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headaches anyone???

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    headaches anyone???

    Hi there
    I few of us have noticed that we have been getting some nasty headaches since quitting. A couple of us are migraine sufferers, but not all.
    has anybody else experienced headaches since giving up the demon drink?? any suggestions on causes ,or how to stop them would be appreciated!
    Thanks Jane:thanks:
    Jane :heart:

    headaches anyone???

    Hello Jane, Yes I had headaches for the first week af, nearly all day in fact a kind of muzziness stayed with me, I was quite disapointed because I foolishly thought I would be leaving all that behind. I'm now starting day 12 af and find that the headaches are just when I wake up, I don't reach for a load of paracetamol as I used to, and find that the headache goes away quite quickly. We just have to persevere - the senior members assure us that things just get better and better - I'm confident they're right, 'cos I can feel improvement now...........A.G.


      headaches anyone???

      Jane, everything usually improves by 30 days, so hang in there. When I quit, I didn't have so much of a problem with headaches, but was not sleeping well and generally felt off. As the AF days progressed, I noticed more and more that I was sleeping and feeling better in general, so much so that it made me OVER confident and led to two days of drinking!

      So, stick with it, but also beware that getting past those physical issues can open you to ofther challenges as well!
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        headaches anyone???

        Hi Jane,

        Are you taking any of the supps? The milk thistle caused me to get a nagging headache so I stopped taking it. Like Amazing Grace, I was disappointed to wake up generally feeling like I was hungover when I hadn't even drank the night before, but more AF days you string together, the better you will feel. You're doing a tremendous job!



          headaches anyone???

          Hi Jane

          Yes, I have gotten the headaches when I've gone AF, starting around day 4 and lasting about a week, maybe a little less. It seems to be a pretty common complaint. Hope yours go away soon.

          AF since 6JUN2012


            headaches anyone???

            It's day 19 AF for me and I'm stil having really bad headaches. I’m eating well, taking calcium magnesium, drinking water, going to the chiropractor and nothing seems to work. I’m at my wits end. I’ve decreased the Topa from 100 MG to 75 MG and thought that might help, but woke up this morning in such pain. I’ve often started drinking again because of headaches, I am just not going to do it this time, but oh, boy is it ever giving me grief. I’m even still getting migraines! Pain pills don’t help at all. They are starting to dissipate in the late afternoons though, that’s a relief, but don’t ever disappear.


              headaches anyone???

              I agree, a lot of things were hard at first, but after 20-30 days it is much easier. Hang in there and congrats on the job you are doing
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                headaches anyone???

                well i'm up to 200mg of topa headaches mostly in the evening. the thing that sux is i get more sick now that i quit then i ever did before i never got hung over i was one of the lucky ones (maybe thats what put me where im at now hmmmmmmm? Owwww that thinking thing hurt) but any way i did 2 1/2 weeks af and then tested it and i guess i wasnt ready yet now i didnt go back to as bad as i was but i was working on it. after 2 weeks of slipping i said enough and got back on the wagon. my question is has anybody else notice that topa changed the flavor of beer?
                http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/aude sapere "have the corage to gain to insight"


                  headaches anyone???

                  Isn't the Topamax for migraines???????????? I got it for alcohol and headaches... But when there is no drink, the headaches are much worse.....


                    headaches anyone???

                    I'm new to the site (day 2) but I thought of something to share and I hope it helps. I went to a quit-smoking program through my old job and the counselor suggested we use the milk thistle to cleanse the liver also BUT he stressed over and over that we should increase our intake of fiber quite a bit because the milk thistle moves bad stuff out of the liver but now that stuff is in our bodies until it can work its way out and that can cause all kinds of aches and pains and even flu-like symptoms. Just thought I'd pass that along.


                      headaches anyone???

                      Thanks for the info Kay!


                        headaches anyone???

                        First of all, congratulations Amazing Grace!

                        I had a headache last night after dinner and this morning i felt like i had been hit by a truck, but i am slowly getting better. Don't feel all that sick, aren't as shaky as i was yesterday. But, am worried about the ensuring weekend. I won't be drinking tonight as i have to work (and am going to try to avoid it like the plague) and i think i can get through Saturday night as well, but Sunday and Monday are going to be the hardest because Monday is a public holiday. I think i am going to rent DVDs on Sunday night to keep me occupied.

                        Anyway, getting back to the headaches, is it possible you have a wheat allergy? I noticed after eating wheat (bread, pasta etc.) that i would get terrible headaches, that pretty much put me out for the whole day. When i decided to go gluten-free (well, with the bread & pasta i did), i felt a lot better. That didn't put me in good stead for beer, but i avoided that too and drank wine. Unfortunately, you can't get gluten-free beer!

                        So, maybe do a search on 'gluten allergies' and see what you come up with. I found it useful to consciously monitor what i was eating and then to see how i reacted. You may also be allergic to something else.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          headaches anyone???

                          I'm AF day 31 and my headaches are just starting. I'm guessing it has nothing to do w/withdrawing Maybe allergies, I don't know but I hope it goes away soon. I'm thinking of going back to drinking it hurts so much.(I won't tho) Wanted to not go to work, but I missed yesterday.

                          If it doesn't get better, I'll see doc before I go back to drinking, but I'm not feeling my normal cheerful self. If baring my teeth at anyone who bothers me is an indication.


                            headaches anyone???

                            Hart, hang in there. Adaptable and I already tried that experiment and ended up with worse headaches! Ours both appear to be allergy/sinus stuff. Do see the doc and feel better soon.


                              headaches anyone???

                              Headache and Topa - Update

                              When I first started I was taking topa at bedtime. And having horrible headaches. Later I started, for convienience sake, taking it before dinner with the other supplements. I was initially concerned about this as before topa has made me so groggy and I didn't want to be knocked out for the evening. But all went fine, my sinuses got treated headaches gone and thought it was alll sinuses. The last 2 days I have been really busy and forgot to take supps and topa before dinner and took topa before bed. Woke up both days with headache and nausea despite being AF and no sinus infection. Just wanted to let people know if you are having trouble with this try taking it with dinner.

