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Day 1

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    Day 1

    Well, it's 5:30 p.m. my time and I just got out of bed. Guess what I was doing last night?

    Anyway, I've been lying in bed all day with my laptop Researching "My Way Out", (I had never heard of this before)...

    Sign me up baby, I'm ready. I quit once before for around 6 months (all it took was one drink and bam! I was back to my old habits).

    AA is not for me, but I like everything I have been reading here on this forum, It's really encouraging to see a community of people helping each other out in this way. I would appreciate a shout from anyone who want's to offer me some encouragement.

    I'll be doing some more reading, ordering the book... Heck, I'll even order those Hyno CD's... although I am pretty skeptical about that stuff. (soothing monotone dialog over cheesy new-age music generally makes me want to break things) ;}

    Looking forward to feeling better soon.

    Day 1

    music man~

    Welcome! You will get lots of support here. Glad to have you on the site.

    All the best,


      Day 1

      Music Man
      I already like you, good sense of humor. Welcome.
      Not much I can add. You are already doing what you need to be doing. Just keep posting and reading. This place is a great support system.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Day 1

        Thanks for the replies!

        Just knowing there are some people out there that can relate to what I'm dealing with is great!

        Lucky- That image is just plain wrong ;}


          Day 1

          Hi Music man and welcome!
          you are where I was a mere fortnight ago which now feels like a lifetime. i read the book and it turned my life around, and it can work for you too. My supps have arrived and i'm reading everything I can lay my hands on to do with quitting. I recommend Allen Carrs book and I'm presently reading Dry by Augusten Burroughs which is an entertaining read. Good to have a bit of light relief on the subject of going sober.
          I elected not to take the Topamax, but you may want to. Are you a musician ? because in that proffession you are probably exposed to lots of bars, etc. and temptation may be harder tio resist??
          I'm waiting on my CD's, a little sceptical also, but other than the Topa I'm following the MWO to the letter. It gives me sonmething to hang my hat on, something to really focus on. I find the structure helpful.
          This forum is a Godsend, Mucic Man. I go on it every day so I don't feel alone. The only person I have confided in is my husband ,oh, and all my cyber friends at MWO. My husband doesn't think I have a drinking problem, but he's wrong, I do and so does he. But we all have to be ready in our own time to recognise that we have lost cdontrol and need to regain it back again.
          Good luck to you. Keep us posted and try the drink tracker page to monitor your progress.
          Jane :heart:


            Day 1

            Hi Jane,

            Wow, very encouraging.

            To answer your question, I actually write music for a living, so I don't have to be in a bar environment unless I choose. But I work from home and set my own hours which has made it a little too easy for me to drink whenever I feel like it, and now my productivity is going to crap. I should love my job, but instead it's starting to feel like a grind. If I don't get sober I'm going to ruin my career...

            I'm not sure about the Tompamax yet, but I'm will to try anything if it helps. I tried Kudzu before and it didn't help at all with the cravings, it just made me get drunk quicker... (I was wasted after 3 drinks but drank 9 more for good measure

            My wife definitely knows I have a drinking problem (although she would have denied it a few years ago), and I know she will support me in my efforts to stay sober, (but not to the point where she stops drinking herself).

            I put a big zero in the drink tracker page for today, I can't wait to see a bunch more. I printed out the book, and will read it tonight, I've never been to good at following structure (I prefer the improvisational approach to life), but I'll give this a sincere try. Yes, this forum is great! I've been reading a lot of inspiring stuff.
            Talk to you soon


              Day 1

              wish you luck

              one day at a time...
              6 months of abstinence from alcohol is good going though!
              Im in fashion business - similar circumstances to you I guess - lots of drinking, etc..
              My problem is that I know that if I carry on buring candle at both ends...I will burn out.
              My husband is just as bad as me. We do have a great time together though... but we both know our lifestlyle - if we carry on..will destroy us mentally and physically!
              Ive known I've had a problem for some time - last year tried to attend AA meeting - the guy leading the meeting was someone who knew me (people recognise me for who I am in my business) - hence not so anonymous - this pissed me off immensly - felt extremely annoyed that I could not get support -
              This site seems to be a great place ...I've done one day so far...


                Day 1

                Welcome music man,

                I am new to MWO also, but I have read enough to know that we are doing the wise thing. It isn't easy, but it is for the best. Reading other's trials and struggles is what has made me realize I am going to continue.

                Best wishes!

                bon vivant
                Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain


                  Day 1

                  Hi Music Man, welcome. I like to paint, I used to think that drinking made me more creative. It hasn't worked out that way for me. I hardly paint at all anymore, it has made me depressed. I am on day 3 and am starting to feel pretty good. I have a canvas waiting for me in my art room. Maybe soon. Buffy


                    Day 1

                    Music Man---I'm right with you---one and it is all over!!! I am just starting too!
                    Let's get a dialogue going! Soloman


                      Day 1

                      Hi Music Man, I am going to try Day 1 tomorrow. It is so hard when you work from home... I was doing that today and drinking as well. Great for you for putting a zero in the drink traker today !!! Hopefully I can do that tomoorrow. I will check in with you to see how you are doing!!! My husband has no idea how much I drink...I really need to quit. Talk to you soon.


                        Day 1

                        Hi you newbies and welcome

                        I've been here since February and want to tell you that this programme works. I have done the whole thing exactly as per the book; supps, hypno and topamax ordered on line. (no Drs, bad girl) It has been amazing. i was a mess before. i had 45 days alcohol free and now drink 2 glasses of wine 3 days a week. My life is totally different.

                        the people here are great and are completely non judgemental. read everything and ask as many questions as you can. The chat is great too.

                        pick and choose what works for you - moderate, abstain completely, try different elements of the programme. everyone has their own way and there is no "right" way.

                        There is a huge amount of support here and YOU WILL BE OK

                        Rip x


                          Day 1

                          Yep! What Ripley said.:welcome:


                            Day 1

                            Music Man, just sayin howdy, and make yourself to home! There are all sorts here, we have all different kinda lives...BUT we all have a common purpose, and common enemy-too much alcohol. Post whatever you are thinking, and post it often! Hope to hear from you soon
                            Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                              Day 1

                              Hey Music Man, welcome! I'm just starting out too and it's great to have so many people to do this thing together with.

