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Day 1

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    Day 1

    Hi all!

    I logged on tonight and was blown away by the new replies. I'm overwhelmed.

    I Successfully made it through day 3! Day 3 is usually the day I cave in, and it wasn't actually that tough this time (although definitely more so than the last 2)

    I had to go run some errands today, and it seemed like every liquor store and bar had a beacon on it, each one tuned to a homing device in head It's amazing how many places I know where to stop and grab some booze if I'm out and about... Went to the health food store and stocked up on Vita's instead. That calming powder stuff (magnesium) works good (tastes pretty bad, but hey that never stopped me from drinking lots of other things)

    I was pretty manic today... pacing and fidgeting, lots of body energy, weird tingly feelings all over, not necessary unpleasant, but I can tell my body chemistry is going through lots of changes... Getting sober is a trip.

    Nice to meet you bon vivant, soloman, mollydog! Glad to meet some more people just starting out... and all of you "old timer's" too

    Buffy, I fell into that trap too. I used to smoke pot years ago, I came up with some great ideas (or at least they seemed so at the time), but I could never remember them later...


      Day 1

      Welcome to the Board! Finding this site and these wonderful people have helped me tremendously. Going from a bottle a night of wine, hiding what I drank.. it was awful. I'm doing much better now with the help of these fine folks and taking the supps. Last night I I am back to the drawing board once more. But, we can all get through this together.


        Day 1

        Hello Music man. I like the name. You sound soooo positive and that is great. Enjoy the change your body is going through and be very proud of yourself. Bella xxx


          Day 1

          Great going Music Man...proud of you !


            Day 1

            Ha too with the pot as well....I wrote down what I was thinking one night just to prove to myself what a genius I was, I read it in the morning and was shocked at how insane it really sounded. It was kind of dissapointing but cured me of my delusions. Hope you're doing well, day 4 for me.....! Buffy


              Day 1

              Hi MM: I'm pretty new here too...I've been a member since April. I haven't been perfect but have really improved. I like DrinkTracker. It helps to see a printed version of my progress. For me, the triggers are elusive & mysterious. Sometimes it's only a thought that occurs to me & I act on it (maybe days after it happens). Sometimes it's being in the presence of booze (a dinner). Anyhow, keep going. Discover your triggers & counteract them. Good luck!
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Day 1

                Welcome Musicman and all others new to MWO. Sounds like we have a lot of creative souls joining the boards and I love the energy from you all! I too have paint canvases in the 'art room' (aka the garage!) but unfortunately they've been there for about 6 years - however, it's on my list of 'things to do now I'm sober' so maybe this summer will be my opportunity - if the inspiration keeps coming from threads like this I'll hopefully get over the hurdle

                Diverman - I learned to dive in Cyprus so you raised fond memories! - miss it and the people ...

                Congrats to all on the AF days and the motivation - whether going for mods or abs or undecided, hopefully this site and the wonderful people here will help you achieve your goals. :l to all!
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Day 1

                  7 days without a drink y'all!

                  I just posted a longer post on general discussions, but I just wanted to say thanks everone! I definitely couldn't have done it without all of your support! It's so great to meet so many many freindly, creative, warm-hearted people.


                    Day 1

                    Great stuff MusicMan - that's great, more power to you! I'm day 5 and it's Saturday - man it's hard not to drink on the weekend. I just keep reminding myself of you all here and that's keeps my will power up so thanks so much!

                    That's awesome Arial about the diving - who did you learn with?


                      Day 1

                      Yeah Music Man! And Yeah me - MM we started our AF days together last Sat after our Fri hangover. I can't keep up with everyone but am glad you made it. On to next week..


                        Day 1

                        Welcome Music Man
                        Soak up this place like a sponge, try to follow the program, and soon you will start feeling like your brain is slowly being re-wired away from where it's been for so long.

                        I was skeptical too about the cd's but they really help.

                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

