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Hey Gang/New Here

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    Hey Gang/New Here

    What an interesting site. I have been lurking in the shadows for a few weeks, but decided to take the plunge and register. I have decided to try and stop drinking. I am a weekend binger, but have decided that alcohol causes many more problems than it solves. The problem with me is, weekend mean beer for me, and always have. Working in the yard? Have a beer. Hanging out at the pool? Have a beer. Playing golf? Have a beer. Things have gotten to a point with me, however, where it is just no longer worth it. I find myself starting to drink earlier all the time on Sundays, and hurting more on Monday morning. I've managed to confine my drinking to Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and had persuaded myself that I had things licked. I've finally decided that even this is too high a price to pay for a litle fun on the weekend. It's time for this one-man party to end!

    Thanks, guys.

    Hey Gang/New Here

    Hi LeaglEagle welcome.
    This site is amazingly supportive,just keep reading and posting.
    Best wishes Paula.


      Hey Gang/New Here

      Hi LegalEagle and welcome. I too have gotten tired of feeling terrible. I used to think that every night was New Years Eve! Good Luck....Buffy


        Hey Gang/New Here

        Enough lurking Legaleagle - time to be positive - great move- welcome.


          Hey Gang/New Here

          I'd be really interested to hear how people fill the hole left behind when one quits drinking. For me, it has been my form of weekend recreation for twenty years. Find a new hobby? Get out of the house? What has worked for you guys. I really don't have cravings. I drink very deliberately to fill the time, and it is something I look very forward to all week.


            Hey Gang/New Here

            Welcome LegalEagle:
            Whenever you feel is the right time to stop, then that is the right time for you. Good job on taking this first step. Many people wait too long and it becomes a much bigger issue than just weekends. I am glad to see you here now. Welcome to MWO!!
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


              Hey Gang/New Here

              My drinking was just at weekends at the start, but gradually it got worse and begun to
              escalate until it was almost every night, with the slightest excuse I would drink myself
              into a blackout.What I do now is log onto this site, read go for walks, work and do all
              the things that I enjoy doing apart from drinking, I never really did enjoy drinking it was
              just a compulsion, once I started Icould'nt stop. I haven't done it for three whole months
              now, and it feels great


                Hey Gang/New Here

                Hi again Legal, In the evenings when I would like to drink wine while I cook, and then continue thoughout the evening, I now have coffee and some dark chocolates to look forward to after dinner. It helps me feel like I am still giving myself a treat Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for you too! I think it takes the cravings away as well. Going to the gym at night is good too, doing things that don't have a bar. I understand the golf and pool drinking....! Going to a movie is good too!....Buffy


                  Hey Gang/New Here

                  Hi legaleagle. and welcome to MWO. You will find lots of support here.

                  I know what you mean about filling a hole. Its like anything isn't it, what shall I do now? I pick up a book, take dog for a walk, phone someone etc,,, You just have to do soething else that you enjoy and congratulate yourself for being strong. Keep posting . Bella xxx


                    Hey Gang/New Here

                    Hi Legaleagle and welcome .....

                    Once you actually take the plunge and have a weekend without booze you will feel so much better .......

                    I know exactly what you mean though, i've started reading more, going for bile rides with the family, even selling stuff on ebay!! Recently in my house if it doesn't move it goes on ebay, I'm saving the money that I make for a new mobile phone .....

                    I'm sure that there will be others along soon with more ideas .........

                    All the best, Betty xxx


                      Hey Gang/New Here

                      Welcome! You'll find a lot of great support and advice here



                        Hey Gang/New Here

                        Hi LegalEagle,

                        Hope you don't mind that I am introducing myself on your thread!
                        I am new also and want to be AF too... maybe for life, but definitely for now. I have much to do in my life at the moment and my weekends need to be AF.

                        I am like you...a weekend drinker. A Friday & Sat night cocktail person. My husband is also. I don't think he will ever give up his bourbon & coke, he drinks in moderation and is not bothered or desiring a change. I mainly want to quit for health reasons. We both have a lot going on with our jobs and it seemed that the cocktail was our way of winding down from the stress.

                        There was a time in my life when I was drinking in excess about 10 years ago, while going through a really tough divorce. I made some rather careless decisions, but fortunately I straightened myself out before I went off the deep-end. I could have used a great support group such as this back then.

                        I do agree that you have to plan on filling your time with other activities. I plan on walking my dogs in the evening at the time that I normally would mix my drink. I also have started drinking a ton of water to make me feel full. My main goal is to break the weekend habit of zoning out on a couple of drinks.

                        bon vivant
                        Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain


                          Hey Gang/New Here

                          Welcome bon vivant! I like that screen name. My weekends are all the same. On Saturday morning I go to to the office, do a little work, then hit the gym. Then to the grocery store with a shopping list for dinner. Buy myself a twelve-pack, crack one open on the drive home, and weekend, here I com! The terrible problem is, I love the stuff. Sit on the porch, drink a beer, watch some baseball. The problem is, a couple things. First off, I find myself wanting to start drinking on Sunday mornings. Second, my wife has grown tired of my Saturday and Sunday "parties." Third, I have found myself choosing to drive after drinking, rather than tell my wife that I have had too many beers, and thus raise her ire. I am making the decision to set a "high bottom" and kick this habit before it becomes more of a problem. I have little kids, and as they get older I want to do more with my Saturdeay afternoons than sit around and get sloshed.

                          I do love Ethyl, so it is not going to be easy, I can tell. She and I have had a lot of good times together. That's the damned problem.


                            Hey Gang/New Here

                            Hi Legaleagle...Yes things have to change.When ifirst did some AF days i had to plan ahead for the "danger zone" for me it is/was evening drinking watching TV etc.

                            Now i plan the evenings,,the lighter nights are hear so i get a walkin maybe, garden, go to cinema,theatre ..lately been getting the cookery books on the go...joined a church/prayer group, keep fit etc many things to do...and at the moment i sign on here and read for an hour or so(like today needed some encouragement)

                            I also find i go to bet a little earlier than when i am drinking,,wake up feeling energetic and ready to go...

                            good Luck and keep posting

                            Regards Cassy


                              Hey Gang/New Here

                              I meant to say go to bed not bet!

