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First Time Here

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    First Time Here

    Hello All~

    This is my first time here and I'm not sure exactly how to approach this whole ordeal. I've seen my Dr. and am on my fifth day of topamax and the supplements. I've tried to be consistant with the CDs, but I find it very difficult to work them into my life regularly. This is mostly due to the fact that I'm not discussing this with any of the people in my life. My boyfriend is the old school type who ignores a problem exists and if confronted would not be patient with the struggle I'm having. I think my cravings have begun to subside, but I'm not sure. I feel very moody and sensitive and I don't know what to attribute it to, withdrawel or the meds. I'm assuming the meds. I haven't decided which approach to take (abstinence or moderation). I'm playing things by ear for now to see how this works out.

    I'd just like to take this opportunity to say hi to everyone as I'm sure I'm going to need advice and support along the way. I've never before been able to openly talk about my problem with anyone other than my immediate family, and with them I always feel like it is with mixed of pity and disdain. I'm looking forward to openly talking about the issues that most affect me but are too taboo to ever discuss.

    First Time Here

    Hey, I'm brand new myself. Welcome! There are some great folks in here.


      First Time Here

      Hello ame
      You've done well.
      You're brain and your body will feel strange for a short time while they repair and rewire themselves. I was moody and emotional for a while too. It must have been withdrawal as I don't take medications, just somesuppliments.
      I only discuss my drinking problems with my wife, who obviously knows all about them and is delighted that I'm finally confronting my demon and trying to beat it. I tried to broach the subject with afriend / work colleague once, but he looked at me as if I were mad, so I changed the subject and never brought it up again.
      There is more than enough knowledge, help and support to be found here. It would be nice if everyone would be as kind as the people here have been to me.
      I hope you find what you need.


        First Time Here

        Welcome ame! Sometimes it is hard to discuss the extent of the problem even with people closest to us. It seems to me you are heading in the right direction though. Having the problems with alcohol can be very lonely and people who don't have it really cannot understand why we drink excessively.

        I hope you find comfort and support with us here. This is a good place for you to talk about what you are going through. You can open up with us.

        And hi to you too, LegalEagle. I didn't formally welcome you earlier. Welcome aboard!


          First Time Here

          Hi Ame and LegalEagle, Welcome to MWO.
          Ame it sounds like you are on the right track. Could you just say that the CDs are for relaxation then you don't have to talk about the drinking until you are ready.
          Keep posting here as you get more used to talking to us about drinking being a problem and see that it is very very common and not to be ashamed about then you will eventually be ready to talk to others around you. I find that now I can say to people around me no I'm not drinking right now, I need a break because when I start I can't stop, and because I know I'm not alone, I'm not ashamed, it is just a fact.
          Its when we drink we do things to be ashamed of, not when we stop.
          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


            First Time Here

            Hi Ame and welcome,
            It's great to be able to discuss your problems with people who understand,
            and I think most people here do. You are making big changes so you are
            likely to feel sensitive etc. Well done on facing up to your problems. It does
            get easier as time goes bye. It has certainly changed my life for the better
            as it will yours, if you stick it out.
            Love Paula.


              First Time Here

              Welcome to you Ame (and Legal Eagle)!! Glad you found us. The first few days of going AF can cause a whole multitude of feelings and physical symptoms. Hopefully things will get better for you soon. Keep posting here. It is a great place! :welcome:
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                First Time Here

                Hi Ame,

                Welcome to MYO. This is a wonderful place to be able to openly share what you are going through in regards to alcohol abuse. I never talked to anyone--not my husband or my bestfriend about the extent of my drinking problem. I opened up for the first time here. It's been so helpful in this whole process of trying to get a handle on my drinking and feel happier with my life. You have definitely come to the right place for support, advice, and empathy. Good luck.



                  First Time Here

                  Good for you

                  Hi Ame,

                  I to have been like you..and never really talked about my drinking to anyone. I have
                  just kept quiet. It's a lonely feeling when you feel so desperate to quit. Please let
                  me know how the medication works for you. I have been thinking about trying it.
                  I have been to embarrased to go to the Dr. for the medication, because I don't want
                  to tell anyone. I quess I have been hiding it for a long time. Good for you for making
                  the first step. Take Care:goodjob:


                    First Time Here

                    Welcome Ame and Legal. Glad you are both here. Talking about how much we drink, when we drink and why we drink is hard. I am here for that reason and hope that you both find the same support that I have from the people here. I have turned my life around. Good luck
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      First Time Here


                      Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome. It feels really good to be able to chat so freely. I'm looking forward to it.


                        First Time Here

                        Welcome are in the right place!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          First Time Here

                          Hi Ame and Legal, we all need somewhere to be really honest and this is the place to be xxxx
                          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                          Day by day


                            First Time Here

                            Thank you to the welcoming committee, but this post appears to be about 6 years old...we may not get a response!

                            But just in case: Welcome Ame!!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

