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thanks for advice

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    thanks for advice

    I'm brand new. In day 6 AF after detoxing myself at home (very dangerous) -- this after 4 clinical detoxes in 5 months. What is wrong with me after all the pain of getting out that I so easily give in? Someone on this site said "It is easier to STAY out than to GET out". That may be the best thing I have ever heard to remind me if/when I am poised to give in again. GETTING out is HELL. So is STAYING out, but not nearly as bad. Thanks, whoever it was who said that.:thanks:
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    thanks for advice

    Welcome Beatle.
    You have come to a great place for information, support and fun.
    Hang with us, share, and hopefully, you will be on the path for recovery.
    Hey, I love The Beatles.
    Who is your favorite?


      thanks for advice

      Dear Beatle.......yes, you're probably right, detox at home is not always a good one...but you seem to be ok, so I'm glad!!:l
      And're also right, staying out is DEFINITELY better than getting out....I keep thinking of this evry time the booze monster tries to kid me that I 'need' a drink...and think about all the lovely AF days I have built up....I do NOT want to start counting from day 1 again.....

      Joining you in STAYING out my friend!!!
      Be healthy, and look after yourself with some good food, and as much rest as you have time for......Good on you beatle
      (George Harrison is my man!)


        thanks for advice

        Hi Beatle, glad you're doing okay. Read the posts and stay with us.:h
        Enlightened by MWO


          thanks for advice

          Welcome Beatle

          6 days AF is a great start. I know how hard it must have been. But sounds like you have finally gotten out, so let us help you stay out. Keep posting - every day is good. We'll be here for you every day. Difficult as this may be, you are not doing this alone.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            thanks for advice

            6 days! I'd say your out of the woods now.

            it's going to be hard either way...abstaining or hurting yourself...the difference is that abstaining DOES get better in time.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              thanks for advice

              Beatle, you're doing way better than me, with 6 days out. It's a tough struggle for all of us, that's why it is so good to hang out here, to talk with others who can relate.


                thanks for advice

                Tree: I so identify w/you, because I too struggle. There are times when I full of resolve & nothing can make me drink. Then a small, fleeting thought will cross my mind, & I'm off & running again. This is the very first place I have been honest & that includes DrinkTracker. Today I feel strong in spite of the fact that we have a dinner party to go to.
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  thanks for advice

                  Beatle, Welcome .... If you can manage 6 days before coming here then you are winning ...

                  Well done ......

                  Love Betty xxx

