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A little about me
A little about me
Hello all. I am a 36 year old male from Columbus Ohio.I am posting this 2 days post girlfriend who lives in Dayton came here Sunday afternoon and picked me to save me from being arrested for drunk and disorderly.she is a few years older than me and has never seen me drunk before let alone blacked out psychotic.Anyways my last bender was pretty shameful and hopefully not tragic. I was sick all weekend I started to feel better sat night so I decided to have a drink with my dad.he is alcoholic but not nearly as bad as me anyways we had a few he went to bed but not me I stayed up passed until 11am I think then drove to a local bar got my car stuck in a ditch there local patrons pushed my car out with the help of a wench which I need to return.anyways I left there went home thankfully gave my keys to my sister,everyone tried to get me to lay down,naturally I knew best I walked out went to the local convince store bought beer walked to the local creek drunk there used my phone as a radio I dropped my beer in the creek jumped in and got it out went home punched my car messed up my hand called my gf she picked me up and nurse me back to health. I called off work yesterday. Just started the job with a good manufacturing company as a general laborer. I had a alcohol problem since I was 19 first time I got drunk I was arrested . I am a binge drinker I went 7 years without a drink.i do have Antabuse which is a godsend but it takes more than that I just quit taking it a week before but I will stay on it now but I need counseling. I can share more I need to go I have to go to columbus I am sorry if this was hard to read I typed it on a phone.i just want to share some about me.Tags: None
A little about me
Welcome, Jsioh.
Please come back and share some more. We are glad you found this forum because we can relate to your life. Now that your head is starting to clear... are you on Day 2 of being off of beer?.... what do you want in your future? It sounds like there are a lot of good things in your life: a girl friend, a new job... it's time to protect those good fortunes.
:hug: Patty"God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down." :hug:
A little about me
Welcome - you've come to a great place for support, understanding and great advice. Obviously you can live without al, you've done that. It's just time to do that all the time! I finally stopped drinking (>2 months w/no booze - the longest in more than twenty years!) with the help of all the great people here.
Go to the Newbies Nest thread - it's very active and you'll see many stories that will resonant with you. Also, check out the Toolbox under the Monthly Abstinence thread - lots of help there.
Life will get so much better for you. Sounds like you have a great girl too!
Hang in there - we're here for you.Mary Lou
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
A little about me
Welcome Jsioh,
I agree with the others; please do come back and share more of your story. How did you manage 7 years sober and what made you go back to drinking? Have you set an appointment up yet with a counselor? I find that counselling really does help - and nudges you in the right direction.
This site is amazing too - and glad you found us.
A little about me
I'm glad that you realize counseling is key. My psychiatrist prescribed me the anti-craving drugs acamprosate and baclofen, but with the caveat that I see the therapist that also works in his office on a regular basis. I think that's why rehab fails so often. Everything is coming up roses when you get out of rehab, but when you realize your problems are still there, I think in many cases it's easier to go back to drinking than to work through your problems. In a few cases, some people have been successful at working through their problems themsevles, but those are the exception and not the rule.
Welcome, and best of luck to you.In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased
A little about me
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.
I guess when it comes to my drinking I always drank to get drunk. I am very polite resevered and quiet when I do not drink but when I do total transformation. Of course I suffer from euphoric recall but I overshoot the mark and get sloppy. I grew up in a substance abusing home my parents always loved us , provided for us, but they were alaways in the bottle or pills. So it effected us. Sadly 3 years ago my mom passed away at 58 due to a accidental pill overdose.i found her so I need to still deal with that. I was always a shy kid. I had a few friends, I prefer to live in a fanatasy world of video games gi joe he man pro wrestlng etc. I never was comfortable in peer activites like sports and gym class.i gravitated towards reading writing and music when I was older.i was always interested in trees and nature as well.i was a bright kid in school but I was prone to getting into trouble fighting , smoking in high school, excessive absentism. I remember a teacher pulled me aside in high school and asked why do I keep making bad choices I jave a lot of potential.
typing this I have to reflect on my life which I have never too much of before. I now realize I was a troublemaker. A friend and I egged a house after school caught the bed on fire playing with matches, vandalized my fiends moms roomates car, breaking into a abadonded apartment and putting holes in the wall.i started smoking marijauna at 14 and I just retreated into myself.
patty yes I am on day 2. I took 250 mg of antabuse this morning. I am going to look into my employers eap, and go back to aa for fellowship since I am painfully lonely. For my future I would love to be a father before I am too old, finally live with my long term gf, finish my accounting classes, and hopefully help others even if my story serves as a warning.
Marylou thanks for the advice I will check out the threads. The secret is to stay quit. It can be tricky at first you obsess about it and after while you think you are cured but someone like me I pick up right where I left off always worse. We do not have to fight alone it is ok to ask for help.
Bri- unfortunately I found 7 years sobriety after a painful incident. In 2007 I was drinking black out push a cop and was arrested for assult on a officer. I do not remember to this day. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor. I started with antabuse I took it reguraly for 3 years then I quit.i just didnt drink.this was without counseling or aa.years lateri fooled myself into taking a drink and here I am telling my story becuase of it.i forgot about consquences
A little about me
Yes before I have not really tried counseling, I would go to a few sessions then stop thinking I could figure it out on my own.i was court ordered into counseling from a dui years ago and I did enjoy the one on one interaction.i intended to pursue counseling on my own but never did. This time I am pulling out all the stops antabuse, aa, counseling, and most importantly a sincere desire to live a sober life.