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Does this work?

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    Does this work?

    Just joined programme. Have been keeping a drink diary for last 2 weeks. Have had 2 sober days. To be fair to me - not on all of the other days have I been compleately drunk - maybe 4 times - all four when I have been out on a social do - and everyone that has been with me has also been compleately dronk. The other days I have had 1 - 4 glasses of wine.
    It does not take much for me to feel drunk. I have been steadily drinking for 16 years now - I am 35 now. The problem is everyone around me also drink to this extent. People that hold down hugely succesfull jobs - last week when I had my best friend round for dinner - we thought that it was fine to drink a magnum of champagne, and 3 bottles of wine between 3 of us! This sort of thing happens regulary - and we do have a great time - however I do more, and more have unexplained pains in my stomach area, get irrated during day, and have been uncessfully trying to get pregnant for the last 2 years. Am on a Fertility programme - and about to undergo IUI again (last year had 4 unsuccesfull attempts - during this time did cut down on drinking - but not compleately. Drinking also leads to me smoking! I know that I shouldnt drink - to help my chances - always have very good intentions - but always cannot resist that glass of merlot - which leads to more!
    I have ordered a supplement programme from MYO and hypnosis CDs -both my husband, and best friend are also going to follow 6 week herbal programme.
    Will my cravings really go with the supplements that we take - or am I wasting my money? ::new:

    Does this work?

    Hi moo and welcome. I have also been trying to get pregnant for 3 years. Each month would go by and I would drink more and more out of frustration and depression, as I could not get pregnant. I also did IUI unsuccessfully. Its emotionally draining isn't it! I came to MWO and I have received so much help and encouragement from all the people here, its changed my life. We all share similar problems and i was able to stop drinking for 43 days. Incredible feat for me!!! I have never, ever been able to do that. I'm pregnant now and i am sure my not drinking has had something to do with it. I have drunk for years and it got to the stage where i was hiding it from family and my marriage was threatened. i had no choice but to gain control over my life again. It was that or lose everything.
    The fact that you have come here means you want to maybe cut down? Stick around here for a while and you will be so glad you did. I recommend that you buy the MWO book. It is a good read. Keep posting. Bella xxxx


      Does this work?

      Hello moo,
      im new here aswel, i was nervous about finding help. I went the whole day sunday without a drink, badly wanted one but forced myself not to. I spent the night lying on my back looking at the cieling thinking, `it looks so different when its not spinning round an round`. I am not going to try any supplements, i have been offered counselling many times, and i am ready to give it a go. Not sure if it will help any though.


        Does this work?

        Hi Bella,
        Thanks for this - found very encouraging - IUI is emotionally draining - did you eventually get pregnant naturally after abstaining from alcohol?


          Does this work?

          good luck


            Does this work?

            Hi Moo and welcome!

            The L-glutamine and kudzu are both great for cravings - they really do work. But the most important thing: your mind has to be there - you really have to want to do this. Keep posting and reading, you found a good place.

            Kel - welcome to you too - great job not drinking yesterday!

            AF since 6JUN2012


              Does this work?

              Moo and Kel:
              Welcome to you both. I can not say enough about the supplements. Yes!!!! They absolutely help with the cravings. They are NOT a waste of money. The Kudzu should be purchased from this site as it is the best. The other stuff I think you can get from anywhere. Best of luck to you both and congratulations on making this first step and trying to do something to change. Keep reading and posting. So many people here with good things to say and wonderful advice on how to beat this thing. You can do it.
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                Does this work?

                what about topamax

                What are your views on taking this medication - what dosage should I take - how long should I take it for - is it addictive? Can you buy in the uk?


                  Does this work?


                  Hi hon. I am AF day 13. And I drank seven days a week, a 12 pack of beer, so believe me, it can be done! Have u talked to ur doctor about ur drinking? If he knows about it he might have different ideas about ur getting pregnant. Perhaps even meds that will help. I am on Campral. I don't know if that is contra-indicated for trying to get pregnant.....having long given up the idea. But there are possibly some that can be taken while pregnant. The alcohol is probably interfering with your ability to get maybe if you are able to abstain the other will happen naturally. I don't know I am not a doc. :welcome: and whatever your goal, this is a great place to help you achieve it!


                    Does this work?

                    safe programme

                    After reading about herbal supplements and topamax - I came to conclusion that these are safe to take - whilst trying to get pregnant also - surely taking these is better than drinking loads - am I right - and what is campral?


                      Does this work?


                      Campral is another drug that stops the cravings of alcohol. If Topamax is not contr-indicated for getting pregnant, I'd try that first. If you cannot tolerate it or it doesn't work then investigate other drugs.

                      I'm so glad you are doing this!


                        Does this work?

                        Hi Moo,

                        Welcome! I'm new here too.

                        Not to dwell on the negative, but just to share... I'm in my 40's now and I can tell you that heavy drinking will take it's toll on your body. It's amazing how much abuse you can put your body through, but drinking will eventually rob you of your vitality and you will find the fun times partying are overshadowed by the negative effects to your body and your mind.

                        I'm in a similar situation having lot's of friends and colleagues that like to "party", and drinking and other stuff is considered acceptable. Many of these people are successful and are able to function despite the heavy drinking, myself included ( at least I used to think so), but these people are successful and functional despite of their drinking not because of it.

                        I'm only on day 3 of my abstinence goal so I can't comment yet on the long term success of the MYO method, but I can tell you that the most important factor is your willingness to change. Once you truly decide to change your life you will find the strength to do so.

                        This forum has been a great help for me. I wish you much success with your goals and dreams!

