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Into the abyss…

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    Into the abyss…

    Thanks Byrdie!


      Into the abyss…

      Heading out this morning for another camping trip with a large group of people. Its been two weeks since I made this post here and what a difference adding two more weeks AF under my belt has made. I feel so committed to this AF journey. I'll keep my eye out for the beast though. I know it's always lurking!

      I'm not sure if I'll have connection when I'm away but I'll be thinking of all of you and will know that you are thinking of me too!!! I'll check in if/when I can. Have a great AF weekend. I'll be home Thursday next week.


        Into the abyss…

        Have fun, Ginger!
        You have found your strong inner voice. I'm proud of you.

        "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
        so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."


          Into the abyss…

          Hope you have another great camping weekend. We'll look forward to hearing from you when you get back!
          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


            Into the abyss…

            Just got back from my camping trip and made it unscathed! The longer I abstain the easier this becomes. Thank you all for being there for me!!


              Into the abyss…

              Way to go Ginger!

              Staying vigilant is the way to stay sober. Keep checking in here as a reminder of staying sober, and what you do NOT want to go back to.

              Isn't sober camping great? I felt so much more connected to nature and my surroundings.



                Into the abyss…

                YES! And so much more relaxed. Part of our group drove to some wineries for tasting and I stayed back at the camp with the wee ones. We had a great time riding our bikes, playing in the water, walking the dogs, etc. You name it, we did it. I'm so glad I made the decision to be AF and not moderate. I couldn't doing this half way.


                  Into the abyss…

                  Heading out in the morning (day 50 af) for a trip to the beach with my sis and some gkids. I can't believe how different I feel about this AF journey than I did when I started it. These gatherings get easier the more I do them. I have two more BIG trips coming up in July and August. Those will be more of a challenge than the one I'm taking tomorrow. I should be able to check in on this trip.

                  Thanks everyone for being here!


                    Into the abyss…

                    Congratulations Ginger on 50 days AF! What a wonderful accomplishment and it's inspiring to read about all the fun and happiness you're discovering. Way to go!!
                    Mary Lou

                    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                      Into the abyss…

                      So happy for you Ginger. Xxx
                      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                        Into the abyss…

                        Home from another successful AF trip! Feels so good to go and not have to obsess over AL. Thanks for your continued support.


                          Into the abyss…

                          Awesome news Ginger! It does feel good, doesn't it? So much better than the alternative! Thanks for sharing your successes here - very inspiring.
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                            Into the abyss…

                            Now if I can make it through the July and August trips. They will be more of a challenge but I'll have a plan and stick to it!!


                              Into the abyss…

                              I started this thread some 40 days ago and I'm amazed at how differently I feel about heading out tomorrow after being AF 65+ days. I was scared to death back then that I'd lose those 24 days. As I pack for this trip, I'm excited for the adventure. I'm packing my "soda pop" for the evening campfires; I have my plan. I'm going with people in different stages of alcoholism from heavy drinkers (starting at 9am) to drinkers ramping up (still waiting until 5pm) to complete non-drinkers. I'm counting myself in that last group now. No exceptions! I know that I'd never be writing this today if not for all of you and the support and wisdom I've gained here. When I count my blessings, I think of all of you and MWO.


                                Into the abyss…

                                Ginger - You have definitely come a long way since you started this thread. Way to go with all of your AF days! You sound strong heading into this next trip. Be sure to check in (at least reading) while you're gone, and we will look forward to your good news when you return!
                                Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

