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    Starlight, firstly, I reckon you might be pleasantly surprised at how supportive your GP will be. I'm not quite sure whether he'll be receptive to the Topa but you won't know until you ask. Try not to worry about him judging you... it's just his job. I know it's still nerve wrecking but just remember that he is just doing a job, and won't judge you.

    Will write more later.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



      Hi Starlight

      Sorry, don't have time to write much, but here's a few snippets for what it is worth. I was drinking 1 and 1/2 to 2 bottles (easily) of wine 7/7 for as long as I can remember and I stopped cold turkey 15 days ago with no apparent side effects thank goodness. I think you really have to be ready, for example I should have quit long before but the thought of not having my nightly fix of wine was terrifying it was all I had in my head, I rushed through everything in life just to get home to the wine bottle and after the first sip, oh what relief, so I could never have given it up when I was in that state of mind. Thank Goodness I wakened up two weeks ago and knew the time had come, that same day I accidentally discovered MWO (Hallelujah). This is now the start of AF day 15 for me, I hope to be able to moderate one day but have never been able to do so before (it's always all or nothing for me) so I'm taking it one day at a time for the moment. I've been AF for 15 days now and am loving it (but still shiver at the thought of never sipping a glass of wine or champagne again). I did order the book, CDs and supps from the States so started that on the w/e but am not feeling any different as yet. I am packing lots of exercise in and keeping busy, that really helps I can't take the TOPA as I'm taking a cancer preventive medicine (for life). I have also kept away from social events so do not feel that I'm really living in the real world as yet, but for the moment this is my way of dealing with it and it is working for me. Hope this helps, hang on in there and someone else will be along to give you some advice re the DR etc..

      Good Luck and Hugs

      Bluesky X
      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain



        Good luck Starlight,

        Well done in deciding to reach out for help, it shows a real commitment in your desire to make changes. Let us know how you get on. Telling a doctor is a bit scary but I have always had favourable responces from doctors.

        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.



          I was nervous about talking to my doctor about the Topa too. I didn't think I would be able to explain the MWO program well enough. So, I took the book with me to the appointment. I also took some articles from the website, including the original Lancet Journal publication about the Topa experiment (it can be found on this website, I think in the FAQ section), some reprints from newspapers, etc. I let my doctor take them and read them and get back to me with her decision about prescribing Topa. I think that be giving her time to look everything over, and by giving her the research, she was able to make a decision without feeling pressured. She called me back in about two weeks and gave me the meds. Yes, it true, I would have loved her to give it to me right then, and maybe yours will, but that's how I got mine. Atleast I didn't have to resort to going online which I was not comfortable doing. And this way my insurance paid for it too. Good luck with your doc!!!!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:




            AF day 13 for me. My doctor was the one who URGED both me and my husband to stop. Then he gave me a brochure about Campral. Skimmed it, nothing. Then when I saw him next he gave me samples. Still nothing, but I told Joe I didn't think I could stop drinking if he still drank. (might have been able to, but wasn't fully convinced I wanted to). Then Joe went to him. Joe ended up getting a prescription for Campral and we both started together. We have been AF since.

            I've heard great things about Topamax too. I just know my cravings have gone away w/Campral. The hardest part was changing our routine. Doing things w/o alcohol. Heck we even went to a BYOB party w/pop. And didn't feel deprived!

            I feel more optimistic, healthier and have better feeling about myself than I have since I began drinking so heavily.

            Come join me!:welcome:

            Oh, by the way, I detoxed before at the 12+ beers a day under medical supervision because I have controlled epilepsy. No seizures or adverse feelings. But I went back to drinking. This time we just took the Campral, and still no DTs. Every case is different and u should check w/ur doc, but I had no adverse reactions.



              Starlight: I do think you can stop drinking, & your body would probably thank you for it. I drank every bit as much as you & have now stopped for over 6 days. My body feels great. My blood pressure was 110/62 last night which is great for me. I've gotten as high as 155/95...maybe even higher.

              My problem is my mind. I've been having fleeting thoughts about buying a bottle of wine & breaking my AF streak. I'm a person who drinks alcoholically (open bottle, drink whole thing). I've been trying to think of other things.

              Hope this helps. I wish I could speak to my doc but just can't seem to reveal my drinking to anyone other than forum. Good luck.
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012



                Hi re glad you have done 6 Days AF......fantastic.

                i cant say anthing about doctors etc as i havent quite got to the stage of going there for help...but i wouldnt rule it out.

                regards cassy




                  Well retteacher, I was loathe to reveal my alcohol addiction to doc also, but know I just can`t quit without his help, so am looking forward to my appointment with him on Thurs morning.

                  Had biopsy taken from my leg this morning under a local, and despite the fact that I have had minor surgery and know full well that alcohol thins the blood, I have chosen to disregard the fact that I have a small stitched wound, as I needed, and am having, my nightly fix of a btl of wine.

                  So, I need the help of my doc., and am no longer afraid to ask for his help-roll on Thurs!!!

                  Starlight Impress



                    I'm so happy that you've made the decision to seek help through your doctor. It's a step in the right direction.

                    Best wishes,
                    Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                    April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                    wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                    wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                    wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                    wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                    wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                    wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                    I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.



                      "Strong Enough to Live Without You"-my shout-out to my beloved wine

                      Thanks Katie,
                      Your on-going support and that of many others has shown me the way for me to go. I was a wreck, and scared to expose my addiction to alcohol to my doc. My Thurs. morning appointment with him can`t come soon enough.

                      I know I just can`t get sober without the help of my doc. Why?-is simple, because I`ve tried and failed, but feel so empowered now that I`ve decided to consult doc. now. Feel as if I`m finally going to get the help I need.

                      More importantly, truly feel I can beat the wine............with a little help from my doc.

                      Starlight Impress



                        Starlight your soul searching gave you the right answers. Hold on to trusting that intuition and acceptance. I think you will be okay quitting cold turkey. I have had flu like symptoms but drink plenty of water and small meals w/protein several times a day. Every Doctor is different but hopefully he'll be receptive and the suggestion of bringing in the book and the study outlined by DidItForMe is an excellent way to start. Good luck!

                        AF 21, March 2010

                        "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."

