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    You are doing great wanting to break the cycle, your children are lucky to have a mom like you and they'll so benefit from the positive steps you are taking.

    Take Good Care

    AF 21, March 2010

    "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."



      hey alone no more
      welcome and well done your story could be for most of us here i cant do AA cos id be afraid of someone knowing me. my hubby is still drinking but he doesnt drink excessivley, i love being in control of my life again this site has truly saved my life, we will support you and we can have a giggle together too which is always good



        :welcome: Hello (was) Alone - 'cos you certainly aren't any more........:welcome:....A.G.



          Hey muz_b_crazy

          Cool name. Mind you it is better than alone. And may I also says the same as others that you are no longer alone. Welcome to MWO and I wish you success.

          All the best.
          Mandy x



            Hi Muz be crazy, you are certainly not alone, this place is just amazing, you now have new friends all over the world, who will never ever be judgemental, only supportive to help you achieve whatever you want.

            Love & Hugs, BB xxx



              Hi Muz.....hope you don't mind me callin ya muz.... You will fit right in with us....we are from all over the world, which is so cool in itself. We all have so much in common on so may levels. Glad you are a part of the "get a grip on ourselves", club. I know what you mean about Fridays. My husband just called me, even though he knows I haven't had a drink in 7 days, and asked me if ....and I quote, "Do you want to party like it's 1999", I told him No....I already did that in 1999, and it 2007, time to change. It looks like I will have to be the one with my s**t together around here....Love ya ,Buffy



                First you thought you were alone and then people from all over the world started talking to you and now you think you are crazy! What a wacky world we live in!!! Welcome to MWO. I hope you find all of the love and support I have found on these boards!
                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



                  Yes was alone_1 now muz_b_crazy
                  Chat soon



                    Hello Alone!
                    Jus join also what can I say "here's to Sobriety!!!!!!!"



                      Yo M B C!

                      Yea, I feel like I must be crazy sometimes too. It's been said that there is a fine line between genius and insanity... It's much easier to walk that line when your drinking is under control.

                      I was feeling pretty alone when I first posted here a week ago, but not anymore.

                      Keep posting, you will recieve lot's of support here.



                        You are definitely not alone now. Don't tell anyone, but some of the people on this site are nuts!!! :crazymonkey: You may laugh yourself into sobriety. :H

                        Do this for yourself and for your kids. You will be so glad you did. It will be hard, but we are all here for you all the time. There will be lots of ups and downs and heartbreaks, but share them with us and we will try to pick you up whenever we can. There are some very very wonderful people here (but watch out for the nutty ones)
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                          Hi Buffy my hubby did the same thing, I sliped last night so am starting again monday, am going to try controlling the amount i drink if that doesnt work i am just going to stop altogether lets hope it works.



                            Thanks music man, am feeling good today, did slip last night but managed to only have a few.
                            Chat soon



                              You aren't alone, and I'm in a small town too, and found this site EXACTLY the same way, for the same reason....I was married to a dentist that is/was bipolar, that'll make you drink, I hope he's on meds...if not, get sober and make sure he gets on them...your boys can't take you drinking too much, and him ditto, and one person one minute, one the next....I agree, someone has to be in control, and its hard, but you found the right place to be, none of us are making it easily at all, but we are all here for each the book, and order the supps and topa if you need too...we own a pharmacy, and I'd suggest going to a health food store/grocery and getting the L-Glutamine powder, its a higher mg. per serving and tastes good, and works fast....take the Kudzu at 1pm to help with that 3pm hour, and then more at 3 for the 5pm, ditto the L-glut....and stay on here, and chat....and, find something to do to get some time to yourself....really important, a gym workout, yoga class, anything....Welcome....we'll do it together!
                              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"



                                Thanks toughintexas,
                                Am going to do all of the above. Take care and hope to chat to you soon.

