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Newbies in need day 25

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    Newbies in need day 25

    Think Australia must be the first country to start Friday morning? so I will begin the thread today before I head off to work.
    I log on everyday, MWO has become my lifeline and I feel like I am beginning to get to " know" you all. Actually, this probably isn't healthy, because I'm avoiding my 'flesh and blood' friends as they all drink too much! I've been following the program for nearly 3 weeks now and AF for 10 days.It's probably time I came clean and stared to tell people in my life that I've given up the booze. I'm reluctant to though, because the few I have confided in look at me as if I've got two heads and always say " why? you haven't got a problem?!" .I HAVE , but I've hidden it from them with my secret, at home, drinking.
    What have the rest of you told friends and family??
    I told my Kids I was on a detox program to explain all the supplements knocking around the house and mysterious packages arriving from the States!!
    Must say, I love this new AF life. I feel so well and in control (now). Couldn't do it without all of you, thanks.
    Otie, Agatha and you know of any half decent AF wine or beer in Oz ??
    Have a great day everybody.
    love Jane
    Jane :heart:

    Newbies in need day 25

    Good question, and I hope you get some good answers because I need them too. Or feel like I do. I'd been thinking of saying I was trying to lose weight or was taking a medication I couldn't drink with. But now that I think about it, I have a good friend who quit a couple years ago and never really said why. I did not think she had a problem but she and her husband just initially said something about him training for a marathon (although this didn't explain her) and then just said they didn't drink any more. So maybe people don't really need an explanation beyond "I decided I don't want to."


      Newbies in need day 25

      Hay Jane, congrat on 10 days AF - that's awesome!

      Yeah, I agree with Louise that an explanation isn't really necessary. I'm only on AF Day 4, but in the past when I've tried to 'give it up' I just told my friends I was just trying to cut back and be good to my body. They seemed to understand and I just tried to be nonchalant about it. But like Louise said, just say you dan't want to anymore - that's a fair enough explanation.


        Newbies in need day 25

        Good Morning to all and welcome back Amanda, we missed you.

        Jane, thanks for starting us off today, wow Australia, my husband has always dreamt of emigrating to Australia, but, it will have to be in the next life! Lucky you and all you other Aussies out there.

        Well folks, the restaurant RDV was cancelled so I didn't have to beat the temptation, until the next time then ….. Thanks so much anyhow for all your support, it was much appreciated.

        Hallelujah - the weekend has come - having said that this is the "danger-zone" time, but I'm sure that since we are all feeling so great being AF/mods that we don't want to go back to the way we used to feel after a night's binging (what a waste of a w/e), so stay strong and focused and for those of us who have slipped, come on board when you are ready again, we will be waiting for you.

        Quote for today:

        Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.

        ~Ernest Hemingway

        We have a long w/e here in France so will be leaving for a few days, I won't be checking in again until Wednesday so to all of you, my special, special friends, Take Care and Be Good, I'll miss you all,
        Bluesky XX
        (Start of AF day 19)
        It is easier to stay out than get out.

        Mark Twain


          Newbies in need day 25

          Jane rees, hello there in Austrailia and thanks for starting this moring. Congratulations on your 10 days AF. You can always say that the alcohol makes you sick. Or that it doesn’t go with the medication that you’re taking. I tell people that it doesn’t agree with me anymore and leave it at that.

          Lorelei, the nicotine addiction was the motivator for me to stop all 3. I was so afraid of getting lung cancer and couldn’t quit without tackling the rest. I’d tried so many times, it just didn’t work.

          I’m still having headaches, only sleeping 5 hours. I’m going to try to going down with the Topa from 100 MG to 50 MG to see if that will help.

          ((Bird)), take care of yourself.

          Thanks everyone for your support, it sure is good to be here, I don’t think I could do this alone. Let me re-fraise that. I couldn’t do this alone. Have a great weekend and do something fun like when you were a kid.


            Newbies in need day 25

            Morning to my Aussie sisters, up with the sun --- WTG! Jane on following the program and 10 days AF today is my AF Day 9 I'm just quietly quitting. If anybody asks it's either because I don't feel like it or because of medication. But usually no one asks. Besides I don't want to jinx the thing before I've got at least a month under my belt. I understand that thinking when no one thinks we have a problem because we are so high functioning...but you do, actually thank god for that.

            My sons grad. was fun. The weather was mild and the speeches were short and he was thrilled, me too for that matter. ---I'm a little blue and depressed as he is the baby and the last, I want to mask some of these feelings with drink but keep telling myself it won't do any good, just postpone getting through natural changes in life. Not horribly fun right now.

            Bluesky enjoy your weekend. We have a 3 day weekend here in the US, Memorial Weekend. Usually lot's of beer drinking. I have no cravings yet, the worst I'm anticipating is when we go down to Mexico next week, it's only a few hours across the border to the Sea of Cortez and it's usually Margarita -ville, huge temptations and the brain is already setting up the you deserve it, a few in Mexico won't matter, just a few...which is never just a few...sigh, think of other things......

            Adapt I sure wish you didn't have to suffer from headaches. Drinking enough water? Also alcoholics don't have a lot of magnesium when we first quit which can contribute. you might want to take a supplement but it needs to have calcium in it too or it doesn't get absorbed by the body.

            AF 21, March 2010

            "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


              Newbies in need day 25

              i need help and don't know how to do this lanie


                Newbies in need day 25

                ((lanie)) -- have you read the book? or ordered the supps? that might help get you started in the right direction. The only way to 'do' this is to put down the drink. It isn't easy for some at first. Educate yourself a little and keep reading the boards for hope, information and inspiration.

                Take Good Care hon

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                  Newbies in need day 25

                  hangin' in there

                  May 1-4 AF
                  May 5-8 off
                  May 9-18 AF
                  May 19-20 WAY OFF
                  May 21-Present AF

                  Hi all.

                  Bird, sorry you feel off but get right back in there!

                  I had really bad cravings last night (maybe because it was Thursday) so I bought some non-alcoholic beer and had one. That seemed to satisfy me. No more drinking at home alone!!! That life has to be over, i keep telling myself.

                  I hope I don't overdo it this weekend as I am feeling positive at the moment.

                  I am trying to curb all compulsive behavior and it is HARD WORK. But as I gain control of things like coffee and food, I start to feel that I could carry that over to alcohol.

                  Best of luck to all on the holiday weekend.


                    Newbies in need day 25

                    Hi all. AF day 17 for me...yea! That part isn't too hard but I seem to be eating more.....having said that I lost a pound so what the hey. When i diet I gain, when I eat junk I lose....somehow that doesn't seem feasible.


                    Welcome!! I am on Campral and lots of people on other drugs to help. Not saying u need them or want them but that is one avenue to investigate if u like. Does ur doc know u r doing this? R u alone? What was ur motivating factor? I'll tell u one thing hon, we are a caring group of people and have gone thru anything and everything u have or can think judgement here. :welcome:


                      Newbies in need day 25

                      I am a newbie, and I have posted a dozen messages so far with no returns. HELP!
                      I still have not gone more than 2 days without drinking. Advice?


                        Newbies in need day 25

                        Hi there Soloman

                        I know I replied to one of your messages.

                        Maybe you are not getting responses because you are posting at the end of threads about subjects that don't relate to the threads.

                        What you should do is post a new thread, under Just starting out, or tell us your story. You will get more response I am sure.


                          Newbies in need day 25

                          :welcome: Soloman,

                          Just a quickie today fellow newbies, not feeling too great today and off to London for the weekend tomorrow for a friends B'day so if I'm honest I'll probably be moderating rather than trying to go af.

                          Have a good weekend all, take care and see you all next week.

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Newbies in need day 25

                            Great job on fighting the cravings, Nancy. I have a goal to not drink at home alone too. I'm on my third week of no drinking at home alone. Now if I could just get a handle on the other few days of the week when I am socializing. I bought a couple of bottles of non-alcoholic wine to have on hand if the cravings get out of hand. Anyway, just wanted to say congrats on abstaining.



                              Newbies in need day 25

                              Congrats on Day 10 Jane. It does feel much better without alcohol, doesn't it? It's almost like a the world is suddenly in focus after years of being all fuzzy. I know you can keep it up. :thumbs:

                              Solomon :welcome: I haven't been to Just Starting Out for a while so haven't seen your posts yet, but Welcome Aboard!! I also suggest starting a new thread here and just introducing yourself. Don't worry - you can't be nuttier than most of us, so post away!!

                              As for AF beer and wine, I have found a lot of good AF beers that I occasionally enjoy. Go to a good beer shop and they usually have some imported German AF stuff that is quite good - at least with food. The name Paulaner comes to mind as one I like. As for AF wine - please - if someone knows of a decent one that I can have with dinner every once in a while, let me know. I've tried a few and they were terrible. :argh:

                              Anyhow, welcome to all the newbies. Looking forward to seeing you around the boards.
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

