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    Hart, Know what you mean - I've felt exactly the same getting up, despite sleeping really heavy, a totally different sleep to when I was drinking! You're on day 15 - may be its something to do with our bodies adapting to all the changes, no alcohol, vits/supps, medication if you're taking it etc. I don't think I've taken care of myself like this for years and yet I "feel" as if I've had a good drink the night before! Janice
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



      Adapt -- small correction Bluesky as 16AF, I was congratulating her. -- Today is my day 7

      The Drink Tracker can be found by going to "Our Community" at the top of the page and once there scrolling down to the end of the page under 'Miscellaneous.' You login with your usual name and password and set up your own calendar. Others are listed as well who have signed up. Each day you enter the amount of drinks, zero and on up and also choose whether you are abstaining or moderating or default, nothing. I like the accountability. That first day One looked pretty lonely when I first entered and the home stretch looked kind of long but it sure is feeling better each day I put AF in.

      AF 21, March 2010

      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


        NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

        O -- and Adapt meant to say awesome on your 15 days of no smoking or drinking!

        Can you go to bed earlier hart and give your body some extra rest as it heals?

        AF 21, March 2010

        "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


          NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23


          I did, I went to be at 9:45 pm last nite! It took about 30 minutes to fall asleep. The problem is I'm actually a nite person......with drinking 12 beers it wasn't a factor , but now I can't shut my mind off. I am taking all that stuff, and even 1/2 a sleeping I thought my usual one tab was the cause. And I'm taking it at 8 pm as hubby suggested. And he lays there sleeping w/the cats and dog......

          I am a nite owl living in an early bird life.... sniff, sniff:upset:


            NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

            Back at this again

            Today I am working on day 1. I really want this to work and I am starting to really feel frustrated with myself. I have been patient with myself when I had a few but after this weekend I am not feeling that way anymore. Well hopefully I can get back to where I was.:sigh:


              NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

              hello my name is julie how do you quite? please.


                NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                Hi Julie, welcome to MWO. We are all working on that. Some are trying to moderate their drinking and then others, like myself, are trying to quit. All I can tell you is that you start with making the decision that you want to quit. If that is what you want to do you can, others have done it and we can too. You may want to read the book My Way Out, read as many of the posts on here that you can, forgive yourself for not being perfect...and like us all, never will be. I find it really has helped to write what I am thinking on here and you will be suprised at how many other people have done the same things or thought the same things as you. We are all going through this together and would love to have you join us. Buffy


                  NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                  Guys, today is Day 10 AF for me!!! I'm very happy about this. The program seems to be working pretty great! I still have some cravings but they're manageable. The other night I was craving, so I listened to some hypno CD's- when I was done, the craving was gone.

                  Feeling great! I plan to keep it up as best I can!

                  Good luck to all...


                    NEWBIES IN NEED - DAY 23

                    Congrats Fire31 on 10 days AF. I really need to revisit the CDs. I bought them, but wore the batteries out after a few nights and haven't gotten back into the routine. I'm so glad it's working for you. Way to go!


