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Sobriety's Gifts

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    Sobriety's Gifts

    I've only been AF 5 days, but if I can keep these gifts in mind, I think it will help me stay sober:
    -I'm more in the moment (not planning when, where, & how I'll drink).
    -I have more self-respect (not guilt-ridden from all the hiding).
    -I have a sense of humor & enjoyment (not distracted & disconnected).
    -I'm more honest & less co-dependent (not over-compensating because of guilt).
    -I feel way better physically (not hungover & worried about what I'm doing to myself).
    I'm sure there are more that I didn't think of. Can anyone w/even a short amount of sobriety (like I have) identify & add to the list. Thank you.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Sobriety's Gifts

    I don't wake up feeling guilty ....

    Thanks for this ......

    Betty xxx


      Sobriety's Gifts

      Instead of dreaming about the sort of life I would like, since stopping drinking I'm actually living that life..
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Sobriety's Gifts

        More in control of what happens in my life.
        I like myself a bit more and beginning to think I am worth something afterall!


          Sobriety's Gifts

          Things I have noticed since becoming AF

          I am not ashamed to look people in the eye ( before I could do this, but felt a sense of guilt, like they could see into my soul and see what I was hiding)

          I am more at ease riding my motorcycle---I didnt ever ride drunk or anything, or even when I had had a tiny bit---so that made my rides few and far between, I also am more confident in my ability, I think it is the anxiety that I have lost...

          I look better, and I am more physically fit--I can run faster, and do more than I ever could in my life, I am currently at my best physically that i have ever been

          I am proud of my accomplishments more now than when I was drinking...I suppose I feel that they hold more weight now.
          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
          James Gordon, M.D.


            Sobriety's Gifts

            I don't know about anyone else, but one gift that I will have personally... is more money.

            I spend a lot of money online when I have had a couple of drinks. I download music, purchase books, clothes, makeup...then when my purchases arrive USPS, I would shake my head at myself for buying so impulsively. What was I thinking? What is it about alcohol that makes you more liberal???

            Another gift that I am very anxious for is to have more time for me. Taking care of me. Mentally and physically. I then can be of better help to others.

            bon vivant
            Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain


              Sobriety's Gifts

              I feel happier trying to live life as I know God would want me to...its a good job i know he loves me weaknesses and all!!



                Sobriety's Gifts

                Nice thread,

                I just feel more equipped to deal with alot more things rationally. I don't fly off the handle like I used to and I'm starting to feel more concerned with other peoples feelings and how I have affected them. Drinking made me quite selfish and self absorbed and I feel now that I am being kinder to myself and my loved ones.

                I'm beginning to see things how they really are, sometimes not perfect but at least real and not influenced by the warped and negative slant that alcohol used to put on things for me.

                And I agree with Betty, it's lovely not to feel the guilt which can be really disabling and used to make me drink more to numb the pain.

                :l Kitty
                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  Sobriety's Gifts

                  Irishlady, I know this is off the subject, but I really do like your avatar. It always gives me a smile.



                    Sobriety's Gifts

                    I'm remembering who I really am.

                    AF 21, March 2010

                    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                      Sobriety's Gifts

                      Mine is along the same line as Kittys...I'm able to recognize people's actions and words for what they are, instead of blowing them out of proportion. I'm able to get more done in the evenings, and I definitely have more money!
                      "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                        Sobriety's Gifts

                        ooooh the online shopping! UPS man asked me on a date!

                        Bon Vivant -- shall we compare credit card records -- oh my... I used to get lit and e-bay away! I would bid on usually clothing, hand bags, etc... I only shop online now but how many black purses does one individual need? Seriously... the UPS GUY ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE -- that's how many packages I received ... needless to say that has stopped I am 41 days AF! (my face is bright red now...) Liz

