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My first day here

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    My first day here

    Today is my first day here. Feeling awkward, like the new kid in school! Lol. :new:

    My first day here

    Welcome Fallen, glad you found your way here. I've found this to be a great place to land to get and give the support we need to make it through this difficult journey. When your ready join us over at the Newbies Nest (link below) and introduce yourself to the many wonderfully supportive people we have around us all at various stages of the same journey. We also have the Toolbox (link also below) where those who've been on the journey share some of their techniques for remaining AF. (alcohol free)
    “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

    "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

    Newbies Nest
    Newbies Nest Roll Call
    Cattleman Cafe


      My first day here

      Hi Fallen, dont fell like a new kid, we were all newbies once, now im feeling kind of old and thats a good thing as it means i am sober.

      Head over to the newbies nest, someone will post a link or have a look around. My advice post on here like a lunatic and come here daily, you will soon settle in and stop al.

      Would you like to tell us why you are here or what bought you here? I was a 2 bottle of wine a day drinker, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year for 10+ years. Now ive been sober for nearly 6 months and i cant recommend it enough.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        My first day here

        I drink wine, usually a bottle a day, but trying to cut back and eventually stop. Read the book, bought all the vitamins and supplements, haven't ordered the prescription meds, worry about the side effects.


          My first day here

 are where I am. I'm still drinking but knowing that change must come if I'm to remain a whole, sane person. I'm currently taking naltrexone but have Antabuse waiting in the wings should I decide I'm strong enough to try it. Here's to hoping we will find our way.


            My first day here

            Why did u decide to take that instead of the topomax?


              My first day here

              Hi Fallen and welcome. I definitely remember my first post. I was scared and lonely and didn't know if I would be accepted. But coming to MWO saved my life. You have made the right choice.

              Wine was my poison too. It's a tough one - socially acceptable, but lethal. As the others have said, check out the newbies nest and get the support you need. You can do this. xx
              Everything is going to be amazing


                My first day here

                Welcome Fallen, Great job on taking that first step. You are not alone here, all the kids will play with you on the playground.

