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Day 3 going well.

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    Day 3 going well.

    Good day to you all.
    Just got back from a 2.5 mile hike. Half up hill steep half down hill steep.
    I took the dogs and they had a great time.

    I am feeling really strong about remaining AF. I am not going to be cocky just positive and keep in close contact with you all.

    It is an absolute beautiful day here. If I was still drinking I would already be started and it is only 12:11 in the afternoon.

    Thanks for the support,

    Back later

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Day 3 going well.

    Great job Rednose... I found the weekends tough and still do.. I love my AF days they are so much better than the drunk or drinking days. Your handsome dogs loved the hike... Doesn't that make you feel so good.


      Day 3 going well.

      Red Nose, I'm proud of you. For some, it is easy to simply stop drinking... for others, we have to count every minute, every hour, every day as a small victory. In time, it will be easier, but right now, focus on spoiling those dogs.

      I think you said that you had gained some weight, but when you stop drinking alcohol, your body starts craving sugar. Alky recommends having a milkshake if this happens to you... my night time treat is ice cream... so as you round the corner and get ready for day 4, be forewarned that having ice cream in the house is good therapy. :l

      Big hugs! :banana: Patty
      "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
      so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


        Day 3 going well.

        NotHappyHourHappyLife;1648092 wrote: Red Nose, I'm proud of you. For some, it is easy to simply stop drinking... for others, we have to count every minute, every hour, every day as a small victory. In time, it will be easier, but right now, focus on spoiling those dogs.

        I think you said that you had gained some weight, but when you stop drinking alcohol, your body starts craving sugar. Alky recommends having a milkshake if this happens to you... my night time treat is ice cream... so as you round the corner and get ready for day 4, be forewarned that having ice cream in the house is good therapy. :l

        Big hugs! :banana: Patty
        Not, Thanks for the tip, I am keeping the fridge well stocked. But did not think about ice cream. Yummy Ben & Jerrys.


        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


          Day 3 going well.

          bkyogagurl;1648048 wrote: Great job Rednose... I found the weekends tough and still do.. I love my AF days they are so much better than the drunk or drinking days. Your handsome dogs loved the hike... Doesn't that make you feel so good.

          Ya weekends have been tough for me when I tried to quit before. So I am trying to treat them like any other day. Yes I love my dogs and they loved the hole in the woods a bunch.

          Thanks for the support.

          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


            Day 3 going well.

            So it is Saturday night and I am lonely.

            Ah now I get part of the puzzle. I started to drink again a year ago because of a lost relationship. But I just kept on drinking and drinking and drinking.
            So I was actually sitting here thinking that going out to a nice place and sit at the bar and drink tonic water with lime it.

            God sometimes I can't believe what pops into this brain of mine and I actually was thinking it was a good idea. WRONG
            So I have come back to my senses and am not going anywhere near a nice bar, club or anywhere that serves alcohol.

            So I know a bunch of you on here have a partner to keep them company (maybe)
            But what do you single people do with the feelings of being lonely?

            I love my dogs but they don't talk very much so I was just wondering what if any suggestions any of you might have?

            Wow almost had a brain fart and went out. Instead of going out I made the choice to type in my feelings on here.

            Thank you for being here.

            rednose :nutso:
            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Day 3 going well.

              Hi Red,

              I'm single, and it can git a bit lonely sometimes. For me, it's important to maintain the good friendships that are healthy for me, but that's not everyday contact. I follow my interests, and i have a few. Making music is one. How i can benefit others with community work is another. Educating myself on investing/making a million is another. Lol.

              I read a fair bit on these subjects. For me, i engage in things i can get excited about. My personal growth is one area, which encompasses all of the above topics.

              Watching a heap of movies/doco's of interest can help i find.

              Great stuff on day 3. Keep it going friend. ( day 5 here)

              G bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Day 3 going well.

                For the last two hours, I took a long hot bath, and then sat upstairs reading a book.

                There's always Net Flix, or looking up new recipes?
                You can think of your home town as a tourist would: What are some fun things to do that are surprisingly alcohol free? Find them on the internet as future activities.

                :hug: Patty
                "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


                  Day 3 going well.

                  Well i did go down town for a walk with my dogs. I had a great walk and had no desire to go in to a bar to sit and drink tonic water or alcohol.
                  I never realized how much my dogs were chick magnets lol. Again it was the dogs not me.

                  Guitar man and not happy thanks for your words of wisdom.

                  I appreciate you advice. I play guitar and collect them as well. But have not played much since I have been married to the bottle. I think I will take a couple out and see if I remember how to play.

                  Thanks Mate and Nothappy :thanks:

                  Another al free day. Feeling good.

                  All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                    Day 3 going well.

                    rednose I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations for taking control of this. I know how hard it is, but it's worth it! How are you sleeping these days? Doesn't waking up sober feel fabulous? I bet your dogs are loving it too!
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Day 3 going well.

                      3June2013;1648399 wrote: rednose I just wanted to pop in and say congratulations for taking control of this. I know how hard it is, but it's worth it! How are you sleeping these days? Doesn't waking up sober feel fabulous? I bet your dogs are loving it too!

                      Good Morning. I am sleeping so well and it is nice to wake up and remember what I did the previous day and not to worry about getting a phone call saying " Do you know what you said to me last night."

                      Day four begins. I am amazed how fast the days are going by. And yes the dogs are loving it, more play time, more walks more love.

                      Thanks for the support.

                      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                        Day 3 going well.

                        Day 4 begins

                        I am beginning day 4 and I am feeling strong and determined.
                        I have not had many withdrawal symptoms and I feel like a new man.

                        But I know how sneaky and cunning Alcohol can be so my guard is up.

                        Thanks for this site.

                        Grateful that I don't have to take a drink today.

                        All things in time if I am Alcohol free

