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Doing OK :)

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    Doing OK :)

    Hi all,
    I posted on the "tell us your story" page a few days back and didn't know where to go after that so i'm here.
    I'm on day 5 and feel really good. So much healthier with good quality sleep.
    It's along weekend here in England starting on Friday and my bro in law is coming to stay for nearly a week. He is a huge drinker! Bottles and bottles of JD will pass his lips aswell as beer and wine. My hubby and him will party their socks off. I've just been to the supermarket and stocked my fridge up to the brim with soft drinks for me. Grape juices, etc. Some of them come in a wine shaped bottle so you feel like you're having an exciting drink :H At least i wont be poorly all weekend!
    I'm going to see II Divo in concert on Sat nite at Manchester so i'm looking forward to that. I luv them. I remember months ago when i booked the tickets i was worrying in case i'd have a hangover the day we go! It's crazy.
    Bye for now,
    Charlotte xxx

    Doing OK

    Welcome Charlotte! I'm origianlly from the north-east but now live in the south. Got relatives in Leeds!! Welcome on board Charlotte. I found this site at the end of April and its turned my life around. Looking forward to hearing from you. Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Doing OK

      Hi Charlotte

      Welcome. I know exactly what you mean about worrying about having a hangover weeks and months in advance! I do that all the time and it drives me nuts - just goes to show the strange way our brains sometimes work. I am Day 2 AF and aiming for 5 this week so want to be where you are now. I remember how good it feels. Keep up the good work and have a great weekend.
      Bean x


        Doing OK

        Hello Charlotte,:welcome:
        It's good to have a plan for occasions like family visits and yours seems a good one.
        I've got two sisters and a brother in Leeds and my dad lives near Northallerton in North Yorkshire.


          Doing OK

          well done charlotte you'll do fine this weekend wish i was going with you lol


            Doing OK

            Hi Charlotte ,wont say to much because i am on day one again after last night so dont really have much good advice, but iam sure you will feel amazing when everyone else wakes up with hangovers, and then remember why'


              Doing OK

              Hi Charlotte, I too come from Yorkshire, living south of the border now.
              All my family still live near Leeds. Keep coming back to this site you will
              get lots of support. Have a lovely af free night out on saturday.
              Love Paula.

