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Newbies in need day 26

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    Newbies in need day 26

    Hello everybody! I will start this thread again today and then butt out and let somebody else take a turn. So how we all doing? I have survived another AF Friday and am feeling stronger and more resloved each day. Thrilled to have my hubby raise the subject with me over coffee this morning and saying how much he admired my strength !! this is a major breakthrough as he wasn't supportive at the beginning. Now I will HAVE to keep going!! but, I feel like the cravings are getting worse even though I take all the supps and the Kudzu.I'm hoping that once a month is up, they will dissipate.I remember when I gave up the fags the first 3 weeks were the hardest.
    Thanks for advice Louise and Diverob about what to tell friends about my new teetotaller state. I wonder if they will still like me???
    I certainly can relate to Blueskys comments about the weekends being the "dangerzone "and I'm going to put the Hemingway quote up on my whiteboard at work
    " always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."
    I shudder when I think of things I have done and said in the past.
    Adaptabe, I am getting a lot of headaches too, so I will try Padme's suggestion of taking calcium to aid the absorption of the magnesium. I rattle as i walk at the moment!!
    Also, like Hart, i have developed an enormous appetite too...very unusual for me. Eating lots of biscuits and chocolate, yet losing weight. Those endless glasses of wine musta carried alot of empty calories!.
    You are doing well Nancy, absolutely no drinking at home, alone. Well done!!
    Now to lanie, you need to follow the MWO program honey, or it's all too hard. Read the book first and take it from there. Keep in touch with us for support.
    Heaven's, haven't I rambled on.....sorry
    Jane :heart:

    Newbies in need day 26

    Absolute congratulations on your 26 days AF!!
    Your husband is right, you are doing really well. It DOES take a lot of strength to do what you are doing. To face and challenge old patterns and problems and to move on to a healthier way of life. It isn't always easy, otherwise everyone would be able to do it at the drop of a hat!!
    Good to read about the calcium / magnesium relationship, cause I feel like I rattle when I walk at the moment too.
    Take care and keep it up (and you weren't rambling, it was an interesting read!!)

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Newbies in need day 26

      Hi: I'm here at the MWO site but struggling. I think I'll read postings for a day or so. Hope to be inspired.
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in need day 26

        Good morning Jane and Amelia! Jane, you are doing a great job. I hope the cravings will lessen soon.

        I am doing mods, but have read w/interest the comments about how to explain not drinking. I think everyone finds their own words/way, but I also think keeping it simple can sometimes be easiest. I had a friend visit recently who has been AF for 6 months. She doesn't like to explain the not drinking because she is private. However, because she was a bit mysterious about it, my other friends kept asking me what was going on and it became a topic. (When she visited in the past she was drinking quite a bit.) I think if I decide to go AF I will just say something like, "I felt I was going overboard and need to take better care of myself." That way you are not making any pronouncements or giving out more info than is already obvious...Just a thought...Everyone who knows me knows I drink too much so I don't think they would need further explanation, lol.

        Hope everyone has a great day!


          Newbies in need day 26

          Jane, I’m just curious are you taking Topa? I cut my dose to 75 MG from 100 MG yesterday and I had less of a headache. I was hoping to increase my dosage, not decrease it by this time. I’ve been a severe migraine sufferer all my life, so I was so happy to find a drug that would help me with my high blood pressure, alcoholism and migraine, a miracle drug. I’ve been taking calcium and magnesium and drinking lots of water and eating healthy, no junk and very little sugar, so it’s not that. I’m trying very hard and crying very hard. Perhaps that’s why the pain. Day 18 AF! JIPPEE!!

          ((((retteacher)))) Take care, don’t be hard on yourself, it’s a damn struggle and I hope you find some inspiration here. I’m so grateful that I did. I’d much rather have a headache and cry than drink 10-14 beers, smoke pot and cigarettes like I did every night and know that I was slowly killing myself. At least I feel happy in my heart and proud of myself. I like looking at myself in the mirror now for the first time in a long time.


            Newbies in need day 26

            Adaptable: Thank you so much for the encouragement. You said exactly what I needed to hear. Tonight we're going to a dinner party, & I have a plan for abs. I really want to follow through for tonight. I'm trying not to think too far ahead. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in need day 26


              It's not easy to admit one is struggling. But it's harder to keep trying. You announcing u want to read MWO and not give up is courageous. It's easy to come here when we are moderating well or Abstaining.

              Good on you for coming here, posting, and still fighting the fight.:goodjob:


                Newbies in need day 26

                Hello again
                No, adaptable, I am not taking Topa...I am a migraine sufferer and thought the topa sounded like a miracle drug also. But, I haven't yet accessed it. But never say never...bit confusing if you're headaches are getting worse when it's meant to help them. Perhaps it is a case of getting the correct dosage? i am on a daily beta blocker to try to prevent mine, which I continue to take. But the heads have been much worse since I gave up the grog. Go figure!
                Hang in there Reteacher.We are thinking of you and hoping to give you strenghth.
                Jane :heart:


                  Newbies in need day 26

                  Good for you, and how wonderful that your husband acknowledges your accomplishment.
                  Keep up it up, it inspires all of us.


                    Newbies in need day 26


                    Jane and Adaptable, Congrats to both of you on AF days. You both mention headaches. I'm not taking the topa or magnesium, am on day 8 of no drinks and day 4 of headaches worse than when I drank. I don't have a history of headaches unrelated to drinking. Is there a thread somewhere dedicated to this for ideas besides water, etc. I actually had the thought this morning, even before coffee, that I would like a drink to make the headache go away! I have never drunk in the morning - rarely before 5 or 6 pm. Anyone else with lots of headaches? Suggestions from others who have dealt with this?

