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    Hi - do any of you journal your journey to control your drinking?
    I truly want to. I think it would help. But everytime I try I just can't bring myself to do it, and I don't understand it. I LOVE to write. I'm a writer by trade, write poetry on occasion (see "i'm hiding" thread) and used to journal frequently and used journaling to untangle my mind. But now I pick up a journal and feel disgusted. Am I afraid to delve into the muck? Am I afraid of what I might learn about myself if I opened up? Am I afraid to discover what the emotional reasons are that I drink heavily? I had a miserable childhood with multiple forms of abuse, largely from my alcoholic father. I've come a long way in healing from all that, I think, but this trepidation I have now to further explore through writing concerns me... perhaps there is something more there that my subconscious mind is aware of and is trying to thwart my exploration of it.

    And I wonder, if there is something I need to deal with, emotionally, will I be unable to overcome my drinking issues without dealing with the emotional issues that may be connected?

    Do you journal, and if so, does it help you with your journey?


    Imatree, most interesting. And I have a suggestion: you say you don't want to "delve into the muck" etc... which is understandable. so instead start a journal of positive observations about yourself. it's rewardingly difficult. it's easy to find crappy observations about ourselves and we could all make a quick list of probably 12 things, but to sit right now and write say 3 nice things...that's hard. My councellor challenged me to do that and I've been tending to my journal for more than 2 months now. Now I journal all kinds of observations in there although I keep it pretty short and to the point on daily reflections. Sometimes I can only think of one positive thing I've done or been associated with on a given day, and sometimes it's a real mental exercise.
    For myself I'm sure that I've had to deal with my emotional lack of coping skills before I can get on with my life (especially the drinking issues). I will never stop learning to make them better and understand them, although it seems that my self image and skills do get better every week.
    Well, that's my of luck on that new journal!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)



      Determinator - Wonderful advice! I"m going to give it a try.
      Thanks so much.



        Determinator Thanks for the great advise. So often I am so busy doing or drinking that I don't take the time to reflect on those positive things that happen in my life.



          I'm a Tree,
          That is interesting, I have felt the exact same way! I've kept journals for years and am finding it so hard lately to open it up and start writing. I think that is great advice from Determinator. Last night I did finally make myself write something and once I got going I wrote three pages and they weren't all ENTIRELY negative. Keep at it!
          "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"




            Imatree, I have just started a Blog. I'm updating it a few times a week.t's just for me, as I'm sure nobody would be interested but I do have it set as a public blog, which gives it a nice element for me.

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



              Scooby - blog sounds like a great idea, since I am much better at writing to others than to write to myself in a journal. How do you do a blog?? (I"m not all that savvy with the online stuff.)



                so glad the journaling is working. it can be fun and therapeutic.

                yeah Scooby, how do you blog. ?? for a techno geek I'm really behind of some of these things.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)



                  imatree;138669 wrote: Scooby - blog sounds like a great idea, since I am much better at writing to others than to write to myself in a journal. How do you do a blog?? (I"m not all that savvy with the online stuff.)
         is a good easy one. There are quite a few. Google owns so if you have a gmail account then signing up is ez.



                    Dettie's Life

                    This is my blog. You can just write whatever format you wish. In third person or to yourself, and you can set it as public or private. Mine is with Blogger (blogspot) owned by Google as iced has mentioned, and I think it's amongst the best around, and is free.

                    Scoob (aka Dettie )
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



                      hi imatree
                      I think derminator is right, i tried journaling and found that i was just giving a voice to the bad stuff feeding the monster so to speak, so if you can keep it positive thats the way to go.
                      ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING

