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Day Numero Uno

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    Day Numero Uno

    I use those too..heavy they are! I love wreck diving. We did lots of that in Canada, and some in Mexico and Aruba. I also love free diving. Have you ever tried that yet? Diving is a great way to help you out. If you feel like having a drink, may be grab your gear and go for a dive. Can't drink and dive. After your dive do you reach for the gatorade or the beer?


      Day Numero Uno

      Haven't done too much free diving - just a couple of times. Takes so much practice to hold your breath for any period of time. Saw this on guy dive down to about 7m and then just hang out there for a couple of minutes before leisurely surfacing - couldn't do that, I'd be gasping at the top if I even made it!

      Great idea about diving instead of drinking - it's gotta be gatorade for now I guess, used to be beer though.


        Day Numero Uno

        We use to have the gatorade..then the beer. All the people we went diving with drank afterwards; as your putting your gear away, and then meet at the pub for more beer and food. Do the people you dive with drink afterwards?

        Free diving is hard, it takes a lot of practice..and you need the fins.


          Day Numero Uno

          Yeah, I think drinking after you dive is pretty standard practise - we'd almost always have a beer (or a couple) after a good days diving. Thing is, when I'd do a couple days of diving straight, I'd wake up in the mornings feeling so dehidrated - and the leg cramps that caused! I'm looking forward to doing without that.

          Wow, all this talk of diving makes me want to get my kit out when I get off work and hit the surf!


            Day Numero Uno

            Oh yah, drinking after diving was the standard. I miss being out on the ocean all day, diving, eating and socializing. And it does dehydrate you so much! Great exercise though. Especially if you have to haul your gear up and down rocks, hills and through the woods like we did. I miss diving. If I was there I would go with you.


              Day Numero Uno

              good luck Diverob!

