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I can't do it.

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    I can't do it.

    Juja you would not believe how al was affecting my health and my denial was pretty intense until i finally realised that i was well on the way to being like my brother from al and that was dead. i was pushing my children away and they are my life and my mother probably wanted to kill me. Now i have nothing due to giving up al, absolutely bloody nothing. Oh i do have my children back and my mother and i love each other so what more can i possibly want.

    Take one day at a time and it is hard, we all know that but with pure determination to get rid of al out of our lives, admitting you are an alcoholic and realising that you can never ever drink again has gotten me to where i am today. Acceptance and honesty is what its about and add some posting like a lunatic and you can do it, hell i am well on my way.

    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      I can't do it.


      Hi and welcome. You're having another go and that's all that matters. You're in exactly the right place to reach sobriety. You're in good company. We all have that common goal.


        I can't do it.

        NORA!!!!!!!!!! My dear Nora! I'm assuming you're struggling.:h:h: With all you've been through, it's no wonder.:l I haven't checked in with the Steppers, as I'm trying to keep everything simple, and not be overwhelmed. I'll stop by soon to say hello, and to apologize for going AWOL.

        Available> I'm glad your family has returned to you. You did it, you made it happen. I think I'll look you up, and read your story. I think we know each other...? Keep it up.

        I'm concerned that you're sick. Is this AL related, or is it something going around? I hope you're better soon.

        I think you gave me something to think about today: I need to admit to myself that I am an alcoholic. I knew it, but never brutally accepted it for what it was. That will be my starting point today.

        Pav>I've bookmarked the link. Thank you.

        Hi, SL, Petril, and Mr V. Thanks for the encouragement. SL>I always appreciated your posts.
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          I can't do it.

          Juja!!! I have missed you my dear friend! Please DO stop by the Steppers thread, if for nothing else, a good laugh! You are welcome back with open arms, we all understand. Take it one minute at a time, before you know it, the days, weeks and months will rack up. We are here for you. Love you mucho! :h
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            I can't do it.

            Thanks, Niner.

            I know the Steppers would welcome me back, but I'm trying to keep things simple by staying on the Newbies Nest for now. If I flit around, I get overwhelmed. I need to stay focused.

            I'll stop in with a hello soon.

            "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


              I can't do it.

              Juj, yes we were around a couple of years ago at the same time and probably went away again at the same time. Cant imagine what we were doing other than drinking and drinking and drinking. i crawled back late August last year so it took me a couple of months to get my act together. tried moderating as thought everyone was talking out their arse and yep that worked a treat NOT. Now i am happily sober.

              I went to thailand on hols and mum and i came back with some bloody virus/flu that wasnt in the immunisation we had. i am feeling much better than what i was but just exhausted by the end of the day. I think i catch more now i am not drinking, probably my body getting back at me!

              I think when you admit you are an alcoholic, and it is a brutal realisation, you kind of surrender to that knowledge and it makes it so much easier. I fought it for so long but that is what i am and that is what we all are on mwo (everyone has a different name for being addicted to al) but for me i am an alcoholic. I love al, i cant drink al, im not a normal drinker and i never ever will be. So my choice is not to drink today.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                I can't do it.

                Hi Juja, nice to see you and hope you don't mind me jumping in on your thread. I too have just logged on after a long time and was looking for a place to settle in. Your thread caught my eye but know you're going to NN. I'm looking to do a 30 day stint (gawd that scares me!) and see what happens from there. Best not run before I can walk though, so looking to do ODAT. I guess day one would help! So, tail between the legs, coming back too. Sending you hugs anyway :l
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  I can't do it.

                  Good to see you again, FreeFly. Since you are on a mission to get AL out of your life, you'd be welcome to come back to We missed you when you left. There is a lot of success happening there. And check out the Newbies Nest! People are racking up days and days and days. I know it isn't true for everyone, but it seems that most people do best when they really engage with others on one or more threads.

                  Welcome back, NS


                    I can't do it.

                    Hello Juja, my love
                    We will give you all the love and support you need.
                    Come back to the Steppers thread and be with us.
                    We are here, unconditionally.
                    Much love and encouragement, dear friend
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      I can't do it.

                      Hi FF :l Welcome back....ODAT really does it...
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        I can't do it.

                        Aw, and the Steppers are so special. What a great bunch. I'll check in soon.

                        Free, so very good to see you. Join me in the nest?
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          I can't do it.

                          I'm so glad you're back Juja Bean! And, you, too, Free! It takes courage and strength to help the good old prefrontal cortex get into shape to wrestle control of the hijacked mesolimbic ship. Well...I might've made a mess of those mixed metaphors...but I think you know what I'm saying! Untuck those tails, friends, and give yourself a pat on the back for taking the tough first steps toward healing and health.

                          Getting AL out of our systems and lives is a process but it can be done successfully. I would've never dreamed that AF living could be so good... Addiction keeps us in a small, dark place and the FREE world is just so incredibly beautiful and bright. Keep have the power to make this latest DAY ONE your LAST one ever.
                          Sober for the Revolution!
                          AF & NF July 23, 2011


                            I can't do it.

                            NS, SL, Juja, Turn, thanks for the welcomes and support. I'm struggling! Soon as I log in here I get worse - insanity! I will be back - just got to get my day one in, again!
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


