Still here, cant believe anyone could read that post, how pathetic, anyway day one again, feel a sleep at dinner table( more like pasted out) kids came home and put me to bed(way to be a good mum) woke up with a screaming headache (thank god iam not working today) found all my dads stuff all over the loungroom floor,god knows what i was doing. Nursing home gave me a bag of some other dead guys stuff. Needed that. So i rang them and told them just that (please someone invent a phone breathalizer) This bloody package cant come quick eough. Dont know about anyone else but what scares me is i can go days without a drink its just every time i drink , well you know.
Cant believe i drove the bloody car i seem to be getting worse, god my kids are going to have so much to tell the shink: anyway signing off going to read some of your post and see if something will rub off.
:thanks: chill