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Desperate to Quit

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    Desperate to Quit

    Hi Everyone,

    Really wanting to quit, but having a hard time. Evenings are the hardest. Feeling
    alone and down on myself. Wanting to be the best wife and mother, but it's
    hard when alchol is involved. Does the Toprimate really work??:h :new:

    Desperate to Quit


    :welcome: I'm glad u r here. I'm on another drug, Campral, and it works for me, but I think more people are on Topamax and they can tell u about that. Evenings and weekends were the hardest for me....drank daily, now AF (alcohol free) for 14 days! So this is a great forum. And I am a better wife and stepmom!


      Desperate to Quit


      Welcome aboard. Very happy to see your post. Losts of great folks here. Please take some time to read through the existing and past posts and you will find some really inspirational advice or chat about what is on your mind.

      You have found a very supporting home. Again, welcome! :welcome:


        Desperate to Quit


        Hi Flowers,

        Lovely name, urgirl:

        Do what is good for you, some use meds, some cold turkey, some cd's etc. Tune into this site for good advice.

        Love, Angellina -x-
        Just believe - that's all you have to do



          Desperate to Quit

          Hi Flowers, this is a good website, full of support and helpful people. I am 4 days af and have made it a bit of a challenge to myself to rise above this thing that really wants to win and take me down with it. We all seem to have alot in common. Sensitive, giving, wanting to enjoy life. I am a mother too. I wanted to be the perfect mother and wife. Some of the stress to do so added to the need to drink. I thank God that my family hasn't expected me to be as perfect as I have expected myself to be. Cause I sure have messed up! Like Scarlett said.."tomorrow is another day".....haha....I am in Atlanta, had to throw that on it with us all, we'll be here for you....Buffy


            Desperate to Quit

            What to do?

            It all sounds fun to me! The sunshine, tossing ball and tossing back a few cold one's. What do you do? Everyone around you is drinking? How do you stand tall and be strong. It sucks! But, where is it leading you, are they going to turn it off and you can't? I can't! I will go all night. Is it worth pissing people off around you? Or is the high better than the low? You have to ask yourself that? It's a tough question.


              Desperate to Quit

              Thanks for the support

              :thanks: Thanks so much to everyone for responding. I feel better now, just
              knowing that someone cares and is going thru the same situation. I believe as a
              mother I too have tried to be the best and tried to be so perfect, that I think I have
              put to much pressure on myself. Thanks for listening and the support.


                Desperate to Quit

                Good to have you with us. I am a mom of 2 beautiful kids and got so tired of not remembering all the wonderful moments. I want to be a better mom to them too. Read all you can here and get the book. I am on the Topamax and it has helped me decrease my alcohol intake a bunch!! Everyone has their own way to do the program but the best thing is all the support you will find here on these boards. Take vitamins too, I have found that my body really needed to get healthy after all I have depleted from it over the years. Again, glad you are with us!
                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                  Desperate to Quit

                  You are sweet! I want help! I am suffering. I use my alcohol to subside my stress of being a stay at home of a business owner(read:a lot of hours, self absorbed successful man) Oh, who BTW beats me, but that's another forum. Alcohol is an easy thing to get into when you have idle time.


                    Desperate to Quit

                    Welcome aboard Flowers!....Topa is working well for me...I'm on all the Supps, but it was Topa that put me over the was like a switch for me...seemed to turn off the hasn't been a total piece of cake but it has helped me to begin slaying this dragon...I've had 28 alcohol free (AF) days now and I am certain I could not have done it without the Topa....before the Topa I don't believe I had had an AF day in well over ten years...I had been drinking myself into oblivion every night for a long motivators were stress and anything else I could use an an excuse to drink....
                    :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                      Desperate to Quit

                      Flowers43- I am struggling as well. When I first came on here I wasn't having such a problem. I will start again this week on going AF.


                        Desperate to Quit

                        Hi Flowers
                        Waiting for my package,so not sure what will work either,like demimalti any excuse to drink... I think i stay depressed just so i have an excuse (god how bads that) its scarey that we just keep feeding this monster it gets bigger and bigger, so it seems logical if we stop feeding it, it will go away. keep chating it helps to know you are not alone.
                        ACCEPTANCE IS A POWERFUL THING

