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Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

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    Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

    Hi to everyone in here hope all is well. Hey im past myself, went to see a nurse and had all my bloods taken.......went back for results and my ALT is 104, im very scared and worried. My GP aid i had to go back in 2 months for another blood test she told me to cut down on my drinkin, this was on tues - i since have no had an alcholic drink, she just said my liver wasnt good and cutting down alcohol would make me better. I have read an article off you scottish lass and now im thinking i have hep c.......i cant eat or sleep right now - im sure this group will help me aot.....thanks. Can anyone shed some light and advise me what to do next......should i go and see another dr? love to yous all xx

    Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

    Hi Mama and welcome. Giving up al is going to be the best thing you can do for yourself and your liver. I am sure if you had Hep C the dr would have told you. What he did tell you was to stop drinking as your liver levels were up. Stop drinking, liver levels go down when you have your next blood test taken.

    It took me 7 years to have a blood test. I always said i would stop drinking for 5 weeks then get the test done. problem was i could not give up drinking for 5 weeks back then. I had a blood test after 40 days being sober and my liver was fine (a total suprise). I have been sober 5 months now and blood tests do not worry me at all.

    If you dont stop drinking then your levels will not improve. This is from common sense not a degree in anything medical. I am sure others will be able to advise you.

    One day at a time not drinking is all we can do Mama. Head over to the newbies nest and get to know everyone, post on here daily and its totally possible to get rid of al out of your life.

    I hope to see you around.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

      Thanks Available..........thanks so much for your lovely reply and advice!! The funny thing is i havnt had or wanted a drink since geting this result, but read loads about ALT of 104 and to me it indicates Hep so scared. Hey im proud of you doing so well!!!! Im going to ry and get some sleep although my mind is going into overdrive...............xx


        Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

        mamamia - welcome. Take a long, deep breath. This could be nothing. As Ava says, not drinking will definitely improve those chances. You didn't really tell us much about your history, so I don't know what your drinking pattern was. But regardless, I'll pass along some advice that my dear mother gave me..."don't borrow trouble." Worrying yourself sick won't change things. So, please take care of yourself for the next two months. Eat well, drink lots of water, stay away from AL, and see what the test says. And if it is the worst case scenario - hep C - there have been huge advances in medicine recently. Some experimental drugs are actually curing it.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

          You could get the results of your tests and go and get a second opinion if that would put your mind at ease. I know how you feel about your mind going into autodrive and everything imagineable is possible. Every ache or pain i had was a tumour, oh dear! Its a normal human reaction to think the worst.

          Proud of you for not drinking but us alkies get complacent after awhile and think, well what is a drink, i really am fine. al is a powerful drug that entices the best of us to have it again and again and again. Keep up the great work of being af, get rid of all al in the house and take it day by day.

          Keep us posted on how you are Mama.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

            Hi, Mamamia

            If only ALT was off, you should put off your worrying until there is a definite reason to do so. Many people here have had that measure and others be way off when they are first tested and they normalize after a couple months. The liver is an amazing organ! It detoxifies all the junk we throw at it as long as it can and then when we get smart and give it a break, it can regenerate.

            I hope the fear you've felt keeps you from going back to the booze - life is so much better without it.

            You'd be welcome in the Newbies Nest. It is a great place to hang out, learn, and get support. The link is shown below.

            A good way to spend your time is to make a plan for not drinking - even when your ALT goes back to normal.

            All the best, NS


              Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

              I am sorry if my information has scared you.
              A couple thoughts - if your Dr felt all your lab values pointed to hep C, she would have tested you for it. It is a different kind of test and normally takes a couple days to come back.
              If the ALT is elevated, it means your liver is still working and it is doing the job it is made for - it is high, so it is struggling with the work you are giving it, so treating it kindly will help. The ALT by itself doesn't mean anything, there are other associated values that need to be taken into consideration. Your Dr seems to have reacted which means that she will work with you to sort things out and that is good.
              Use thsi time to stop drinking, no tylenol - drink lots and maybe take soem milk thistle.
              Please don't look for zebras in a field of horses, your dr is the only one who can tell you what is happening and at least she is paying attention - spend two months working really hard to let your liver rest, and imagine how happy you will be when you go back and see the level is way down.
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Im so scared as i ont understand what is wrong with my recent blood test result

                scottish lass;1656225 wrote: I am sorry if my information has scared you.
                A couple thoughts - if your Dr felt all your lab values pointed to hep C, she would have tested you for it. It is a different kind of test and normally takes a couple days to come back.
                If the ALT is elevated, it means your liver is still working and it is doing the job it is made for - it is high, so it is struggling with the work you are giving it, so treating it kindly will help. The ALT by itself doesn't mean anything, there are other associated values that need to be taken into consideration. Your Dr seems to have reacted which means that she will work with you to sort things out and that is good.
                Use thsi time to stop drinking, no tylenol - drink lots and maybe take soem milk thistle.
                Please don't look for zebras in a field of horses, your dr is the only one who can tell you what is happening and at least she is paying attention - spend two months working really hard to let your liver rest, and imagine how happy you will be when you go back and see the level is way down.
                Mama Scottish Lass is giving you some really good advice. BTW your levels are elevated but not excessive. I had much higher levels but after abusing alcohol for as long as I had that was to be expected. I have been sober for 9 months and after years of crappy test results I am happy to tell you that my liver function is now normal. Why not just call your Doc. I am sure she would be more than happy to put your mind at ease.
                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                William Butler Yeats

