I don't know where to start. I have ruined everything. All because of Binge Drinking.
I have to ask myself, why didn't I see this coming?
I have no excuses. I grew up with an alcoholic mother and father. My brother was an alcoholic. I was married to a man when I was much younger, who was an alcoholic. It is not like it was something foriegn to me. So why didn't I see this coming?
It is not even as though I did not have enough bad binge drinking experiences to warn me. Why did I have to so totally wreck my life, to be able to see that yes, I am a binge drinker. Yes, my binge drinking is a problem. Yes, I cannot binge drink - it always ends badly. Yes, I have an issue with alcohol. Yes, I am probably an alcoholic!
I don't drink by myself - ever. I drink with my partner. Problem is, when we start drinking, we do not stop until it is all gone. We drink at home, in the evenings. A couple of times a week on average.
The real problem with me is that there are times when I get upset or angry or just rediculously in my partners face - and anything and everything that has been bothering me or is on my mind, just comes flying out of my mouth. At the time I always justify my behaviour to myself - until I wake up the next morning - and realize with an absolutely gut wrenching sinking feeling, that I have really gone way over the line.
You can only do that to someone else a certain number of times, before they have literally had enough and say, no more. That is what I have now done - an irreparable line has been crossed - and I am totally devastated.
I am really struggling to hold things together. I have had breakdowns in the past, due to prolonged, extreme situations. I am on medication for depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress and general stress. I can feel myself walking that fine line - and I did this to myself.
I don't know how to approach my partner. I feel like I deserve what ever he might have to say to me. I have no reasonable excuse.
He has now ended our 20 + years relationship. I just cannot bear to lose him, he is such an important person in my life and I honestly love him with all my heart.
I want to plead with him to please give us another go - though we have been here before - but this time it really is final ... So it has taken this for me to face my real issue with alcohol.
Why didn't I see this coming?
.... I am not sure what to do now. I acknowledge my issue with alcohol and I can stop drinking - as long as I do not have that first one. I don't crave alcohol, but once we start drinking, it mostly is to keep drinking. Mostly, I can take it or leave it - I just have to stay away from that one and that is something that I can do.
How do you recover from ruining everything so badly? I hate the way I am feeling, it is unbearable. I just want my life back to the way it was before our last binge ... and I swear to God, that if I could be given that chance, I will never drink again. I know that is a promise I can keep.