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Newbies in Need Day 24

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    Newbies in Need Day 24

    Good morning everyone. Up nice and early today so I thought I would surprise you and start the thread off before work! Hope everyone is hanging in there and having a good week! I feel better today - thats the trouble with this addiction isn't it, your mind is all over the place. I think somewhere deep down there was that little voice nagging me (I had thought he'd gone) but anyway hypo cds seemed to help. Thanks again everyone and good luck today no matter what your aim is. Be on later hopefully..... Janice (day 25!!)
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need Day 24

    Day 3 Blue?

    Hey everyone,

    Just at the beginning of Day 3 - I've heard that this is one of the hardest because your body should now be totally detoxed - is that right? Anyway, glad to have 2 days under my belt!

    Good luck to everyone today wherever you're at!



      Newbies in Need Day 24

      Day 3 Blues?

      Hey everyone,

      Just at the beginning of Day 3 - I've heard that this is one of the hardest because your body should now be totally detoxed - is that right? Anyway, glad to have 2 days under my belt!

      Good luck to everyone today wherever you're at!



        Newbies in Need Day 24

        Day 25 well done, Janice cant wait to say that, and well done diverob day 3 way to go i am just at the end of day 2 being on here is really good it stops me being idle and thats when the cravings set in. Keep it up guys.


          Newbies in Need Day 24

          Hi all and Welcome to Oneeye (Julie),

          Thanks ever so much Janice for starting us off today with the fantastic news that you are feeling great today, and congratulations on day 25 WOW, well done!

          Rob and Chilli Very Well Done, keep it up, we are all with you, Rob not sure about the detox on day 3 - personally, I thought it would take longer than 2/3 days to detox, but someone will get back to you with more info on that I'm sure. Chilli, you are doing fantastic. Our thoughts are all with you on your sad loss, be strong and hang in there.

          I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone of us for taking care of each other, we had Janice who was feeling a bit low yesterday, but straight away Padme came along and lifted her up with her kind, encouraging words. Then we had Julie who came on board as a new comer and straight away Buffy jumped in to help Julie along, Ducky came in with her kind words. Whether it be Padme, Buffy, Ducky, as was the case yesterday, there is always one of us out there who jumps in straight away with the right words to help whoever is in need right at that moment. This is amazing, we don't even know each other and yet we feel like (well I do) one large family wanting to help each other as much as we can, I think we are all amazing. And Janice, Padme did pick you up, you came back fighting and brought huge smiles to our faces with your clever words on the hypno tapes, Brilliant it was, thanks for brightening up the day!
          I will have a challenge tonight as I am going out to the restaurant, not a big do just a low key event but I have never been to a restaurant and not had wine ever before in my life, but what with you lot behind me you know what - I CAN DO IT. Therefore, I will meet you here tomorrow and will tell you that I didn't have any wine. There you go! Way to go!!!!!

          Re yesterdays threads:
          Retteacher, Nancy: You are both doing great, it's try, try and try again, isn't it, you are getting stronger all the time.
          Kitty: Good luck on the job front
          Jacy/Lorelei: We are waiting for you to jump back on, are you coming?
          Padme/Adaptable: Good luck with the smoking
          Fire31: congrats on Day 10 - well done
          Hart: Well-done, Bravo
          (Please forgive me if I have missed you out, we are soooo many now!)

          Quote for today: Whether we want to abstain or moderate:

          As we became subjects of King Alcohol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down. It thickened, ever becoming blacker. Some of us sought out sordid places, hoping to find understanding companionship and approval. Momentarily we did -- then would come oblivion and the awful awakening to face the hideous Four Horsemen -- Terror, Bewilderment, Frustration, Despair.

          Love you all

          Bluesky X
          PS - I made a mistake and it's start of Day 18 (not 17) AF for me today, yay!
          It is easier to stay out than get out.

          Mark Twain


            Newbies in Need Day 24

            Hey all,

            Bluesky - I had a lunch meeting today, it was at a Mexican restaurant and several of the people ordered Margarita's... In the past I would never hesitate to order a drink as long as I wasn't the only one. Today I ordered iced tea. It was delicious. I know dinner and wine would be even harder for me... I've got a few social engagements coming up that are going to pretty hard for me, but it sure felt good to make it through day 5!
            Stay strong.

            Diverob - Day 3 has always been the hardest for me (usually because I never make it to day 4).

            Here is what my first five days have been like..

            Day 1, Oh my god I am having the worst hangover of my life... again

            Day 2, Thank god I am now feeling human again. I never want to feel the way I did
            yesterday again... ever... I'm so glad I quit.

            Day 3, Ifeelprettygoodtody,butboyamIhighstrung(pace,pace, fidgit,fidgit)...
            nowwhatwasIdoingagain?Ifeelgood,butadrinkwouldreal lycalmmedown...IknowI'mnotgoingtosleepatalltonight .

            Day 4, I've got the flu or something... my head hurts...this sucks, well at least I made it past day 3. I wonder what tomorrow will be like?

            Day 5, Wow. I guess I didn't have the flu after all. Gee, I feel good. I slept good too. Maybe I can moderate instead of abstain... no... that's right...I promised myself I would abstain for 30 days... 30 days? that's a long time... You know, I do feel good though... I wonder what day 6 will be like?


            Best wishes to all of you.


              Newbies in Need Day 24

              Welcome Music Man

              Brilliant, brilliant Post, and ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto, Let us know how day 6 goes........ good luck.

              BS X
              It is easier to stay out than get out.

              Mark Twain


                Newbies in Need Day 24

                Yay!'re gonna love day 6!!! congrats to you. i remember your first despondant post, my, how different you sound now (with a clear head).
                Jane :heart:


                  Newbies in Need Day 24

                  Yeah I hear ya on that MusicMan. Day 1 - Hung over and "Gotta give this up, why on earth do I do this to myself. My poor liver" ... drink lots of water, pray for the cloudy pain to go away. Day 2 - "What a difference a day makes! I'm never going to drink again. I can't believe I lived like that for so long!" Day 3 - "Wow, I haven't drunk for 2 days, I could sure use a drink now ... besides, I've gone 2 days without booze, I don't have a drinking problem right?" .... Day 4 - (see Day 1) ... the endless cycle continues.

                  No, I read somewhere that when your body absorbs alchohol, for the first 2 days you still have alchohol in your system so your body doesn't crave it as much, when day 3 hits it's all out of your system and you go through withdrawal and craving. Don't know if I'm right or not but ... for what it's worth.


                    Newbies in Need Day 24

                    What would we do without Bluesky to keep us all going!!!!! Thanks Bluesky, you are so thoughtful thinking about everyone. Good luck tonight, we are all with you. Has anyone heard from Aduggan/Amanda - she was going to be back today??? Padme and Adaptable -don't know how you are tackling two addictions at once, well done! Chilli, you sound so much better - great to hear from you!! Love to everyone new and oldxxxxx
                    AF since 9 May 2012
                    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                      Newbies in Need Day 24

                      Hi Everyone: I feel I'm back on track. I've had 7 heavy drinking days in May which might sound bad but for me is pretty good. Some months I've had twice that (at least). Anyhow, I'm just beginning day 2 (again) & the relief I feel is tremendous. I really appreciate seeing the progress all of you have made. It is very encouraging. Thank you so much for being here.

                      Right now, I'm reading "Getting Better" by Nan Roberts. It's very "AA" but I like it. She was very functioning even in the worst throes of her addiction. I can relate to that. Anyhow, have a great day all of you!
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Newbies in Need Day 24

                        Afternoon all,

                        And :welcome: Diverob and Musicman, I don't think I've said hi to you yet.

                        Diverob I can relate to the different feelings on your af days. It can be so very easy to get a few days under your belt then think "Im cured I can take it or leave it"

                        My original aim when I came here 5 weeks ago was to abstain completely, I've had a couple of slips but only during one of those nights did I actually get drunk. My aim is to just clock up as many af days as I can and so far I've got 24 out of 29 which believe me for me is a miracle.

                        So stick around guys this thread is fab, and we have all got to really know each other over the weeks. And just think everyone a few more days and we'll be newbies in June!!!!

                        Take care everyone and have a good day.


                        And hi to Amanda, hope you are ok, I'm sure you are very busy but if you get a moment check in and let us know how you are doing, we mis you.
                        Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                          Newbies in Need Day 24

                          Wow, what a crew we have here! I am having to open two internet windows so I can keep looking back at all the posts when I reply! That is great. Thanks for the start Janice. You sound great and you are doing great! Bluesky, your words are so welcoming and comforting. You are right -- this is a great group. Diverob and Chilli, you are both off to a great start. Musicman, you are so right about how we try to fool ourselves into a drink after a few days of feeling good. Hi to Jane and Retteacher. Glad you are back on track Retteacher.

                          Bluesky, good luck at dinner. I was mods at a dinner last night, which was good for me. Does the restaurant have any special teas or juices you could try? We will be rooting for you.

                          Everyone have a great day!


                            Newbies in Need Day 24

                            Hi Kitty, posting at the same time!


                              Newbies in Need Day 24

                              Hi Ducky and well done for mods last night.

                              Bluesky good luck for your dinner tonight, let us know how you go.

                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

