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Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

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    Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

    Help! I have been very infrequently taking Nalproxen-helps very little in that manner, however, last night I had what I would call a seizure. I took Nalproxen in the morning, didn't eat past lunch, then in the evening drank a bottle of wine and @ 6-8 beers (mind you I am a tiny 120 lb girl). Normally, I would be pretty well f-ed up. Last night, however, on the Nalproxen, I think I had a seizure. Has anyone ever experinced this? I started out nauseous, then shaking uncontrollably, then I slumpped to the floor,(thank God, face down) salivating like crazy with complete lack of muscle control. I was alone, with my two children upstairs, trying to reach out for the phone that had fallen during my fall...I could not move my hands, yet I was completely aware of what was going on and what I was trying to was scary. What happened?:new:

    Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

    Contact your Doctor IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! Don't mess with this or ask for our uneducated advice. That isnt something to play with. Call a doc please please!


      Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

      Absolutely call a doctor or an ambulance IMMEDIATELY! Don't mess with this. It sounds like you could have had a seizure or a stroke. For your and children's sake get medical help now!!!


        Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker


        You guys are scaring me! I am very healthy, eat very healthy and exercise. I am not asking you for medical advice, however, is this not normal on that drug if you drink? Is it something that the drug did to me? I want to take care of myself and especially my family. Should I be worried?


          Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

          I would definitely call your doctor. Do you have any history of epilepsy in your family? It could be any number of things but none of us could give you a definitive educated answer. Have you googled the side effects of naltrexone? Maybe that could shed some light, but I still would go in for a check up ASAP.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

            Hey, I'm scared. Have you ever been on Nalproxen? Considering my eating disorder, I guess it could be a number of things. LMK


              Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

              tiffany, don't be scared. Honestly I think you should call your doctor as it could be an adverse side effect from the drug and drinking, or several different things, or maybe even nothing. I would go for your peace of mind.

              I don't know much about nalproxen - sorry. But taking any medication with alcohol could be bad news.

              My suggestion is "don't play with fire" go and see your doctor.


                Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                Definitely see a doctor.


                  Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                  Tiffany you can guess and we can all guess but we are not the doctors. I think that you need to take your own health into consideration especially considering you have children in the home with you. I urge you to call your doctor just to get advice if nothing else.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                    I am on Lexapro for depression, my doctor slowly raised my dose, when it got to high i had a really bad reaction shaking etc really freaked me out but i didnt loose controll of my body I would say you should see your doctor he might just have to change the dose, but i wouldnt muk around it does scare the hell out of you.


                      Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                      I agree with everything thats been said, you must see a doctor. You could have had an
                      alcoholic seizure. It's very important that you seek medical advice.


                        Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                        My sister has battled an eating disorder for many years, and while not a drinker, has been on numerous meds. She has had seizures as well, tho I'm not sure what meds she was on at the time.

                        Im not sure if it was the med, or her body reacting to critically low nutrition, or both. But it's very serious business- especially with alcohol in the picture. It should NOT be considered a normal side effect of medication.

                        Do see a doctor ASAP and be frank and upfront about what is going on, so you'll be able to recieve better care from the doc.


                          Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                          re:Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                          No need to consult a doctor unless anything is serious.This is a very normal behavior of not being stable due to mix up of the Topamax and nalproxen along with the drink you had and also i thing in the next morning you might have felt every thing as normal.

                          Bulimia News and Discussion Forum


                            Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                            Do you mean Naproxen?
                            Looks like seizure is a potential side effect:
                            Naproxen Information from

                            Topamax is an anti-seizure drug.

                            I agree with the others that youneed medical advice to determine the true cause.


                              Topamax vs nalproxen-eating disorder drinker

                              don't take this lightly just because everything seems ok now.

                              sorry to be so blunt, but this is your life we are talking about!

