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Newbies in Need Day 20

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    Newbies in Need Day 20

    Hi everyone. Its a beautiful sunny morning here in the south of England, gorgeous! Its so lovely to get up feeling full of energy and ready to tackle the day! Day 21 for me and I feel so much better this week. The reading and the cds have definitely helped my mind, and I am finding I have no cravings or desire to drink. Last night my husband sat with his couple of glasses of wine and I actually found myself enjoying my schweppes!!! This time it feels different, other times I would have kept looking at his wine, wishing for it, beating myself up, do I have one, don't I? Reading Allen Carrr's book though as made me realise that I was trying to do it with "willpower" and that way its very likely you end up caving in as you feel so deprived. It certainly opened my mind as to what alcohol is and does to us. At this moment in time, I am so pleased with my progress, and how I am feeling, I ask myself - why would I want to go back when I feel like this? Good luck for today everyone and be strong no matter what your goal is. Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need Day 20

    Janice thanks for starting us off today and Hi everyone. We had a beautiful day here in France yesterday, but today it's pretty grey. We normally come behind you with the weather so hopefully it will be a sunny, BLUESKY day tomorrow. Congratulations on day 21, you are doing amazing. I cannot yet imagine sitting watching someone else drinking their wine, but I'm working on it. Have read Roberta's book, started the supps and the CDs, so lot's to work on for the mom. I'm managing to stick to my diet (even though no real results yet - but you guys are all telling me to have patience so that's keeping me going) I'm swimming daily and yesterday started power walking/jogging and can hardly move myself today but am determined to get some more exercise today even though I just go for a brisk walk. Will order Allen Carr's book Monday. Start of day 14 AF for me, nor problems so far but haven't dared put the temptation there yet. Mother's day here today and my youngest picked up a bottle of my favourite drink "champagne" in the S/M yesterday for our celbration and I told him to put it back, so I suppose that was a victory, so yeah, I'm doing OK for the time being!

    Got to run, the family are joining me as I go to burn off some cals. with them and they are all waiting. Thanks everybody for being here and good luck for another new day, be strong and keep busy. LUA,

    BS XX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


      Newbies in Need Day 20

      still there but struggling

      May 1-4 AF
      May 5-8 off
      May 9-18
      May 19 off
      Back ON todeay

      I had great intentions when I went to a social event but gave in to drinking yesterday.

      It's ok, back on the horse again. This probably will be the only regular open event I will be attending, you know I mean checking in every day. Also, when i set out on this i had doubts about whether i could do 30 days in a row.

      It's tough when you cave in. It was hard yesterday though. Also I am reading about cravings and it is good to have a little of what you crave. no disasters for me yesterday.

      Cheers everyone. Will see this to end-may then maybe see what to do at that point.


        Newbies in Need Day 20

        Hi Janice and everyone, good for you day 21 !

        I couldn't imagine sitting watching someone else drink, I am fortunate my hubbie doesn't drink at all, so no alcohol in the house to tempt me.

        I posted a thread here about drinking alcohol free lager, wine etc, and some said it was fine. So I have started drinking 'Kaliber' (UK) and I like it, the trouble is the supermarket where I buy it - morrisons - stock it right in the middle of - yep, you guessed it - the alcohol aisles !!!!!!!!

        Can you imagine it, I asked one of the staff if they could place it at least on the end of the alcohol aisles - he replied'it comes from head office where we place it' - So I firmly asked him to pass on my comments about people who may have problems with alcohol etc and can he pass on that it should be at the end of aisle at least!

        He said 'OK' but I doubt it.

        Even though it is alcohol free (less than 0.05%) and a soft drink called 'shandy' (less than 0.5%) my daughter aged 12 cannot buy it for me, but she can buy the shandy?
        I wanted her to go down the aisle or pop in on her way home - but no, she can buy the one with higher percentage though.

        I still count myself as AF because they are AF technically, and they haven't made me want the 'real' stuff.

        So I am 26 days today.
        Just believe - that's all you have to do



          Newbies in Need Day 20

          RE newbies in need day 19 - Nancy and Julie001 - and anyone else who is struggling with the weight issue, don't despair I went up in weight last week as well and it is a downer, but you guys all told me to have patience which is what I did, and it's coming off again slowly, but surely, so hang in there and try to exercise a bit.
          PS - There is a thread on weekly weight loss which is a big help, check it out and join in, it's great.

          Nancy you are doing great, you just had a weak moment but now you are right back on track today, congrats! You have got it all worked out and you are doing super. Angelinna, how frustrating! you should write to Head Office complaining as you really do have such a valid point. Personnaly I haven't tried the non-alco stuff as for me I just don't see the point as it wouldn't give the buzz and would probably add caleries as well, but that's just me. I'm boring and just drink sparkling water. Janice the blue skys have reached France yay, off to sit by the pool with my mineral water. Love to all.

          BS XX
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            Newbies in Need Day 20

            Hi everyone,

            Well I blew it last night and for the first time in 26 days I actually over did it and got drunk. Don't remember going to bed and I have an absolutely stinking headache today.

            I had been af for 6 days like I was last weekend so it was a reward drink but to be honest I didn't even enjoy it and I feel very stupid today.

            I've only drank 5 days out of the last 26 so I don't know why I don't just give up completely and quit it with these silly reward drinks.

            My partner said he sat up with me a bit last night and I can't remember it at all. He is such an angel though and I am very lucky to have him. He bought me painkillers in bed, made me a bacon sandwich and is now cooking a sunday roast. He hasn't once admonished me for last night bless him. He knows I am trying and forgives my little slips.

            I forgive myself too but gosh I do feel rough.

            Have a good sunday everyone, I'm very proud of all your af days and well done to all of you who are moderating.

            I'll check in again later when I'm feeling a little less rough.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              Newbies in Need Day 20

              Just come in from the garden, got loads done as been out there since 10 a.m. This is a true test cause there's nothing more I love, after a day's gardening, than a 'couple' of bottles of lager (i know, I'm a wine girl otherwise!!) but theres something about gardening that just makes me fancy a few lagers when I come in!! Now I say couple/few but I would probably have had about 6-7 bottles of kronenburgs. Today I've come in and got the ironing out and then prepared dinner! Unimaginable! Anway, Bluesky you're doing so well, day 14 excellent and you sound so motivated with the programme and exercise. Let me know what you think of the cds. Angellina, you too - great stuff. Have you tried that new schweppes drink advertised on tv in the uk? 'A soft drink for adults' i think its called 'Straightcut' - the pomegranate and blueberry is delicious! Nancy and Kitty - it is hard but keep going, you can do this 5 out of 26 days is amazing Kitty - try treating yourself to a new dress etc as a reward??? Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and if you are struggling, don't be too hard on yourself - just write today off and remember, tomorrow is Monday - a great day for a fresh start. Janicexxx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Newbies in Need Day 20

                Mornin All -- yikes i'm inspired! gardening, exercise --bluesky WTG on putting the champagne back. Had a wee bit of panic yesterday, not an actual craving, more fear of failure and that actually got me through -- I wasn't going to fail again, at least for yesterday. WTG on 21 days Janice!

                My garden is finally flowering -- I love the sunflowers.
                Wishing you all success and a wonderful day.

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                  Newbies in Need Day 20

                  Hi Everyone: Very busy weekend w/grandsons here overnight. Fun but tiring. Just put my 5th zero into DT. Well into day 6 AF. Sometimes think & plan about alcohol but generally doing fine turning my thoughts away.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in Need Day 20

                    Hi all'
                    A busy day with the kids and A.F. I am wore out. Think I will start an excersise program tomorrow. It seems to help. Bird


                      Newbies in Need Day 20

                      Hi everyone. What happened to the 30 day thread? I was going for 30 and almost slipped yesterday and just barely made it through the evening. I went to do a 3 day mediation retreat and it turned out to be a work weekend and I have so much work to do here at my barn. I'm so I went home yesterday and went straight to work. I'm used to pouring myself beer from the keg and smoking and putting music on, and having a good time while working and boy did I miss it! It was HARD! But I kept thinking of the 30 day thread that I was going to post on today and then it's not here. Oh well, I'm glad I didn't drink. Day 12 AF for me. I'm mudding and sanding the floors, getting ready to paint. Its dirty work sure would be nice to have a beer. But I'm not going to. I'm going to have my hubby take me out to a nice dinner tonight, I deserve a treat. He's getting high though, going fishing, drinking beer, perhaps I should just go visit a friend. I just forgot why I decided to go on that retreat. Oh well, damn, sometimes it's just damn hard to stay strong isn’t' it.


                        Newbies in Need Day 20

                        Hi everybody, reading other people feel like me makes me feel a bit better, but sad as well because i know how horrible it is. today is my first day not drinking in ages, i feel so terrible, i have decided that i am going to sort myself out, i am to young an life is to short. I have been given loads of chances but always blow it. I had a massive row with my family, got stressed an went on the computer, typed. drinking,help. I didnt think i was going to get anywhere but came across the site straight away.


                          Newbies in Need Day 20

                          HI everyone
                          Monday in Auz sounds like you girls are very motivated, I think i have replaced my craving for alcohol with a craving for loging on here, not really into computers very much, but havnt been off most of weekend.21 days can not imagine it, always think i can manage to moderate then bam, cant remember what happened and do the old never again.
                          you girls are an insperation. keep it up...
                          ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                            Newbies in Need Day 20

                            Hi everyone,

                            Had a very busy day today (lots of kids stuff for me, too) and am just exhausted tonight. I'm really getting used to this not drinking alone at home part of the plan (so far). I wasn't even tempted tonight. Although, I do have to confess to two martinis at lunch with girlfriends. At least they were itty bitty drinks. Don't be too tough on yourself for slipping Nancy and Kitty. Start fresh tomorrow with renewed conviction and remember you are having many successful days! I also purchased some AF wine from the internet. It was actually not bad. I'm having a few friends over for snacks and wine this week and, my wine glass will be filled with 3/4 the AF stuff with a splash of the real thing. Have a successful week moderating. Keep in touch.


