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Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

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    Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

    I've just decided to give the abstinence thing another go. Of course, I picked Memorial Day weekend, one of my favorite drinking festivals! Three days of beer and sunshine! I now find myself dreading the weekend, knowing that I will be stomping around the house, bored stiff, wanting nothing more than to quaff a few. Make that a lot. It's pretty sad when you can't imagine enjoying a weekend without drinking. The whole weekend thing, cookouts, working in the yard, watching baseball, playing catch with the kids, is so intertwined with having a cold one within arm's reach that I find myself dreading those very activities.

    Just had to vent.

    Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

    I'm with ya...vent away......fully understand and feel your pain...I'll be going through the same thing....but it's worth it...try some ginger ale!!!
    :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


      Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

      Ginger ale it is!


        Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

        oh i know exactly what you mean i've been like a bear with a sore head (sorry bear !) i've cursed and argued with myself one wont hurt will it? every one else is drinking whats the point of life if i cant have a drink outside in the sunshine, then ive come on here taken a deep breath and some l glut and so far have managed to resist but its not easy is it ? but the best is the next day when i realise i have got through it , so hey leagle eagle we understand vent away !!


          Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

          LegalEagle, why not start your AF after the weekend? I believe setting a start date before a weekend that you would typically drink could be very hard. Especially seeing you are already extremely anxious about it. I am not saying get right out smacked or anything.

          I know there is never a good time to quit but if there is less pressure when you first quit you may be better off in this journey. Whatever you do, I wish you the best.


            Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

            Try nonalcoholic beer!


              Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

              actually i agree with accountable why set yourself an even harder task after all its only a couple of days see you wouldnt get that at AA !!!!


                Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                I agree that you should just enjoy yourself this weekend. Dont go overboard though. Just have fun with your family and all that. Start fresh Tuesday with a great attitude and we will be here for ya!


                  Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                  Maybe mix it up with the real beer and the non-alc beer. O'Douls{sp} is pretty good....I forgot about that stuff. I am going to try that this weekend...just the O'douls for me though.


                    Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                    Yeh, non-alcoholic beer is doing it for me, 4 cans a night with glasses full of ice I feel like i've been drinking but totally sober. :happyheart:

                    I always said I like the taste of the alcoholic drinks but only if they could take out the alcohol? :danthin:

                    I don't really do soft drinks - too boring for an old drinker like me.

                    Don't worry - we all slip sometimes so just keep trying.Thats all you can do xx
                    Just believe - that's all you have to do



                      Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                      Hi LeagalEagle, Well what do you think you will do? I haven't had one AF free day yet but I was going to try tomorrow !!! But this weekend looms large for me also with parties, cookouts, etc. Do you think we could do it?


                        Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                        Goodness me, Mollydog. What a weekend to make this move! The problem is, my bride is pretty exasperated with my habit of turning every weekend into "my own little party", to use her term. I am sure she would allow my one final indulgent weekend if she had any confidence that this would be just that. Problem is, there have been many such "final indulgent weekends" before!


                          Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                          Well maybe we should give this a try. If my husband knew how much I drank he would probably leave (after 31 years of marriage) as he has had a bad experience with his father, etc. I really want and need to stop. Excuses are running out !! I will check in tomorrow...see how you are doing.


                            Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                            Hey...I know where you all are coming from, with one last hurrah....I have to go to another neighborhood party, I know if I drink I will make an ass out of myself again. I know I will be tempted, but before they get the gang together for an "intervention", haha...I am taking this seriously. Maybe some of you can do it, but I am afraid to keep on and on putting it off. Why not give it a try. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit. We should all try to touch base alot this weekend to support one another and pats on the back for giving it a real try....


                              Long Weekend Ahead: Pissed Off Already

                              heh, don't know, ...something tells me that O'Douls won't cut it for LegalEagle.

                              I agree with hablur, if you want to enjoy the weekend with your fav brew, I think it is better to go ahead and that way everyone else doesn't suffer with you.
                              Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain

