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    I joined today after reading many posts. My story is pretty simple. Im an alcoholic, and it has reached a point where action is critical. First some back story. Ive been drinking since I was 13. Not consistent, but weekends, parties college etc. Been with my wife for 16 years now. Marriage is stable, but rather loveless (depressing). A couple of years back I got laid off and my pattern of weekend only drinking changed to daily, since I wasn't doin much of anything. They eventually called and rehired me, but I kept drinking every night, typically a 6 pack before bed.

    Honestly, that was all under control and worked fine for me. Now is a totally different story. I am currently drinking 12-16 16oz beers a day. How can you manage that with a job you say? Easy, I put it in a coffee cup and bring it in to the office. I cant go more than an hour without a drink. I get shakes, heart races BP skyrockets. So I nurse beers all day long at work (typically 8 in a 10 hour shift) to keep me stable. Im not even drinking to enjoy anymore, Im doing it cause it feels like if I dont I will die. It a viscous cycle that feeds itself.

    Now the fun part! My symptoms. Aside from normal withdrawal stuff, I get legs cramps almost every morning, I have edema in my legs and I wake up after just a few hours of sleep with my pulse and BP going nuts (150/105 this morning). My back hurts like something is wrong with my kidneys. Its not pain per se, but a feeling like I have to stretch it. My heart skips/misses beat all the time. Im just a mess. Went to the doctor yesterday, told her my concerns and got some blood tests done. Currently waiting for results.

    So what have I been doing to change? Nothing but make excuses. I do have valid concerns about me surviving withdrawal. I have had issues with my heart long before I became dependent. When I don't drink, it gets scary real fast. As soon as I wake up I grab a beer. Usually takes 2-3 to stabilize me. But I don't stop there. I keep going. I'm not sure if thats needed, but I'm scared not to. Funny thing is, even with the constant drinking, Im never impaired. I can drive just fine and I talk on the phone for a living and nobody can tell.

    So what am I doing aside from feeling sorry for myself. Well I am posting here to let some of this stuff out, wife knows Im bad, but has NO IDEA how bad. So I am taking all kinds of supplements (B1, C, Hawthorn, potassium, calcium, magnesium etc) cause Im pretty convinced Im dehydrated 24/7. All I drink is beer, literally. I know, not that smart. Waiting for test results right now, see what the damage is. I fear Ive done liver damage or kidney damage. Either way I need to know before starting. I want to quit, but I dont want to die in the process.

    As I sit and write this, my bp is down and pulse is stabilized, Im on my 3rd beer and its 9am. I plan on tapering. My wife is away for the next couple of days so its just me and the kids. Im too scared to start until she comes home. If I have to rush to the hospital Im not sure what to with a 6 year old, we have no family out here.

    I just needed to get this all off my chest. Im so tired of myself. If I could flip a switch and stop I would, but I can't.


    Welcome, DSS.....Sounds like you are ready to make a change and I think you are on the right track with tapering. Did you tell your doctor how much you are drinking? He/she may have some suggestions to keep you safe. A lot of us don't let our spouses in on "how bad it really is" so that's not really a big surprise. The first step is the hardest and you are taking it. We will be here to help you along the way.

    There is a Toolbox on the forums here somewhere. Go to the newbies nest thread and someone will bump it up for you or look in Byrdlady posts. She always has the link at the bottom of her posts.



      I told the doctor how much I was drinking. Expressed my concerns, and she agreed a blood test was a the first step. Had liver and kidney function tested. Still waiting on results..... I even called to goose them a bit. They are in, but doctor hasn't looked at them. Frustrating.



        I moved post to duplicate thread in the General Discussion-
        "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
        so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."



          :welcome:welcome to MWO. Please join in the newbies nest and check the toolkit.
          Someone will post the links soon.
          It's great that you have decided to face up to your drinking and quit. Also good that you have seen the dr. It's very frustrating waiting for test results - that I know.
          But you may need to get help with detoxing. Don't rush it in the meantime.
          Keep posting here and let us know how you are doing.



            Welcome DSS.

            Good job on seeing a doc. That's an important and smart first step i reckon. If you can continue to work with your doc through early sobriety, at least you're likely to have a realistic handle on where your physical health is at, and take action to get yourself kicking ass again.

            Hang in there. Your doc should be able to assist/support you with a safe withdrawal. You may need an inpatient detox of 5-7 days (?).

            Good to see you here. Keep us posted on your progress.

            Best wishes friend.

            G bloke.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

