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Kudzu question

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    Kudzu question

    Hi gang,

    I am also very new here.. joined the forum a few weeks ago but did not post a lot since then.. I was waiting for my book, CDs and supps.. I have all of that now and I was wondering if it takes a while for the Kudzu to have any effects ? I have been taking it almost every day as directed, but I find zero decrease in my cravings. I am also taking the glutamine, but only once a day..probably not enough..

    Also, I have been listening to the CDs for about one week as well.. any ideas on how long it takes on average to start having any effects ? I read in the book 20 to 30 days ? maybe I need to be more patient..not an easy thing for me :-)


    Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda

    Kudzu question

    hi riker

    im sorry but i am no way able to answer you, pehaps if you give the dose of the kudzu others could help. or post elsewhere, just didnt want you to feel ignored and to bump your post.

    you dont say how long you have gone AF but good for you for doing so. i have not yet, so you are a stage ahead of me


      Kudzu question

      Hi and Welcome Riker!

      The recommendations for the kudzu are now higher than when the book was first written. Not sure how much you are taking. She now recommends taking 900-1300 mg a day. I find that if I take the majority of that midafternoon it helps. So I will take 4-6 capsules along with the l-glut at around 3:00. Nothing is a magic pill though. You have to want to make a change. Keep posting. The support here can really help a lot as well...
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Kudzu question

        Welcome Riker,I would go along with what Lushy says.
        Best of luck Paula.


          Kudzu question

          Hi Riker,

          Can't help with the supps question but just wanted to Welcome you to the site, so :welcome: ! I'm sure your patience will pay off as it will take a while to find what works best for you, but it gets easier when you start noticing the benefits of not drinking. So hang in there! Look forward to hearing more from you
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
          Days 1-7 DONE
          Days 8-14 DONE
          Days 15-21 DONE
          30 days DONE
          60 days
          100 days


            Kudzu question

            L-glute under the toung is a real help to me when the cravings are strong. Also like lushy says the increased Kudzu works much better.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Kudzu question

              Lushgirl is right about the kudzu. Take it right before the most tempting time of the day for you. 4-6 capsules is a lot, but for now, it may be necessary. There is no magic moment when everything changes - I wish there were. There is just the daily commitment and faith in this program and in your friends here to help you one step at a time. Little by little, step by step, you will grow stronger and be more successful. Keep posting. We love to hear from you and will try to help every step along the way if we can.
              :welcome: :yougo: :yougo: :welcome:
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                Kudzu question

                Thanks everyone

                Thanks everyone, I will "up" the dose, I was taking 3 capsules first thing in the morning with my protein shake and 3 more at around 4:00pm.. that's it.. so I'll try taking a bit more in mid afternoon.

                AF has been hit and miss so far.. more miss than hit I would say :-( .. but I am drinking less than I was 3 weeks ago.. so I have to look at it as some kind of progress..less is not ideal when that still means about 4 to 6 beers a day, but it's better than the 10 to 12 a day I'm used to. Just that reduction already makes me feel better the next day.. cause you know how we get used to a certain level.. when 10 beers on a Tuesday night is "not a big deal" the next day, you know you have developed a tolerance for the stuff..but of course it is a big deal.. anyways, I'm hoping to start stringing together some AF days and when I do drink to keep it down even further..My goal is mod and I think I can do it, but I need some AF before I can do that, like a month would be a good goal..

                Like I mentionned, just starting out and this forum has already helped me a LOT. Thanks again for all of you kindred souls here that respond and share.

                Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                  Kudzu question

                  Any change in the right direction is a good thing. Wishing you the best.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Kudzu question

                    any time you have a question, post it...we have all had hurdles at one time or another and some is bound to have had one similiar to yours....hang in and post away!! we are all here for each of luck to you...


                      Kudzu question

                      You're headed in the right direction, Riker. Right now your cutting back. Next week or the week after that you may decide to go AF a couple of days a week. It all adds up. The beauty of this program is there is no right or wrong way to break the cycle of alcohol abuse. The goal is simply to be able to make life changes (whether moderation or abstaining) that make you healthier and happier. Thanks to a lot of insight and good advice from the people here it's so much more manageable than trying to do it all alone. Good luck!



                        Kudzu question

                        Hi Riker

                        I don't know about Kudzu but I have been taking glutamine three times a day. I read a book called seven days to sobriety which is basically a very high vitamin regime written by an American. In the book they take 6 glutamine capsules a day. I have been taking it three times a day and it helps me more than the kudzu. For the first time in years I have managed 6 AF days and am determined not to give in. Even watched my husband drink a bottle of wine with a friend last night and did not touch the bottle he bought for me. It was a bit of a struggle but I feel really good not to have given in. Don't give up - you will get lots of support from the people here....


                          Kudzu question

                          Welcome Riker - cutting consumption in 1/2 is a good start toward your goal!


                            Kudzu question

                            Welcome Riker,
                            You're doing great, thats a great cut in consumption and if you are already feeling then thats more motivation for keeping going. Well done
                            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

