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Well, i made it last night with none

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    Well, i made it last night with none

    Can I do it tonight? Keep in mind that I have not yet read the book, I have no supps or meds. This has been the struggle for quite a long time now. I can generally make it one night, but the subsequent night is REALLY hard for me to make it through. I have 7 hours to go before bed time and thinking that I will not be making it tonight. I did order all of the books/cds/supps yesterday from this site so I guess I can try to focus on the fact that it WILL happen for me to go at least 7 days AF sometime very soon!

    I hope others will have more success on this hump day!

    Well, i made it last night with none

    Hi Iced,

    Great job last night! Tonight, maybe you can try some chamomile tea and just try to relax with TV or a book, and get to sleep early.

    Either way, I think you'll find the book/cds/supps will help you greatly- it has for me!

    Good luck! Come back often.


      Well, i made it last night with none

      Good luck Iced, I was trapped in that day off day on cycle for years and it can be very hard to break. Just do your best. Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't succeed right now just keep perservering.

      You're in the right place for help and support. Keep posting even if you feel low because you will always receive encouragement.

      I wish you well,

      :l Kitty
      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        Well, i made it last night with none

        Hi Iced,
        Well done i am on day 2 allso and have no tools yet, but dont give up yet you can do it think of those bloody hangovers, the throbing head, sick stomach, guilt of failing again, and then think of how great you will feel tomorrow when you have made it, you can do it


          Well, i made it last night with none

          You can do it iced! Cut up the rugs if you have to. (pace the floors). The cycle of habit is one of the hardest things to break. I did a lot of pacing my first few weeks. Hang in there!!!!


            Well, i made it last night with none

            Pat yourself on the back for starting. You can do it. If you have not had anything to drink, go to the drug or health food store and get L-glutamine. Open the capsule and pour it on your tongue. I learned it on this site or in the book and it helps. Then do anything safe you do not usually do and/or spend the time until bed here if you have to. Good luck! Oh, and just before you go to bed, enter your drinks in the drinks tracker. Knowing I was going to do this has kept me from a few.


              Well, i made it last night with none

              I can not figure out how to do the drink tracker. When I click on it, it just shows me everyone elses information.

              I just got finished cutting the grass.. that was an exhausting 2.5 hours. Now off to eat dinner and watch the American Idol finale. After that it will be real tough.

              Thanks for the encouragement!


                Well, i made it last night with none

                Ice, welcome to the boards, nice to have you with us.
                Good for you on day one.
                We are all here for you.
                If you haven't figured out the Drink Tracker by now, PM me, and I will tell you how to do it.


                  Well, i made it last night with none

                  You can do it.
                  Well done.


                    Well, i made it last night with none

                    Way to go on your first day iced - it's one day at a time right? Keep it up!

                    Hey, don't know if it would help but did you know that you can download the book as a PDF for the MWO website - that way you wouldn't have to wait.


                      Well, i made it last night with none

                      Iced: I use DrinkTracker. I really like seeing my progress (or lack thereof) in print. You click on it either on the Community homepage or the dropdown menu on the same page. At the bottom of everyone's info is the log-in. Click on that & you will be asked to register w/name & password. Good luck & keep going. We're all w/you all the way!
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Well, i made it last night with none

                        Outstainding Iced!!!!
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:

