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Newbies in Need Day 29!

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    Newbies in Need Day 29!

    Good morning everyone from the Uk! Hope everyone had a successful weekend whether they were abstaining or trying to moderate. Fingers crossed! For anyone new coming across this thread, we started at the beginning of May to try and support each other daily no matter what our goal was. If this is your first visit, welcome its great to have you here!

    I can tell you, its been my backbone over the last month and I wouldn't have reached my goal (30 days!) without logging on to MWO several times a day! When times were bad I just came on here and there would always be someone with a friendly reply and words of encouragement, just what I needed. Thank you all so much for getting me through a difficult month.

    I haven't done the meds - just the supps/vits and hypno cds plus I've read lots of books to keep me motivated. Yesterday late afternoon I had my first craving for a while then I realised I had forgotten to take my supps at lunchtime (I always make sure I take the L-glut & kudzo then) so they must definitely help! Good luck for today everyone, Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need Day 29!

    hi my name is rily im only starting to post tody havn't a clue where to start.


      Newbies in Need Day 29!

      Welcome Rily,

      You have found the right place to start. :welcome: The people here are incredible and we all help each other help ourselves.

      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


        Newbies in Need Day 29!

        Congrats Janice ! :goodjob: Wow.. 30 days AF that is amazing.. I don't think I have EVER been able to do that.. well maybe when I was 16 :H

        Excellent, you are an inspiration to us all.

        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


          Newbies in Need Day 29!

          Good morning Janice, Rily, Riker and all who follow,

          Janice, congrats!!! I have read your posts (and sometimes responded) since you began and you really should be proud of yourself. You had some tough days but kept going. I think you have inspired many others!

          Rily, this is a great place to start. You can also post in the general discussion area and under My Story if you like. You can of course post anywhere but these might be good places to start.

          Hey Riker

          I was AF last night for the first time in a long time. Aiming for mods today.



            Newbies in Need Day 29!

            Morning All!

            I tried to post on Friday and had problems - but then again we have been having problems conection wise for about 2 months here at the office.

            This weekend was the first anniversary of my father's passing. While it was difficult I was able to maintain AF for a total of 8 days since my last slip. I made myself sit and think about all the reasons I could have to drink and all the reasons why I shouldn't and the shouldn'ts won out handily. This week will be emotionally difficult and I want my head as clear as possible to deal with everything. Thanks to all here who have helped me clear my head!

            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Newbies in Need Day 29!

              Good job Lorelei. There are so many good reasons NOT to drink, aren't there? I can sympathize re your father. I lost my dad 5/19/06 and my mom 7/21/06. He had alzheimer's and finally died of a heart attack. Mom nursed him till the end and basically died from a combo of copd and fatigue. I am still so sad because after he died we all thought she would have a few years left to enjoy...

              I hope everyone had a great w/e and has a great week ahead.


                Newbies in Need Day 29!

                Hi all.

                Day 21 AF for me. Feeling pretty good. Joe goes to the doc today and will check into adjusting his depression pills (I know, I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE ABOUT BEING DEPRESSED), but his depression takes the form of sleeping 11-12 hours a day when off work. I couldn't unless I had jet lag....and I mean major time difference...LOL.

                Also he's checking to see if they get him some Viagra or something. If not, I'm growing those Penis flowers right away!


                  Newbies in Need Day 29!

                  Hi Hart,

                  Congratulations on 21 days AF --

                  If your husband is that depressed and on meds, that kills almost all sex drive.


                    Newbies in Need Day 29!

                    Janice, 30 days!!! WTO Girl!!

                    Rily, welcome. Please tell us a little about your self if you feel like it.

                    Lorelei, it was really good that you gave your self time out to sit and think. Take care this week and drink calming teas, it helps sometimes. Good luck to you.

                    (((Ducky))) wow, sorry to hear about your parents. That’s really something loosing them both within two months like that.

                    Hart, my neighbor!! Congrats on your 21 days AF. I’ve made it 21 day also. I’m so glad you are doing well and your humor is intact. Lol.


                      Newbies in Need Day 29!

                      Ducky - I can sympathize with you, lost my folks 8 months apart. They always put my brother and I first and did not take care of themselves. So they left us too soon, never to meet any grandkids. I am in the process of changing my life so I don't end up in the same place.

                      When my BF was on anti depressants after his step father passed away, he had ED issues at first but managed to eventually find a medicine that didn't affect him in that way. The problem is some physicians don't think it is a big deal - you have to fight for the nookie!!
                      Suddenly I see
                      This is what I want to be
                      suddenly I see
                      Why the hell it means so much to me.

                      -KT Tunstall


                        Newbies in Need Day 29!

                        Hi Everyone: Janice: congrats on the 30 days. It's wonderful. I'd love to keep this up for June. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Newbies in Need Day 29!

                          Congratulations Janice! WOW! Yes the supps help immensely when the cravings hit or to keep them at bay.

                          Welcome Rily!! Ditto Riker, right place to be!

                          Ducky I am so very sorry to hear that. With my parents poor health over the past couple years and their 57th anniversary coming up, I feel when one is gone the other will follow shortly, no matter which one goes first. Lorelei, sorry your parents were so young.

                          Hart and Adaptable - 21 days!! WAHOOOO!!

                          Yes, sometimes you have to fight for that when they are on meds!! That along with AF is something that gets better over the years on meds!!

                          You can do this!! Hugs to all of you, Mary


                            Newbies in Need Day 29!

                            Hi everyone. I am just checking in I hope everyones' day is going well.
                            Janice, I am so happy for you congradulations on Day 30.



                              Newbies in Need Day 29!

                              Thanks Mary, it was very hard.

                              Hi Jacy! Hope your day is going well.

                              Just back from the docs. More blood tests. I have been having joint pain and fatigue for almost a year. They have tested and tested. Now they are testing some more. I just want to know the source of the pain and what I can do to minimize it. Ugh...Oh well, at least they haven't found anything terrible.

                              Off to work out. BBL

