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Newbies in need - Day 27

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    Newbies in need - Day 27

    Hi Everyone:

    Hope your weekend is going well. Last night we went to a dinner party, & I drank diet soda all night. I feel so great about myself today.
    What I noticed:
    -I wasn't obssessing about how much I would be able to drink.
    -I didn't have my eye on the wine bottle all night.
    -I followed the conversation at all times.
    -I was the designated driver...though my husband only had 2 beers (his limit).
    I did notice another person whom I've seen drink quite a lot at past dinner parties. She refilled her own wine glass a few times. The hostess is a non-drinker & just doesn't think about refilling. I would have been doing the same right along side of this other guest refilling my glass if I had decided to drink. I feel so good about myself right now. I'm going to try to remember this feeling the next time I'm tempted to drink.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 27

    thats fantastic!

    dont forget how you felt and feel now, but, also dont forget how you would have felt if you had drunk :goodjob:


      Newbies in need - Day 27

      WooHoo!!! Reeteach!!! Every time you overcome a hurdle you build and strengthen yourself. It's so reaffirming of what you have chosen to do not like being taken over by some alien monster. I'm so proud for you!!

      It's the holiday weekend here and I went shopping yesterday and every end cap of the aisle had beer on it, or wine, or wine coolers, or mixers or suggestions for drinks. Is it just the US or does every holiday have to be surrounded with alcohol? Aiii!

      Well, I'm enjoying the weekend, having a good time with family, Day 11 AF, wishing everyone the same!!

      AF 21, March 2010

      "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


        Newbies in need - Day 27

        Great job retteacher! I know the eye on the bottle routine, lol. So glad you are feeling good.


          Newbies in need - Day 27

          Rettehcher WAY TO GO!!!!!!! That so great!! I had 3 girlfriends over for dinner last night and I was so proud also not to be the drunk at the table like usual. My friends are such light drinkers between them and my hubby they only drank 2 bottles of wine!! If I had been drinking I know at least 4 bottles would have been opened and then I would have continued drinking beer until I’d have passed out. Instead I had a wonderful evening with my friends and remembered every bit of the conversation.


            Newbies in need - Day 27

            Way to go retteacher! Tonight is my 1st test of being around others drinking. Hope I do as well as you!


              Newbies in need - Day 27

              Oh, it is so inspiring to hear that a social evening without alcohol can be enjoyable.
              Congrats and Thank You!


                Newbies in need - Day 27

                Well done, cant wait to be there myself, keep it up.


                  Newbies in need - Day 27

                  Thats great ret. I went to a drinkers house yesterday .She wanted to get together so our kids could play. I loaded up the kids and we went. She had a refridgerator full of beer and I drank a few slowly not fast enough to get high. After awhile I stopped and was able to go home after watching a long movie. It was pretty boring since I don't talk much when sober but was glad to get through it. Bird

