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    Good morning all,
    This is my first time using this site so I'm still learning. The reason I use this site because I actually can read all the real information from members that actually take alcohol and able to recovered from it. I wanted to applause everyone and I envy everyone. Here is my real life situation: I'm not an alcohol drinker, never been and not at all. IT IS my spouse whom is an alcohol drinker for many years. I've been married to him for 15 yrs and I'm so exhausted with the battling and arguing every day. I've been through hell 3 times with his DUI, and car accident, jail time and many others. I've prayed every day for the last 10 years to find a cure for my spouse and for me and the kids. I've tried everything, but I fell because I'm a LOSER. The reason I called myself a LOSER because to this day I still can't help resolve this problem and I am still marry to him but my time is running low. I'm desperate and I needed to hear and see the truth from all other drinkers and hear their confession and their will to try to be sober. I thought if I do this I can try to help my spouse and talk to him in a different aspect instead of getting angry and upset. I'm in so much pain mentally and feeling so desperate to save my family, but I don't know if I can do it anymore. The thing that I couldn't understand is why does GOD arrange a trail for me for this long. I have never been a drinker, not even occasional drinking. I don't have a problem with people that have a few drinks. Please help me, and give me advice and help me understand why??? :upset: