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Day Numero Uno

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    Day Numero Uno

    Well, this is day one ... for a number of years I'd have on average a bottle of wine a night. Recently just one bottle wasn't enough and it suddenly struck me, something needs fixing.

    So here I am, on the brink of my 30 Day AF - hope this time it's for real and not like the numorous other times I decided to "cut back".


    Day Numero Uno

    Welcome - I found this site last Nov but didn't really start hanging out until 3 days ago. It really helps! Everyone knows your story all too well and seems to be able to laugh about it some.


      Day Numero Uno

      Thanks for the welcome louise! I've been checking out the site for the last 2 weeks or so and have found it so helpful. I've decided that if I'm actually going to do this, I won't be able to go it alone - so you can imagine what a gold mine finding this site was!


        Day Numero Uno

        Hello diverob.....and welcome.
        This is a great place.
        Stay a while.


          Day Numero Uno

          Thanks Popeye! It's great to be here and I will be around for awhile. Still trying to organise all my nutritional suppliments ... I'm living in Cyprus (actually from the States but moved here for work), so had to go buy all the good stuff at the store to match the MWO guide. Think I've just about got it though!


            Day Numero Uno


            Good to have you on board.

            Glad you are taking the plunge


              Day Numero Uno

              Welcome to the Board! This is a great place to be when in need of support, and the people are fabulous.


                Day Numero Uno

                Daverob, you are not alone. Everyone backs you. Bella xxx


                  Day Numero Uno

                  Hello diverob, welcome. As Louise has said, we all know your story - there are just so many of us with the wine bottle as our best friend. I like you decided six days ago enough just had to be enough for real this time. I'm starting day 6 AF - feel okay - just tired from sleepless nights. We'll all get there this time if we stick together - stay in touch.


                    Day Numero Uno

                    Hey all! Wow, thanks for all the posts - I'm through Day 1 - yeah! A small hurdle I now, but it is one day at a time right? It was pretty cool waking up this morning without that foggy daze clouding my head.

                    Day 2 here we come - can't remember the last time I've actually gone 2 days in a row without some sort of drink. Friends wanted to go out tonight - turned em down cause I just don't know if I could be out and not drink at this point.

                    Anyway, thanks for all the support. Whenever I felt like a drink yesterday I'd hop on MWO and read some posts and stories and I'd be right on track - so THANKS!


                      Day Numero Uno

                      Good for you! It felt great not waking up with that feeling too.. I am much more responsive with my daughter.

                      1 day is a great thing, don't knock it. A small hurdle, is still a hurdle you conquered.

                      So, do you dive? Just wondering.


                        Day Numero Uno

                        Thanks for the encouragment GG!

                        Yeah, love diving! I'm living in Cyprus right now and the diving here is great - there's so much to see, water's crystal clear and warm.


                          Day Numero Uno

                          I dive as well. I love it. Nothing like descending and seeing the ocean floor come to life. Do you use HP tanks or a rebreather? OT Sorry...


                            Day Numero Uno

                            Hi diverob
                            my first day to not too hard as i had a massive hangover, usually can go for a while then i convice my self i will just have one and bam' plasted. good luck and lets get this monkey off our backs
                            ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING


                              Day Numero Uno

                              That's awesome GG - we use HP tanks here.

                              There's this awesome dive on the Zenobia Wreck (supposed to be in the top 10 wreck dives in the world). It was a brand new freighter from Europe on its way to Syria with a fully loaded trucks. It got to the Med and one of it's ballast tanks started to fill (computer malfunction) so all they could do is take it about a mile from shore and watch it sink (took 3 days). Now it's this great dive with so much to see and the whole thing is pretty much above 30m - awesome!

                              Hey chilli - my first day was tough too and, like you, I tackled it with a hangover ... not easy. I totally understand about saying you'll just have one ... which turns into two ... which turns into three. It's like there's this thing at the bottom of every drink that makes you have to have another one.

                              We're all here for you though! Get through Day 1 and the rest will come.

