It's been so helpful to see how many people are struggling with the same thing I am, even when I brought up being an angry drunk; and hearing how someone BESIDES me makes an ass out of themselves at weddings or cook outs or get togethers.
I went 20 days AF, my goal was 30, but I consciously decided to drink ahead of time. I did do a good job moderating over Fri and Sat and Sunday the whole day passed before I reaized I hadn't even thought about alcohol. Yesterday wasn't too bad. Today didn't take my L Glut or B, (still waiting on Kudzu and Amino and CD's in the mail) and I'm really wanting a drink. I spent the whole evening working in the garden of our new house which usually makes me feel great, but still all I can think about is catching a buzz.
Even after I read all the encouraging posts and think about all the dumb things I've done while drinking, I still WANT to be that person in a strange twisted perverted sort of way. Maybe it's a self esteem issue, I don't know, but sometimes I think I LIKE being a drunk, like it's my alter ego or something. I know that sounds crazy, and it's hard to put into words but I'm just wondering if anyone can even SORTA relate to what I'm saying. Life is so boring day in and day out w/out my wine. I'm just feeling very tempted right now. It's 11 pm here so I know I won't drink and I'll head off to bed instead but I haven't wanted one this bad since the first couple days of AF.
I'm just trying to figure my crazy brain out. With all the AF days and the weekend of moderation I know I'm trying to justify starting back w/ my old habits again, but I've made too many promises. I just want to get to the point where I'm keeping them for myself and not someone else.
Thanks for listening