought some of that Rooibos tea, also. Everyone keeps touting it so have to keep up with the Jones, don't u know :bigwink:


                            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                            Me neither...I gained a pound!



                              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 19

                              Day 21 for me. Feeling pretty good, a little tired. Funny headache just one one side and to the back. Feels like someone is sticking a pin in my head. Was craving wine on the drive home, then decided I really wanted sweets, then ice cream. Couldn't find Rooibos tea - I thought Celestial Seasonings made some, but none at my local store. Finally bought diet ice cream sandwiches, plus some healthy stuff. I'm feeling antsy. Hubby not home. Guess I'll walk the dog. Bye!
                              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams

