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    Good Morning Everyone, Let's make this one a good one!

    Thank you so much once again for taking the time to post on our "Newbies" thread, It really encourages us all to get through another day AF/mods, how wonderful we all are and how wonderful MWO is.
    Your stories are all so different and yet I can relate to almost all of them. We are not such a bad gang are we, and we absolutely will achieve our goal in the end, I just know it. Sometimes I find tears in my eyes with sadness at our posts and then other times the tears are with happiness because we are doing so, so well.
    I can't dilly-dawdle today and must go but just wanted to open our thread and I'll leave an Irish Blessing to help us through the day.

    A sunbeam to warm you,
    A moonbeam to charm you,
    A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you

    Love to all.

    Bluesky XX

    PS - Start of AF Day 16 for me, yay.
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    Hey bluesky, thanks for the post! It is so good to be with a group of people like this ... and to know I'm not the only one. Way to go for 16 days! Day 1 for me so a ways to go yet.



      Welcome Diverob,

      We were all at Day 1 at some point, so know that the feeling only too well, we are all in this together, stay strong and if or when you are feeling weak just pop onto one of the boards/chat room where there will always be a listening ear and a helping hand to guide you through your time of need.

      Good luck and keep checking in on our newbies thread.

      It is easier to stay out than get out.

      Mark Twain


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

        Hi all'
        I'm having a good morning and up before the clock went off. Work went by quickly yesterday. Not sure what thats about as it usually seems to drag on forever. Got on the treadmill at lunch and that wakes me up some and helps the day get on.Welcome Diverob. You are in a good place. Later bird


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

          Way to go Bird - brilliant news, keep it up.

          BS X
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22


            just keeping it togethe realy hard day lost it as most can probably tell drove up the rode for aother bottle , not sure what to say not wure what to do ,thank god glenn has the kids really would like some one to speak back.....


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22


              You are going through a terrible time so please don't beat yourself up, Day one can wait for another day, it will come again. Plese don't drive your car again today. Pop onto chat and we will have a chat, just don't drive the car. Speak soon.

              It is easier to stay out than get out.

              Mark Twain


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                Hi Everyone: After 6 AF days, I slipped...not as bad as usual but nevertheless... My inclination was to avoid MWO, but this has been my lifeline. I will try to do better. Sorry everyone.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                  I think that we all feel (or maybe I should just speak for myself) that we are a group that does not need an apology as we have all been where you are and know how you feel. Don't look back. Just look forward. Applaud your successes and AF days and pick yourself up from your slips.
                  I second Bluesky. Please don't drive. Hang in there. . . . Day one is coming. Stay in touch.


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                    getting back on track

                    May 1-4 AF
                    May 5-8 off
                    May 9-18 AF
                    May 19-20 way off
                    May 21- present AF

                    Hi all

                    I am finally getting over the depression from going off track at the weekend. Those of who who didn't give in are so much better off!

                    It's a new week and I hope to learn from the mistakes.


                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                      Hi all. AF day 14 for me. Joe asked me if I ever though we'd make it 2 weeks. He also brought up he was worried. You see it's actually been fairly easy for us, once we started taking Campral and changing our habits we haven't really had but a few mild cravings. He is worried we will get so complacent we will get cocky......any thoughts, advice?


                        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                        Good Morning Everyone,

                        I agree with evergreen, no apologies needed. We are all in the same boat. Sink or swim we are here for the same reason, a safe place to land! I wish everyone a good day.


                          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                          Good morning and thanks for the startup Bluesky. We are lucky to have this site and this thread. Chilli hang in there and keep coming back. Retteacher, glad your slip was not as bad as in the past. It is natural to want to avoid MWO when we slip but that's when we really need to come here!

                          Still working to make my mods more moderate! Sometimes I think of the serving sizes for food and how ridiculous they are. Who eats 3 ounces of meat? And who drinks a 4 or 5 ounce glass of wine? I should I know, lol. Right now working on having 2 or 3 max of my normal glasses, which are slightly larger. Not quite ready to measure the ounces!

                          Everyone have a great day!


                            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                            Morning All
                            Chilli feel better soon, thinking of you.
                            I ditto luckyone's message -no apologies'Retteach you can do whatever you set your mind too. I trying not to make alcohol an option.

                            hart -- several ideas come to mind that though from another program work for me. Think the drink through, remember your last drunk.
                            There seems to be an addictive trance that happens right before a relapse. first there is a fleeting idea, then the mental fantasy and then making plans. The return to drinking begins in the mind way before the actual drink. This is where you have time to intervene and change your thoughts.
                            the next stages is the Addictive Encounter where the individual acts out the addiction for alcohol and the next is the hangover: shame/guillt/remorse/physical withdrawal. and then the cycle begins again.
                            Alcohol is like a vampire for me. It sucks my lifeforce out, leaving me in a preoccupied state, loss of concentration, losing touch with the present. I don't want that in my life anymore. Hope that helps, hart

                            Wishing everyone the best today.

                            AF 21, March 2010

                            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 22

                              hi everyone - chilli don't despair, you've come to the right place. We are all here for you, just check in as many times as you need and there'll be a friendly reply - we all totally understand what you're going through. Hello to diverrob too, and good luck on AF1! Well done to everyone else - and to Bluesky for keeping us all motivated!! See you later, Janice
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

