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I am hoping this works..

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    I am hoping this works..

    First time poster. I have been lurking about a month or so now while gaining information. I just placed an order for the book/cds/and starter kit. That stuff was rather expensive! I really am hoping that this program will work for me. After reading a lot on here I can see that some are successful with just doing the books/cds/supps so that is what I am going to initially try. If I can not achieve 30 AF days then I am going to have to go for Topamax or some prescription. That is the current plan anyhow.

    Short story:
    I am now 32. I can not remember exactly when I started drinking, but I do know that since the age of 21 there have been very few days that I did not drink. I will ultimately be very happy if I can just get to the point of drinking once or twice a week, but rarely, if ever, getting completely inebriated. Since I have not read the book yet, it is hard for me to say for sure what is going to happen. About a year ago I committed to my wife that I would cut out drinking Liquor and have done so with the exception of one shot a night. I average about 10-12 beers and 1 shot a day (peak days are around 18 beers). More recently, in the past month or so, I have been trying to just drink every other day. This has proven to have a very minute success rate. This week I am hoping to go three straight days AF. I have committed to my wife that I will go 7 straight AF days before June 13th or I will go to a Doctor (which she and my best friend both think that I should do today). I am not in a position where I can go to rehab, so I have sought out other programs hoping something will work. I am not a fan of AA at all, so that is why I came across this site. It is certainly nice to see that there have been many others that have succeeded with this program. I sure hope it will work for me.


    I am hoping this works..

    :welcome: Iced,

    You've come to a great place, there is tons of support here, and you will find so many people who know how you feel.

    I wish you luck for yor future, you sound like you really want to tackle your drinking.

    Good luck, hope to see you around.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      I am hoping this works..

      Welcome iced! It sounds like you have a pretty good plan of attack set up already. I am certain you will be able to relate to a lot of us here. This site is an excellent means of support. Anytime of the day, anytime of the week. Express your thoughts often and continue to read a lot.


        I am hoping this works..

        Hi Iced,
        Like you i have ordered the book,cds, and starter kit, cant come quick enough. Iam hoping to do it with just the vitamins, seems to have worked for some, this site is great only being loging on for 3 days but iam addicted, its great to talk to people who understand, let me know when you get your package,and how it goes i will do the same.


          I am hoping this works..

          Thanks for the support. I will surely make a post when I do get the cds/book/supps.


            I am hoping this works..

            Welcome and good luck, Iced!



              I am hoping this works..

              Iced, it sounds like you are ready. And I fully support giving yourself a chance to do it on your own, with this program, before going for external help. I think that it's important to know that we can do it on our own (if indeed we can, and plenty of people here are doing it). I fear that if I resorted to rehab etc at this point, and it did get me sober, that I wouldn't have the same satisfaction as knowing that I DID IT ON MY OWN.
              Good luck. I'm waiting for topa and cds, and look forward to really getting down to it!


                I am hoping this works..

                Hi Iced
                The books and the supps have worked for me so far, and keeping busy especially at " witching hour". I haven't had an AF day AT ALL for over 30 years and now I've gone cold turkey this past fortnight. I feel brilliant, but vulnerable. Haven't yet confided in anybody, only my husband. My mates don't realise I have a drinking problem because it mainly happens at home...waking up with hangovers on a MON, TUES, WED morning etc. filled me with shame. But I hid it all well.
                Good luck, if a fool like me can do it so can you! this MWO forum is my main motivation and support. I wouldn't have got this far without being able to share with all the wonderful faceless souls out there.
                Thanks everyone.
                Jane :heart:


                  I am hoping this works..


                  You're no fool.

                  You're doing splendidly!

                  :heart: E


                    I am hoping this works..

                    That is awesome Jane! Honestly it is posts exactly like yours that have convinced me that I have a chance. Thanks for responding to the thread


                      I am hoping this works..

                      Hey iced! Welcome - your in the right place. I've only been here for a day or so and am on AF Day 2 (but like you lurked in the background for a couple weeks checking it out) I can tell you it's been a life saver (literally) - a real supportive group of people.

                      I totally hear you Jane. Like you I got so tired of feeling hung over on the Tues, Wed, Thurs etc. I've gone cold turkey after not having an AF day for years - feels good but your right, so vulnerable. Kind of like you half expect yourself to trip up and moment and it's just a matter of time.

                      But I keep telling myself that that this time it's for real and not the other times I 'quit' for the good part of half the day before it was 'drinking time' again.

                      Good luck - we're all here for you and iced!

