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Newbies in need day 25

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    Newbies in need day 25

    Hi all. thought i'd get started with a bang and say thanks for being here. on the meds and supps now and day 3 is just a sleep away. wahooo. this is scarey and yet if i see you all doing it i know it simply is possible. i'm ordering that kudzo tomorrow. and i need to allow for the topa to kick in. so here we go..... the motivating factor for me is all the lost time drinking that i could actually be productive and then the time after i'm so fuzzed out. i really want to be a productive human being and in life not hiding away from life. i'd like to be a participant not a number. so maybe reality is what i just need to get used to. stop thinking it is something other than what it is.

    there is much i need to do and drinking doesn't seem to be on my planner at the moment. lol so seems that all this wine i consume has gotta go. i've weaned it down from everyday to 3 days a week but even that is too much. thanks for listening


      Newbies in need day 25

      soloman;139958 wrote: Hi
      I am a newbie, and I have posted a dozen messages so far with no returns. HELP!
      I still have not gone more than 2 days without drinking. Advice?
      hey soloman: it's barbie here. i'm on day 2 as well. it's tough my friend. i know it. what exactly are you feeling? and what exactly do you need to do for yourself that booze won't take away? for me right now i need to feel my lonely feelings, my sadness, my boredom. i need to feel uh just feel. and i'm breathing deeply too and drinking nice big sips of water.
      i'm reading the book, doing the cds, taking the supplements, and the meds and ordering the kudzo rescue.
      glutamine helps big time as well as tyrosine, 5htp
      big hug

