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Please help a Day 1 person!

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    Please help a Day 1 person!

    Hi everyone!

    I have been reading this website for many hours over the past 2 days. I am one of those people that know I need help, but I can't imagine living life without wine! I guess they call it at "lurker" for now.... I hope to graduate to a "do-er" and success story soon...

    Just being here and hearing the stories, this is probably the first time I have felt I could actually do it --- on my own. This was a big obstacle for me since I couldn't just "take off" and disapper for a month from my new job.

    I am such a fraud. I do really well at work --- even hungover --- but my problem is at home. I have a 15.5 year old that knows my number. The good thing is that she is extremely responsible and is doing well. I just don't want to complicate her life more than it is already!

    I just know that I need to change my behavior because I never remember the lete conversation from the night before... I feel so stupid. I also want to be there for my children.

    I have heard posts that have had immediate effect. Please help before something really bad happens....

    Thanks so much! Have a great day! ):new:

    Please help a Day 1 person!

    Welcome Pink Lady!

    I was a lurker for a while as well. I have been trying to moderate for a few weeks and am doing better than I normally do but have a ways to go.

    I know that horrible feeling of not remembering the conversations. I often made a point NOT to bring up any real topics the next day for fear of my husband saying, "Don't you remember we talked about that?"

    Have you read the book or ordered any supps? Keep posting and get involved. Decide whether you want to try mods or alcohol free. Jump on the site when you feel like drinking.

    I am sure others will have lots to add. Welcome again.:welcome:


      Please help a Day 1 person!

      Hi Pink'
      I'm like that too----great at work ,superb parent etc... but----theres that frigging booze...its so hard to quit. Stick with us and you will get plenty of support. Welcome. Bird


        Please help a Day 1 person!

        Hi there Pink Lady,

        You are right, you know, you are the only person who can do this, but that said, you can get a lot of support from here and there is also a lot of support out there if you ask for it.

        I tried a lot of times to quit by myself and thought that if I created this problem that I could fix it, but I was wrong. It was only when I reached out and sought help from every source possible that things started to work.

        I've been completely sober for 6 months now and I feel great. I drank wine - up to two bottles a night every day and I too functioned very well at work. But inside I was dying. I felt awful for what I was doing to my girls (I'm a single parent of two teens). I felt sick and knew I was killing myself.

        I got counselling, went to my Dr, took medication, posted on here, read everything I could find and told all my friends I needed thier help. I even told my boss. And you know what, it's been wonderful. I reward myself with gifts for staying sober and treat myself to small pleasures every single day.

        I went and bought a motorbike and learnt how to ride! Try doing that with a hangover!

        Some days are hard, and the monster comes to tempt me, but I know what I want, where I want to be now and in the future, and grog doesn't fit into the picture.

        You CAN do this (if I can, you can!)


        PS I recommend reading the posts by 'MikeupNorth' on this site, he's a wonderful writer and has great insights. Have you tried the chat, that can be a great instant boost to get through tough moments.
        It always seems impossible until it's done....


          Please help a Day 1 person!

          Welcome PinkLady!!!


            Please help a Day 1 person!

            Hi Pink, I agree get the book, and follow the program. Starting out is not usually a quick fix. It takes a little time to get everything in order. Hang in there and keep on posting.
            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              Please help a Day 1 person!

              Welcome Pink Lady,

              Like myself, you have come to the right place. I do believe this time, it WILL be different because of the wonderful support you get here in combination with the book, the CDs, the Supplements.. and if need be the meds. It's multi pronged attack on the enemy that is alcohol.

              I just started myself about a week ago or's hard, but this place really does help.

              Welcome and you'll see.. things will get better..

              Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                Please help a Day 1 person!

                Pink, dangit, I wrote you this big long thing and something happend. Anyway.....welcome and welcome!
                Gabby :flower:


                  Please help a Day 1 person!

                  Hello PinkLady,
                  Welcome to a lovely place. I'm sure things will work out for you.


                    Please help a Day 1 person!

                    book in hand, pink and breathing deep. welcome, i'm on day 3. so i'm happy you are here. we all need each other. you aren't alone. just keep posting. how are you feeling? i really like the cds and the supplements and the meds


                      Please help a Day 1 person!

                      Hi Pink Lady:welcome:

                      You've come to a great place and many of us here are on the journey with you.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Please help a Day 1 person!

                        Hello Pink

                        I am not far ahead...Day 2 for me. Welcome. i have been a lurker for about 4 months, deciding more and more that this is the place i need to be. i am doing the topa and the l-glutamine, and it really does help. ironically, i one of my per diem positions is at a rehab center, which uses the topamax protocol for alcoholism (among other medications to treat bi-polar disorder) the doctors there are awesome. they have had tremendous response with the medication, so i had to give it a try. of course i could never admit that i too am trying to conquer this demon while at work. but i do know where my patients are coming from. so i know what you are talking about when you say you are functional at work. had one drink yesterday, and 1/2 my cape coder tonight...felt like a kid and opted for chocolate milk it feels really good. i am here if you need me. i like your saying...lets be do-er's together, best of luck!


                          Please help a Day 1 person!

                          Welcome, understand just how you feel. I have a very responsible job, my colleagues
                          would be shocked if they new of my problem. Having practised this programme for
                          a few months now I am af, it's great to be able to remember conversation and not
                          have blackouts. Do read the book, it's very practical, and do keep reading and posting.
                          This site has and the wonderful people on it have been my salvation.
                          Love Paula.


                            Please help a Day 1 person!

                            Hi Pink lady and :welcome: -

                            A great place to be amongst friends! Am also a single Mum of 2 teenage girls and they love that I no longer drink - they're my biggest motivators - having finally taken responsibility for my drinking by facing up to it, I've put myself in to the position of choosing what I do to my children. If I started drinking again I see it now as a conscious decision to continue harming them, and how could I do that?- although I never physically hurt them I was so irresponsible, and whilst my memories are blurred or non-existent, theirs are sharp and long-term. I'm desperately trying to create new memories of their Mum before they leave home - a Mum they're proud of, who is there for them...I've got a lot of making up to do!

                            Good luck with your first steps - you've got some great advice already so look forward to hearing more from you.
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days


                              Please help a Day 1 person!

                              Hi all.

                              I would really like a do over, and start again today... Last night was just the worst possible, again.. Can I start over on this thread?

