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    Good Morning One and All and thanks for all the "thanks". Would love to write to everyone individually but we are just too many nowadays. It just shows us that we are absolutely not alone are we, there are so many of us from all walks of life and from every corner of the world who suffer from this dreadful infliction. Ducky - you are so right - it is when we slip that it is very important to come to MWO to be encouraged not to give up, but to start again. Padme - Love your theory of "thinking the drink through", in fact love all your theories. Nancy, sorry you slipped but thanks for reminding us of just how awful it is the next day wakening up after having poisoned ourselves the night before. A few words for thought.

    "It is easier to STAY OUT than GET OUT"

    "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time"

    "First the man takes a drink; then the drink takes a drink; then the drink takes the man"

    Good luck to us all today, day one's, day whatever's, moderators and start "againers".
    Bluesky XX
    PS - Start of AF Day 16 for me - yeahhhh!
    It is easier to stay out than get out.

    Mark Twain


    Hi Everyone: Had 2 days of drinking. Not as much as I usually do when I binge, but nevertheless I drank & didn't want to. I didn't even enjoy it. I'm back on the horse today. Still keeping track w/Drink Tracker. Good luck everyone & congrats to Blue for 16.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012



      Thanks for the startup. I overindulged last night and thought about my own words in the middle of the night. Back to mods today. New day!

      Tx for the startup retteacher and glad you didn't have as much as you would have in the past. I look at that as an improvement. We'll keep improving!


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

        Yahoo bluesky on day 16, big congrats.

        Thanks for the words of wisdom to start the day.


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

          Hi everyone,

          Back on day 4 again this week after my Saturday slip but I'm off to London for a friends B'day this weekend so I expect I'll be moderating but I'm pretty confident I won't go crazy.

          Joined a job agency yesterday so hopefully they'll find me a job soon.

          Anyway back to my window cleaning, we are bringing a friend home with us after the weekend so I'm getting everything ship shape!.

          Have a lovely day everyone.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

            Hey Blue definitely agree with "It's easier to Stay out than Get out!" Beginning of day 7 for me and feeling pretty good. I was driving home from errrands yesterday and realized how many errands I got taken care of first of all, second how much I enjoyed it rather than feeling like I was trudging through chores and planning my next drink and I most especially enjoyed the beginning of my senses coming alive. Every leaf looked greener, the sky bluer, the smell of fresh cut grass.... (I quit smoking same day I quit drinking, might have something to do with it) but it feels good.

            WTG on 16AF.
            good Luck on a the job Kitty

            have a great day everyone!

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

              Howdy everyone. I haven't been feeling chatty recently so I haven't checked in to the board. I made my 10 day goal but not 11. I went out and drank on Monday night and did not moderate and really felt horrible yesterday. It was eye opening to have a real hangover for the first time in years. I will not be drinking that much for a long time if ever again.

              I'll have more to say to everyone after I catch up on all of the posts I missed.

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                Hi everyone, good to hear from you. Day 24 for me, don't why but feel really down - actually, I do, its probs PMS and I thought with not drinking, I might escape those dark thoughts this month but its not to be. I have so much admiration for all you guys who slip and pick yourselves up and start again the next day. I know I couldn't do that. That would be it for me and I don't even think I'd be back on this site. Its all or nothing with me. Just finished Augusten Burrough's book "Dry", it was really good but it has made me think how easy it would be to fall back into the life I was leading before. Its scary and its knocked the motivation out of me a bit. You are all so strong. Anyway, don't worry if I'm not around over the weekend - I'm hoping I won't have slipped! But we're going up to see mam for a few days. Thanks for listening, don't think I'm making sense, just a bit tearful and needed to write this down. Well done to everyone, you are all amazing. Janice
                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                  focusing on health

                  May 1-4 AF
                  May 5-8 off
                  May 9-18 AF
                  May 19-20 way off
                  May 21-present AF


                  congrats bluesky on making it to day 16! I had hoped to be there with you.

                  I am doing ok, but not sleeping again.

                  I am focusing on nutrition, healthy eating. It's amazing how many nutrients you don't get if you don't eat healthy, let alone if you drink a lot on top of an unhealthy diet.

                  I tried hypno again and got bored again.

                  As I said before, I don't see the point of drinking without moderation. Like retteacher, I don't enjoy it when i go off track. It ceases to be sociable when you have too much.

                  I also realize that any major change requires sacrifices along the way for the long-term brighter goal.


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                    Dear ((janice)) I hate PMS. the first time I quit seriously several years back for two months in a row my slip was right around my period. I don't know..hormones? need for extra carbs the depression, PMS in general. I know this time around it is a very vulnerable time for me and actually I don't quite know how to prepare for it -- It's the only time I have seriously bad cravings. I guess for me I'll keep myself out of Red Flag situations, I might even just hole up with movies, a little bit of that dark chocolate. Janice you are strong, I hear it in your voice. Take care of you and give yourself a pat on the back for, WooHoo, count 'um, 24 Days!!! You got the mindset to get you this far & you will get through PMS and the weekend. Read something more motivating -- I've ordered that book by Alan Carr that I read about somewhere on these boards. Supposed to be about taking your power back or something. You did the right thing by posting, so try to enjoy your mam(mom?) and the time away. I have absolute faith in your ability to get through this. Big Hugs! Look forward to hearing what a great AF weekend you had when you get back!

                    AF 21, March 2010

                    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                      NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                      Nancy -- I read that most alcoholics are malnourished when they quit. I guess that's why the supplements are so helpful in the beginning. Brings one's body back into balance faster.
                      my eating habits aren't so great right now, working on it. Melatonin works for some for sleep.

                      AF 21, March 2010

                      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                        Day 15 AF for me. Joe almost blew it yesterday, they towed a truck and trailer from a place illegally. He doesn't feel like fighting....and barely escaped not getting beer last nite. I'm proud of him! He chose to nap instead.

                        What I am struggling with is getting up in the morning. I have NEVER been a morning person....and I usually get to work at 6:30 a.m. People know to leave me alone until a few cups of coffee or pop as I am not my usual cheerful self......if biting people's heads off are an indication But I'm dragging myself out of bed. I moan at my hubby.....and not in a sexy way .....

                        i am taking rubios(sic), Kudos(sic)...I know, I'm slaughtering the names, but I think u get the idea and I'm too much w/my lower lip stuck out right now to look them up.

                        How can I get up easier! It's as bad as when I drank so much.....but w/o the hangover.

                        Sorry to bitch and moan....but......heck....I'm not really sorry.....LOL


                          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                          Janice, great job on being AF. But if you ever do slip (sounds like you will not), please don't disappear! We would all miss you.

                          Lorelei, hope you are feeling much better today.


                            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                            Padme, I quit smoking also the same time I quit drinking. What a relief to be quit! Day 16 for you and 15 for me AF.

                            I don’t have much to say, just checking in. Hang in there everyone and keep posting. We’re all here for each other no matter where we are in our struggles.

                            What is Drink Tracker?


                              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                              Thanks guys for being so supportive, its just one of those days but your kind words make so much difference. I'm feeling more relaxed now - just done the clearing 1 & 2 CDs and I said to Bluesky, I've been lying in a river getting rid of all my negative feelings, been up and down stairs, escalators and lifts (so tiring!) and then absorbed all the sun's rays so I'm full of positive energy now! Padme, you are doing amazing - I remember your first post and you sound like a different person now. Ducky - thank you. Soz for the blip everyone!! Lets get back to it! Janice
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

