so this is funny but also truly sad. I had a new box of white wine, my alcohol choice. As those of you know if you are into the box wine you
1. have a major problem and
2. Have to buy it for the cheapness and the larger amount needed.
so i started out my Monday morning with the usual alcohol voice in my head. Im not going to drink during the week. by the time I get home from work, i pour a glass, two then three big glasses of wine, do not remeber even going to bed, and awake with a half of glass of wine on my bedstand...... wonder WHY????????
So this morning I was so angry with myself. I have been feeling very ill due to my drinking and know I need to stop completely!!!! so at 530 am i was in my kitchen, pouring the wine down the sink, then took a knife and stabbed the box like a killer. I only can imagine if a neighbor saw me. In my mind it was smybolic as to something i need to kill off for good!!!
Any thoughts???
