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    Good Morning All and Welcome New Members from Sunny France, hope everybody had a great weekend and that we are all ready to face our on-going challenge on today another new day. Congratulations to those of us who abstained or moderated and for those who slipped up, never mind, today is another day.

    Start of AF day 15 for me today, WOW, brilliant. I took a second out and thought back to how I felt when I wakened up after yet another drunken sleepless night fifteen days ago (I was drinking 7/7), hungover, guilt ridden, shaky, avoiding my children and husband (what HAD I done the night before? - everything was a blackout - as usual - fine one minute and black the next), totally depressed and wanting to vomit with shame, panic attack, etc. etc. Would I manage the drive to work, I was shaking so much and of course I had the car pool to do. It just doesn't bear thiking about does it?

    Anyway, 15 days later I awakened this morning feeling on top of the world, like a new person, no need to hide from the family anymore, no guilt, no shakes, no panic attack and yes the list goes on and on. I'm not sure how long this will last, I would love to be moderate as I still can't face giving up wine completely but know I am not strong enough yet. What I do know is that I am loving seeing how happy my family are and how thankful they are to this programme and all of my new friends for helping me achieve this. I love you all.

    Thanks for listening and good luck with your goal today.

    Bluesky XX
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    Hi everyone,

    Well done you're doing fantastic, you have a great attitude and your post has really cheered me up.

    I'm a little down today and I really have to make a big effort on the job front today and try and find some work. I had a really well paid job before I relocated here to Wales and I just have to get my lazy backside into gear and sort myself out.

    My partner is really supportive about my efforts to give up drinking and has been great re. my not working but I'm feeling reallt guilty that he is supporting me financially. I had a bit saved up so I have been paying my half of the rent but he says he doesn't expect me to buy any food etc and that is making me feel like a bit of a sponge!

    Anyway on with the job hunting, and I'll check in later to see how you all are. Have a good day everyone.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.



      Good Morning,

      I can completely relate to your entire post this morning, Bluesky and thank you for sharing. I think looking back helps to move forward. I am so proud of you and your 15 days. It is an inspiration. Hang in there Kitty! Have a wonderful day and talk to you soon.



        Thanks Kitty and Luckyone for your kind words, it helps us to be appreciated sometimes, doesn't it?

        Kitty, I think it would do you the world of good to go out there and look for a job, I can't imagine having to handle this alcohol problem whilst being out of work, it would just exaggerate the problem I think, so rock on and off you go, it will do you the world of good. It's wonderful that you have a supportive boyfriend but I'm sure you will feel much better once you are financially independent. Luckyone I love your phrase "looking back helps us to move forward" I'm going to remember it, thanks. Have a great evening and talk again tomorrow.
        Thanks for your support
        BS X
        It is easier to stay out than get out.

        Mark Twain


          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

          Morning I'm still here after the weekend -- still dealing with anxiety but that could be other things as well (last son graduates in 4 days -- I am very proud). I sure appreciated your post this morning bluesky; summed up my world only a few days ago. Looking forward to feeling better.
          Kitty good luck on the job hunting.

          AF 21, March 2010

          "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

            Hi bluesky - I'm so pleased that I took a quick look at your posting, I've had a gutty day (working from home), and my body clock tells me it's five o'clock - time to look in the fridge for some refreshement (which normally I would slush down). You sound so upbeat, I want to feel like you when I get to day 15 - (on 5 right now). Au revoir !


              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

              Hi all

              Day 13 for me. This weekend was nice, a lot easier than last weekend, when Joe and I kept opening the beer but the arm kept

              I am very impressed with you Kitty!:goodjob: When Joe was out of work for a while he too was reluctant to job hunt....I do sympathize, and for u to stop drinking at the same time. Wow!

              U might even just ease into it by starting at a temp agency while applying for other jobs. Just the structure of working helps a lot. Relocating is hard enuf!

              Hope everyone has a great day!:yougo:


                NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                Hi all, and thanks for your kind words regarding my job hunting.

                And well done Amazing and Hart you must both be so pleased with your af days.

                Today is looking up a bit now, I phoned a job agency a couple of hours ago and spoke to a lovely chap who asked me to e-mail my CV. He's just phoned and I have an appointment with him tomorrow so fingers crossed.

                I just want to say a big thanks to all on this site, especially my newbies in May friends. I really feel like we are on a journey together and that we are never alone.

                :hug: big hugs to yo all!

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                  Hi Everyone: It's great to read the positive messages. Bluesky, I only have to remember how awful I felt the last time I binged to keep going AF. I just put my 6th zero into DT for yesterday & am working on 7 today. I've been thinking about drinking off & on. My husband is going to be out most of the afternoon & evening, & I'd have free rein to drink. I'm just trying to turn my thoughts to other things. Good luck everyone else.
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                    Hi guys - its great to read all your posts encouraging everyone on - just what would we do without this site? At the end of April, I was a real mess, and didn't know how to get out of it. I dread to think what state I'd be in if I hadn't come across MWO - someone was definitely watching over me that day!! I just want to say a big thank you for being there, for this thread, you are all a real inspiration and have got me through each and everyone of my 22 AF days. Retteacher - stay focused and be strong - you are doing fantastic. Janicexx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                      Bluesky, 15 days, way to go! Congratulations to you! 13 days for me and I feel pretty proud.

                      I was pretty cranky yesterday though and almost drank to soften the frustration, but I didn’t. My husband was drinking beer and getting high and was working my butt of trying to get things done around the barn and home. I’m used to rewarding myself with a drink and felt deprived and unappreciated. I tried to him but he felt I was attacking him and we got into a big fight and oh boy. My house and barn is a mess and I’m over my head and still sober. My head, arms and shoulders hurt. Sorry for complaining but I need to gripe someplace. What do I do with all the frustration I feel?


                        NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21


                        I am so proud of you!:goodjob: I am also AF day 13. But I have my hubby's support. I procrastinated starting because I didn't think I could do it if my husband was drinking. So I soooo admire you! We Washingtonian's have to stick together. If you'd like to e-mail me, I can be ur personal cheerleader, ear or sounding board for all gripes. And I used to work at a Crisis Line so nothing u say or feel will phase me!

                        You are doing great!!!:l


                          NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                          Adaptable: When we give up drink, we begin to really feel everything. That's a good thing. Aenesthesizing w/alcohol is not. For me, when I'm frustrated (especially w/hubby), I either get it off my chest, or I just try to let it go (if it's not that important). If we do choose to talk, we can't predict what the other person is going to do or say. It's the unburdening of ourselves that matters. I give you so much credit for staying AF while your angry & your hubby was drinking. That is not easy.
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                            back on the wagon

                            May 1-4 AF
                            May 5-8 Off
                            Ay 9-18 AF
                            May 19-20 off

                            Well, today, I sure can relate to the posts by people frustrated with not making enough progress. I am still recovering from depression associated with going off track this weekend. It's awful!!!

                            All thoughts of moderating went through the window as soon as I started to drink. I have said before that I don't want to drink at all if it isn't moderate. It's just too unpleasant.

                            i hope to stick with the program again.
                            Glad to hear many of you are doing well!


                              NEWBIES IN NEED DAY 21

                              Adapt, I can sure understand that frustration. I bet that barn looks great now. I think physical work helps a lot with frustration, which you seem to have done plenty of, and sometimes journalling out all that emotional energy helps me. What retteach says sure makes sense.
                              Nancy I dread that depression that comes from not following through on committing. I feel for you but consider that you are following through regardless of the set back when you have a tendency to beat yourself up over it. Keep on truckin'.
                              Hart I think of you as everyone's personal 'cheeky cheerleader!' lol!
                              Grace I'm on day 5 too! Hope you had a nice cool refreshment that nurtured your soul and supported your decision.
                              Hey Kitty fingers crossed for you too!
                              And Janice you sound so positive, I'm so new I don't know what I feel yet but I know coming across this site made all the difference for me.

                              Take Good Care All, catch you tomorrow.

                              AF 21, March 2010

                              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."

