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another bender

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    another bender

    first time here. i need to do something though. been talking about getting help, seeing a therapist, not drinking during the week etc etc etc....dont remember much after my second bottle of wine last nite though. i love wine, its evil though. i am thinking about getting on the MWO program too. well, just stopping by to say hi and enjoying all ur insight. i'll be here for a while.

    another bender

    Welcome Fammy! you can gain a lot of insight by downloading RJ's book from this site and have a read. Of course everyone is welcome to join in the AB's or MOds forums etc. and we'll slug this out together
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      another bender

      Determinator;141178 wrote: Welcome Fammy! you can gain a lot of insight by downloading RJ's book from this site and have a read. Of course everyone is welcome to join in the AB's or MOds forums etc. and we'll slug this out together
      thanks bro, i will read that. just felt like complete crap this am, wondering why do i keep doing this to myself, clearly its not enjoyable...guess thats why its an addiction. thanks for listening


        another bender

        Welcome Fammy,I agree with all the above advice.
        Hope you feel well soon.


          another bender

          Hi Fammy, I remember those mornings all too well. I usually couldn"t remember much of the previous evenings that brought about the sh***y mornings. I also would think to myself it wasn't worth it but kept on doing the same thing over and over. I'm starting 2 weeks sober now and so far I haven't missed it much. I drink AF beer in a fancy beer glass if I need the feeling of having an adult beverage, I was a wino too,....something about the fancy glass, and the slice of lime, works for me.....I like myself better. Glad to see you on here and will look forward to hearing about your journey...Buffy


            another bender

            Hi Fammy & welcome ....

            Yes, I remember those feelings all too well ....

            Once you start to cut down or stop you will feel sooo much better ......

            Good luck,
            BB xx


              another bender

              Hey Fammy, seems like you are on the right track and sounds positive that you are not drinking during the week too. That only gives you two or three days to focus on not seven which cuts down the pressure somewhat.

              Most people would not remember what they did or said after drinking 2 bottles of wine so you are not too different there....sounds like you are at the right place to find the answers that you are looking for.

              And big congrats for seeking out the professional advice of a therapist, it can be an experience that is frightening, yet liberating, challenging, daunting, exciting, emotional etc, etc, etc.

              All while you are considering cutting down or cutting out alcohol which you may have used to mask your emotions before....phew, full marks to you!!


              Sober since 30/06/10


                another bender

                Welcome aboard.
                What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                  another bender

                  My story exactly. I polished off three bottles of red wine yesterday and trashed an otherwise beautiful day. I'm new to this forum, but not to this problem. I really want to quit... 100%


                    another bender

                    Hi connie...good luck...get eating healthy stuff today, walk, read and be kind to have done the first step..but remeber it takes time and support to make changes to well entrenched habits...i am still struggling on trying to keep with moderating..but i feel so good that i havent been drunk since before easter!!!
                    Nothing as ugly as a drunk!!I should know!!!

                    Regards Cassy


                      another bender

                      Welcome Fammy! Glad you are here


                        another bender

                        Welcome Fammy,

                        My best advice is to set small goals that are attainable. Start by drinking less often, even if it one day less a week. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment that will give you the momentum to add another day AF. All the little goals add up over the months and soon you'll be in the right mind to decide if you should try to moderate or go alcohol free. Keep logging on here. I have learned so much since joining MYO (and I am drinking much less). Good luck!



                          another bender

                          thanks everybody for the support. i am feeling much better today, last few days drinking beer to a very min. and no wine. my goal is to continue to drink less and and then nothing during the week. my main problem is on weekends, especially when there is hockey, foortball or golf on. the two, for me, just make me feel so pleasurable inside. so thats my main area of attack. thanks everybody, talk to u soon.


                            another bender

                            Well done! Welcome Connie and Fammy


                              another bender

                              Hello Connie and Fammy:
                              Welcome to MWO! The book is an easy read and well worth it if you get the chance. You can down load it or get on over to the book store. It has so much good advice. These boards are also full of great stuff from all over the world. Nothing like talking to real people who are dealing with the same problems you are facing. You are not alone and this is the place to let your feelings and your questions flow. No judgements here!! Just support and cyber hugs! Glad you both found us.
                              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

