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Low alcohol beer / wine

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    Low alcohol beer / wine

    Hi everyone !!

    Just thought I would post this reflection / question before I head off to work.

    Last night it was amazingly warm a I left work and I really wanted a beer. I cant have alcohol beer but thought I could have an alcohol free one - neither of the two pubs I went to had it. So had to settle for a Fosters which I drank slowly and only had one. Which was a result really for me.

    One way home my local supermarket had Becks alcholol free which once chilled was nice with my dinner.

    Does anyone else susbstitute AF free varieties of beer / wine - am not sure what other types you can get. I was surprised about not all pubs having it.

    Best wishes am drinking my lovely rose tea now.


    Low alcohol beer / wine

    I have tried low alcohol beers and wine but i just drank twice as much and peed a lot, non alcoholic doesnt do it for me i just drink mineral water.So sorry can not really help but iam sure someone will know more


      Low alcohol beer / wine

      Hi Gargy,
      I remember reading that low alcohol beers have like, 0.5 percent proof (or alochol) in them. My brother is doing AA and they don't allow it, but for us trying moderation it might be okay, if it gets consumption down, I have not heard of one that tastes great. Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Low alcohol beer / wine

        I drank alcohol free beer and wine when I was pregnant, I got it at the grocery store and it was suprisingly good. If I could buy it here I would drink that instead.. I can't remember what the name of it some were horrible.


          Low alcohol beer / wine

          Hi Gargy,

          Have just started drinking 'AF' beer as a soft drink, but yes, be warned, here in France if it's 0.5% or less it can be termed non-alcoholic even though it does contain some - Whilst it doesn't have a real affect or increase cravings for the real stuff, I am certainly aware that there's some in it. I enjoy it sometimes because it's a change and it's not too sweet, however I do find it generally gassy. As for AF wine, the thought of trying to substitute a lovely Shiraz or Sirah for something else just does nothing for me!
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
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            Low alcohol beer / wine

            Hi Gargy,
            I like the non alcholic beers ok, some of them anyway. They are extra gassy though. I guess they add extra carbonation to give them a kick. The non alcoholic wines only make me think of the 150 empty calories, strange... the real stuff doesn't make me think of them at all...... I think anything is better than drinking the alcohol if you don't want to drink the alcohol.
            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              Low alcohol beer / wine

              I searched and searched for non alcoholic wines in my first week of AF (I'm not a beer drinker) Ariel makes a decent one, they have a Blanc and a Chardonay, Also St Regis makes a non alcoholic champagne and a chardonnay. Sutter Home Fre is terrible stuff though, in my opinion, thats the one you'll usually find at the grocery store around here. I had to go to one of those huge discount liquor stores to find any real selection. Overall though, the wines are not great. Can't comment on the beer.
              "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                Low alcohol beer / wine

                Hi Gargy

                I used to drink non-alcoholic drinks when AF. Mostly I prefered Aqua Libra dry which for me was an alternative to wine.

                Also major supermarkets do presse which I find refreshing to drink.


                  Low alcohol beer / wine

                  In a quandary

                  Susanna & Arial you were right about the Alcohol Free Beer. Although I don't usually drink beer, this morning I bought six pack of Buckler "Pure Malt - The Best Beer without Alcohol" and even though alcohol free is mentioned at least six times on the pack, in very small print is "less than 1% of alcohol by volume" - (whatever that means).

                  Should I drink one or two this evening, can I put a big zero on yellow in the drink tracker tomorrow with a clear conscience (and a clear head) - who is to arbitrate and say YES A.Z. go for a zero ?


                    Low alcohol beer / wine

                    My opinion is that it definitely doesn't count. It's non alcoholic for a reason, so people that don't want to drink can enjoy the taste. As long as you don't drink 20 to try and catch a buzz I would say you can put a big "ZERO" in Drink Tracker!
                    "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                      Low alcohol beer / wine

                      I agree with most here, the non-alcoholic stuff is inferior and just makes me want the real thing!


                        Low alcohol beer / wine

                        Before a contradictory opinion is posted, I am going to take gitawine's arbitration as gospel, I'll drink a couple of Bucklers this evening (it's a beautiful afternoon here in the Alps - so a cool sundowner would be welcome) and put a big fat zero on yellow tomorrow in the drink tracker - just watch me. Get yourself down to the Champion GG - for some Bucklers !! Thanks - A.G.


                          Low alcohol beer / wine

                          I wouldn't go as far as "gospel" lol Just my Humble Opinion, I find the action of holding a wine glass gets me through tough nights, it's calming to me. Sometimes I put lemonade in it! So if an NA beer gets you through, it's better by far than the real stuff!
                          "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



                            Low alcohol beer / wine

                            I think Alcohol free drinks can be very useful to cutting down.

                            It's a very minimal amount of alcohol, so I would also put a zero in the drink tracker.

                            In my opinion, the beer is better than wine. Aside from the lack of the buzz I can't tell much of a difference between the fake and the real beers. the german ones are nice. And ODoul's makes a great Amber AF beer, but as I recall it has more calories.

                            I drink Ariel Merlot. It's ok. For me the wines are soo weak compared to the real thing. I only drink them to get the sensation of something that looks like wine in a wine glass. And they sometimes help with cravings. A bottle of Ariel has 150 calories.

                            One problem with these drinks is that you stay in the psychological/behavioral habits of drinking alcohol. I try not to overdo AF drinks for that reason.

                            At bars, if they don't have alcohol free beers, try tonic water and lime.


                              Low alcohol beer / wine

                              I can't seem to put "O" or color or anything on my drink tracker, can anyone tell me how to do it? Thanks.

