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I should know better by now.

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    I should know better by now.

    I'm 58 years old...and I just ordered Antabuse online to hopefully give me some AF time. I haven't had that in many years. I've been taking naltrexone without much success so far. I fear that my husband and family have had about enough of me. I feel hopeless and disconnected from real life...though I work and function on a daily basis as a nurse.

    I should know better by now.

    Hi Sixcat,
    That's exactly how I felt and hated myself for it. Please join us in the Newbies Nest to get support. Read as much as you can on this site. Threads that may be of interest are the Toolbox which is located in Monthly Abs section and Generals section has a lot of good topics. You're not alone. I'm glad you found us.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      I should know better by now.

      How do I get to the newbies nest?


        I should know better by now.

        Hi, the link is below. Welcome!


          I should know better by now.

          Sixcat- you found a good place to be... No matter what your daily drinking is... Keep coming here.

          Lots of people here are warm and welcoming along with good advice.
          Don't give up.. Keep trying.



            I should know better by now.

            Just got the Antabuse in the mail. I'm scared and yet hopeful. Drinking right now so I know I can't start it. Probably I should take a few days off once I do? Sorry...I am a shy person at heart and not one to post long messages.


              I should know better by now.

              Welcome Sixcat.
              I am just curious, would your doctor not prescribe you the Antabuse and that's why you got it online?

              I would definitely take a couple days off if you're going to quit drinking but I would also advise that you see and speak with a doctor too. Many people do need medical supervision when they have been drinking for a long time and are quitting cold turkey.
              I am not a doctor at all so can't give you too much advice except that have someone with you (quitting drinking when you're on your own is not fun) and be kind to yourself and listen to your body but if at all possible see if you can speak with a doctor first.

              Congrats on making this decision for yourself. It's worth it.
              And yes, check out the newbies nest and post lots. Even if it's to just check in and let us know how you're doing.



                I should know better by now.

                Yup come to the nest ... We are here
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  I should know better by now.

                  Thanks guys, for responding. I got the Antabuse online because I'm a private sort of person. I asked my MD for a script for naltrexone and she wouldn't do it. So I'm not about to go back to her to ask for this.


                    I should know better by now.

                    Sometimes our doctor is not the right one for us. I've changed docs over the years and found one that I"m comfortable with. Possibly post your question in the meds section about how long to abstain from alcohol before taking the antabuse. If you don't wait long enough, you'll get sick, but I don't know how long.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      I should know better by now.

                      Thanks j-vo. I'm not sure when I'll start the Antabuse... Or even if I will. But a changed mood has come upon me in the last few weeks. I know I can't continue living the way I have been. My life is not my's become something alien that revolves around a bottle and a glass.


                        I should know better by now.

                        I'm teaching yoga and I drink.. It makes you feel worlds worse when you're actually helping people and getting hammered at the same time... I know how you feel.. Hang in there.. I was on Antabuse myself two months and was doing great, then talked myself back into drinking.. This drug works for sure.


                          I should know better by now.

                          Sixcat this is how my hubby used antabuse. We ordered the 500 mg tablets. I cut them in half and he took one half every other day to start. (Wait at least 12 hours after last al consumption) then we went to once a week with the half tablet. 250 mg. This lasted about 6 months. His last tablet was march 1st. He has been al free 9 months. Antabuse is a great tool.
                          No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.

