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    Thanx Padme

    You described my husband's fear, exactly. He is worried about getting complacent. For some reason I'm not-probably because I am a cock-eyed optimist that still feels about ten years old.

    Got any land in florida anyone wants to sell me?:nutso:



      I haven't been successful with my AF weekend. Today I am really feeling down. I am going to work on Day 1 tomorrow. I am glad to hear that there are some that did well. I am going to keep coming here for the support.


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22


        The weekends are the hardest. We all have struggled with them. Tommorow is Wednesday, a great day to start experiencing life w/o booze. And if you can get a day or two AF under ur belt, u r likely to do much better over the weekend. :goodjob: on coming here. It's a lot harder when one feels discouraged. So kudos on ur stick-with-it-ness!!!!


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22


          That is true for some reason weekends are the hardest for me. I have had AF weekends just hasn't happened lately. I will be really tough on myself this weekend.

          Thanks for your support Hart.


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

            Padme: What an accurate description of the addictive cycle! For me the fleeting thought can take place a day or two before I act out. The trigger this time was that my husband was going to be out of the house for an afternoon & evening. I felt that gave me free rein to drink. I often keep going the next day. It's that: "Oh well, now that I've started, I think I'll just keep going. I also like your suggestion of remembering the last drunk. Do I want to feel that sick, shameful, & guilty? Thank you so much for your insights. They really struck a chord w/me. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

              Hi Everyone

              hi re teacher..well done 6 days AF...i recall you finding hard to get a few AF days an amazing achievement...maybe when you decide to do AF again it will be a little easier to clock a few together.
              The big deal is that you have had some clear alcohol free.clear thinking really helps.

              I,m mucking about a bit and trying to do AF weekdays..well lets see!!one day at a time for me.
              Regards Cassy


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                Hart and retteacher thank you sooo much for the nice warm words of support. It sure helps. The good news is my hubby said he's going to support me now. He only drank 1 beer last night.

                Padme said ?Alcohol is like a vampire for me. It sucks my lifeforce out, leaving me in a preoccupied state, loss of concentration, losing touch with the present. I don't want that in my life anymore?. I couldn?t have said it better.

                Retteacher, that?s been the same trigger for me so often. Hubby is away, time to play. Another excuse, hubby home and need to relax and I?m going to join him. Always an excuse.


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                  Dear all, I'd love to give you all a little message but I'm on here late today and the thread is already lovely and long, us newbies are growing by the minute.

                  So :welcome: to newbies, :goodjob: on all of you with your af days and a big :l to all of you feeling low and going through difficult times.

                  Thanks Bluesky for starting I love your messages, and reeteacher there is no need to apologise for anything here we are your friends and all in this together!!!

                  So wherever you all are, have a good afternoon, good evening or good night.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                    Hi everyone,

                    Is it Friday yet? I think that I am getting summer fever. Just 15 more days until summer break starts for me and my kids. Can't wait! Tonight my hubby set the pool up and loaded it up with necessary chemicals, and I cleaned and organized the patio. It felt so nice to be outside. My weekend went okay in regards to alcohol. Three glasses of wine on Friday. No binging so that was a good thing, but I definitely could have gone without the two martinis that I had on Sunday afternoon. It's hard to believe, tomorrow is two weeks since I drank alone at home. I have been struggling to meet that goals for months. I have to admit by avoiding alone drinking I have done so much better at moderating these past two weeks.

                    But I cannot get too comfortable with this good feeling because on one hand, I am so happy to have stopped the alone drinking for the past two weeks, but on the other, I've already had the fleeting thought that on Saturday night I will be home alone--no hubby or kids. A movie, a bottle of wine...I'm definitely going to have to come up with an alternative plan.

                    Have a great week everyone.



                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                      Hi everyone
                      hang ten Chilli, you'll be step forward and two steps back for most of us in this lifestyle change and, as we know, it takes 30 days to break a habit ( at least). So, along with the rest of us you will get there.
                      I am still AF but the cravings are getting bad. I take the Kudzu but not the Topa so am beginning to think that MAY be my next defensive action! i am loving the book ' DRY' and may even go to an AA meeting because of it???
                      Cranberry juice has replaced my evening wine...and chocolate...I've discovered this enormous sweet tooth! gotta be the lesser of the two evils surely???
                      Well done to you all. Good effort reteacher, back on the wagon.
                      PS where are you Lisa from Melbourne?? c'mon, don't give up.
                      Jane :heart:

