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Naltrexone nausea

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    Naltrexone nausea

    Hello all, I was prescribed Naltrexone last year and it made me so I'll i couldn't function, decided to try a half tab on the weekend and spent the afternoon throwing up, spaced out and nauseous, has anyone ekes experienced the same?

    Naltrexone nausea

    Yes sirry bob... Exactly why I have decided to quit taking it.. It also worsen the after drinking anxiety.. Did feel spaced out as well... Like not feeling happy.. If that makes sense.

    Usually if you eat a decent meal and take it... It can decrease the nausea but I found I had a hard time eating for a couple days after taking it which is no good for your body...


      Naltrexone nausea

      Oh yes the spaced out feeling too! Just couldn't function even in a half tab, apparantly a small percentage of people experience this, I'm one of them grrr no fair ( why is it all sooo hard..... Oh and Campral did zero for me just kept drinking!


        Naltrexone nausea

        Good to know about Campral .. It was suggested to me but I wasn't interested.

        Where are you now with drinking?? Still drinking daily or just have slips or ??


          Naltrexone nausea

          I tried Nal years ago and it really made me feel flat and depressed - I had no feeling or desire to do anything - truly horrible - and then on one occasion I sort of spaced out. So I didn't pursue with it.


            Naltrexone nausea

            Still drinking daily....


              Naltrexone nausea

              Wanna tell me what's happening?


                I just started Nal and am on day 5. Started out at 25 mg for 3 days. Then 50. Been so nauseous with such a bad headache I can barely get out of bed. Trying to chase the buzz while on it so keep drinking even tho I don't want to. Does anyone else do that? It's stupid, but I am addicted and miss the buzz. And now the nal is making me sick as a dog. Hard to stay motivated to take it. Anyone else have these symptoms? I'm new here in this forum. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

